① 在幸福來敲門中的 愛之船 電影講述的是一什麼故事 為什麼他爸不讓看
愛之船(The Love Boat)是由美國廣播公司在1977年到1986年播放,演示一艘遊船上的故事。
愛之船主題歌為Paul Williams填詞,Jack Jones演唱 愛之船主題歌為Paul Williams填詞,Jack Jones演唱。電視停播之後,在1900年拍了一部電影 The Love Boat: A Valentine Voyage。UPN在1998年到1999年播放續集,The Love Boat: The Next Wave。Robert Urich主演船長Jim Kennedy。Several members of the cast of the original series guest-starred on one episode.
1977年間的一部膾炙人口的電視影集「愛之船(The Love Boat)」,掀起了一陣游輪旅遊的旋風,至今,「愛之船」這個字眼仍是許多人心中游輪的代名詞。影片中那艘優美造型、內裝典雅的游輪主要就是於太平洋公主號郵輪上拍攝。
泰瑞·海切爾(Teri Hatcher),1964年12月18日生於美國加州舊金山地區。在佛蒙特中學上學時,是學校啦啦隊的隊長。1982年被畢業班同學評選為「最有可能成為硬黃金舞女(Solid Gold Dancer)」的同學。在大學學習數學和工程時,業余時間到舊金山的美國音樂戲劇學院學習表演,後成為「1984淘金熱」職業啦啦隊的成員。准備轉學到加州理工學院時,為了給朋友一個面子,海切爾參加了一次演員公開招聘會,試鏡後成功得到電視連續劇《愛情小舟》(The Love Boat)中的一個歌舞角色,從此踏入好萊塢演藝圈。
② 電影《當幸福來敲門》中出現過的所有歌曲的歌曲名是什麼...
1. "Opening Credits"
2. "Beseech" by DJ Punchka和KB featured Strings Meowchee alongside Bossbenzi "Almost There " ft Bossbenzi of Duke A Dance Remix Boaz Quest
Music With Heart Songs "等。具體歌曲數量及名稱可能會因電影版本不同而有所變化。以下是對電影中歌曲的部分解釋。
一、《Opening Credits》
③ 當幸福來敲門音樂主題曲
電影《當幸福來敲門》主題曲《Welcome Chris》
1、Opening 開放
2、 Being Stupid 愚蠢
3、Running 運行
4、Trouble At Home 家裡的煩惱
5、Rubiks Cube Taxi 魔方計程車
6、Park Chase 公園追逐賽
7、Linda Leaves 琳達樹葉
8、Night At Police Station 夜間警察局
9、Possibly 可能
10、Wheres My Shoe 我的鞋子在哪裡
11、To The Game / Touchdown 游戲/觸地
12、Locked Out 鎖定
13、Dinosaurs 恐龍
14、Homeless 無家可歸者
15、Happyness 快樂
16、Welcome Chris 歡迎克里斯
④ 誰知道有什麼好看的外國原聲電影啊還有英文歌
《歌舞青春》1,2,3部 這個電影不錯,是迪士尼的音樂電影,其中的歌曲也很不錯,適合練習聽力
High School Musical 1 Cast(歌舞青春1)
01. Start of something New - Troy & Gabriella (男女主角相遇時的歌)
02. Get'cha Head in the Game - Basketball Player (野貓隊籃球練習時,在想音樂劇去不去的問題)
03. What I've Been Looking For - Ryan & Sharpay (Ryan和Sharpay的初試的歌)
04. What I've Been Looking For (Reprise) - Troy & Gabriella (初試結束後,Troy和Gabriella在Kelsi的伴奏下唱的)
05. Stick to the Status Quo - HSM Cast (在食堂,大家知道Troy和Gabriella去面試,大家一時都相信自己可以做不可能的事)
06. When There Was Me and You - Gabriella (當知道Troy對她和面試音樂劇的想法時)
07. Bop to the Top - Sharpay & Ryan (復試的歌)
08. Breaking Free - Troy & Gabriella (復試的歌)
09. We're All in this Together - HSM Cast (片尾結束的歌)
10. I Can't Take My Eyes Off of You - Troy & Gabriella & Sharpay & Ryan (這首歌電影里沒有但是原聲帶里有)
11. Get'cha Head in the Game (by B5) (這是不同於電影里的另一種版本,原聲帶里有收錄)
High School Musical 2 Cast(歌舞青春2)
01. What time is it - HSM Cast (即將放暑假時唱的)
02. Fabulous - Sharpay & Ryan (Sharpay和他弟弟到了他們家後唱的)
03. Work this out - HSM Cast (在暑假打工的廚房唱的)
04. You are the music in me - Troy & Gabriella (Kelsi專門為Troy和Gabriella寫的,在鋼琴房唱的)
05. I don't dance - Chad & Ryan (Ryan和職工打棒球)
06. You are the music in me (Sharpay Version) - Troy & Sharpay (Sharpay和Troy在綵排時唱的,大部分都是Sharpay在唱)
07. Gotta go my own way - Gabriella & Troy (Gabriella離開Tyoy時唱的)
08. Bet on it - Troy (朋友們都不理Troy,Troy在高爾夫球場反思)
09. Everday - Troy & Gabriella (Troy和Gabriella在晚會上唱的)
10. All for one - HSM Cast (片尾結束的歌)
11. BONUS TRACK:Humuhumunukunukuapua'a - Sharpay & Ryan (Troy同意和Sharpay唱歌後,Sharpay和Ryan表演給Troy看的曲目)
High School Musical 3 Cast(歌舞青春3)
01. Now Or Never - HSM Cast (在籃球比賽還剩16分鍾時唱的歌,大部分是大家熟悉的旋律)
02. Right Here, Right Now - Troy & Gabriella (他們畢業舞台劇演出的第一首歌,Troy和Gabriella坐在Troy家那棵第一部電影里就出現過的樹上)
03. I Want It All - Sharpay & Ryan (自助餐廳里華麗麗的一段歌舞,超過500個年輕人唱啊跳啊~~)
04. Can I Have This Dance - Troy & Gabriella (在天台,Troy叫Gabriella幫他選衣服,Gabriella教Troy跳舞,還有一次:Gabriella在斯坦福大學決定不回來時,Troy突然從斯坦福大學的一棵樹後面跳出來給Gabriella一個驚喜,跳只有他們的畢業舞會
05. A Night To Remember - HSM Cast (舞台劇:為畢業舞會挑衣服,按計劃應該是舞台表演的最後一直曲目)
06. Just Wanna Be With You - Ryan, Kelsi, Troy & Gabriella (Sharpay叫Ryan去偷Kelsi新作的曲,Kelsi彈給Ryan聽,然後一下切入Troy和Gabriella綵排的畫面)
07. The Boys Are Back - Troy & Chad (Troy和Chad去汽車垃圾場找零件)
08. Walk Away - Gabriella (Gabriella去斯坦福大學)
09. Scream - Troy (Troy為選擇大學而煩惱)
10. senior year spring musical - Kelsi & Ryan, Troy & Gabriella, Sharpay & Tiara (舞台劇,長達7分鍾)
11. We're All In This Together (Graation Mix) - HSM Cast (畢業典禮時的歌,就是第一部片尾結束的歌,不過要慢一些)
12. High School Musical - HSM Cast (所有人畢業了之後立馬開唱的一首)
01 So Close
02 True Love』s Kiss Amy AdamsJames Marsden Enchanted
03 that』s How You Know
04 Happy Working Song
05 Ever Ever After
公主日記歌曲:because you live
魔法灰姑娘歌曲:Somebody To Love
⑤ 當幸福來敲門片尾曲 當幸福來敲門片尾曲式神峨眉
1、電影《當幸福來敲門的》的片尾曲是《A Fathers Way》。
I build a fence around,you in a fathers way
I try to feel what it is youll be going through
Co』s I』ve played many ways
When you grow, how much will it take to slow you down…
Half the way?Do my best to feed you and I do whats right
I try to find the words that Ill say to you
When you come home tonight,And if so, how hard will
we cry before our sound,Fades away?
One day when the fence is not so high
The road you took How far will you go?
How high will you climb? And when all in life』s unfair
Are you strong enough to find another way, find another way
find another way? find another way? find another way?
A Father』s way I build a fence around
you in a father』s way Just like the one who
used to preach to me Now I』ve become that way
But you know How soft now the hand that used to strike
To the heart One day when the fence is not so high
The road you took How far will you go?
How high will you climb? And when all in life』s unfair
Are you strong enough to find another way, find another way
to find another way, find another way find another way? find another way? find another way?
There』s no way You will stay
There』s no way I know you There』s no way
You will stay There』s no way
I know you There』s no way
You will stay There』s no way
I build a fence around you in a father』s way