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發布時間:2023-02-14 01:09:17

❶ 求海綿寶寶劇場版歌曲

好像是Spongebob And Patrick Confront 吧,Goofy Goober Rock 是海綿寶寶彈吉他解救大家的時候的那首

❷ 第35集海綿寶寶最後的歌曲

Sweet Victory 歌詞 The winner takes all 成功的人獲得一切 Its the thrill of one more kill 恐懼的人總會失敗 不會失敗 the last on to fall will never sacrifice their will 我們不會犧...牲她們的願望 , dont ever look back on the world closing in 永遠也不要往後看 解開束縛 be on the attack with your wings on the wind 隨著風舞動你的翅膀 Oh, the games will begin 我們開始跳舞 *Chorus* (And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah. Its ours for the taking its ours for the fight. And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah.) 這是甜蜜的勝利,這就是我們要的世界,甜蜜的勝利,這是我們的勝利,我們的斗爭,這是甜蜜的勝利 And the one who's last to fall 有人最後失敗 The winner takes all 成功的人獲得一切 You don't win no silver 你不是什麼都得不到 You only lose the gold 你只失去一些 You push with a fever for your time keeps tolling on 你頭腦發熱,讓鍾聲不停的敲響 Against all the odds, against all your pain your backs on the wall with no one to blame 不計成敗,不計痛苦,你背靠著牆不責備任何人 Wild hearts won't be tamed 狂野的心永不屈服 *Chorus* And the one who's last to fall, the winner takes all 有人最後失敗,成功的人獲得一切 And the one who's last to fall yeah 有人最後失敗 *Chorus* And the one who's last to fall 有人最後失敗 The winner takes all 成功的人獲得一切

❸ 海綿寶寶3d片尾曲聖誕歌

聖誕歌(英文版)歌詞 Silent Night (平安夜) Silent night,holy night All is calm all is bright 『Round yon virgin Mother and Child Holy infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace Silent night,holy night Shepherds quake at the sight Glories stream from heaven afar Heavenly hosts sing Alleluyah Christ the Savior is born Christ the Savior is born Silent night,holy night Son of God,love』s pure light Radiant beams from Thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace Jesus,Lord,at Thy birth Jesus,Lord,at Thy birth Silent night,holy night All is dark,save the light Yonder,where they sweet vigils keep O』er the Babe who in silent sleep Rests in heavenly peace Rests in heavenly peace Amen! 聖誕歌(中文版)歌詞 平安夜 平安夜,聖善夜! 萬暗中,光華射, 照著聖母也照著聖嬰, 多少慈詳也多少天真, 靜享天賜安眠,靜享天賜安眠。 平安夜,聖善夜! 牧羊人,在曠野, 忽然看見了天上光華, 聽見天軍唱哈利路亞, 救主今夜降生,救主今夜降生! 平安夜,聖善夜! 神子愛,光皎潔, 救贖宏恩的黎明來到, 聖容發出來榮光普照, 耶穌我主降生,耶穌我主降生! 平安夜,聖善夜! 雖黑暗,仍光明, 用慈祥和溫柔來護衛, 聖嬰安靜中也在甜睡; 靜享天賜平安,靜享天賜平安。 阿們! Jingle Bells (鈴兒響叮當) Dashing through the snow On a one-horse open sleigh Over the fields we go Laughing all the way; Bells on bob-tail ring making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way! O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side; The horse was lean and lank; Misfortune seemed his lot; He got into a drifted bank And we we got upsot Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle all the way! 中文歌詞 中文歌詞 鈴兒響叮當 比爾朋特 詞曲/程雨菲 錄詞 1 啊沖破大風雪,我們坐在雪橇上, 快賓士過田野,我們歡笑又歌唱, 馬兒鈴聲響叮當,令人精神多歡暢, 我們今晚滑雪真快樂,把滑雪歌兒唱。 叮叮當,叮叮當,鈴兒響叮當, 今晚滑雪多快樂,我們坐在雪橇上, 叮叮當,叮叮當,鈴兒響叮當, 今晚滑雪多快樂,我們坐在雪橇上。 2 在一兩天之前,我想出外去游盪, 那位美麗小姑娘,她坐在我身旁, 那馬兒瘦又老,它命運不吉祥, 把雪橇拖進泥塘里,害得我們糟了殃。 叮叮當,叮叮當,鈴兒響叮當, 今晚滑雪多快樂,我們坐在雪橇上, 叮叮當,叮叮當,鈴兒響叮當, 今晚滑雪多快樂,我們坐在雪橇上。 3 白雪遍地,趁這年青好時光, 帶上親愛的朋友,把滑雪歌兒唱。 有一匹栗色馬,它日行千里長, 我們把它套在雪橇上,就飛奔向前方。 叮叮當,叮叮當,鈴兒響叮當, 今晚滑雪多快樂,我們坐在雪橇上, 叮叮當,叮叮當,鈴兒響叮當, 今晚滑雪多快樂,我們坐在雪橇上。

❹ 海綿寶寶中的「怪才樂隊」那一集中,海綿寶寶最後唱的搖滾歌曲是什麽名字

那首是Eisley/Kulick的《Sweet Sweet Victory》 輸入如上名字,網路Mp3有下載。 歌詞: Sweet Sweet Victory The winner takes all It's the thrill of one more kill The last one to fall Will never sacrifice their will Don't ever look back on the wind closing in The only attack were their wings on the wind oh the daydream begins And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, And it's ours for the taking It's ours for the fight And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, And the world is ours to follow Sweet sweet sweet victory

❺ 海綿寶寶大電影最後的那歌叫什麼


❻ 請問動畫片海綿寶寶撕破褲子那集最後海綿寶寶它們唱得是什麼歌,要歌名,謝謝

Ripped Pants 希望採納 謝謝

❼ 誰知道海綿寶寶3d大電影中最後海豚唱的歌曲叫什麼


❽ 海綿寶寶中文版第八季第26集最後唱的歌叫什麼


❾ 海綿寶寶歷險記2的片尾曲叫啥有句HERE WE GO NOW的那個

歌曲名:Squeeze Me



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