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發布時間:2024-12-18 11:51:54

㈠ 動畫變形金剛大電影的所有歌曲都叫什麼

1.The touch —— 首領之歌,擎天柱戰斗的配樂
2.Instruments Of Destruction —— 霸天虎偷襲汽車人飛船時的戰斗配樂
3.Death of OptimusPrime —— 擎天柱之死配樂
4.Dare—— 熱破和丹尼爾發現霸天虎偷襲的戰斗配樂
5.Nothin's Gonna Stand In Our Way — 熱破和杯子在地球基地激戰時的配樂
6.The Transformers —— 大電影主題曲
7.Escape —— 霸天虎在宇宙中追擊汽車人的戰斗配樂
8.Hunger —— 熱破和杯子在與海龍星的鯊魚精搏鬥時的配樂
9.Autobots Decepticons battle —— 霸天虎進攻汽車人地球基地時的戰斗配樂
10.Dare To Be Stupid —— 熱破和垃圾星球的人聯合後跳舞時的配樂

㈡ 變形金剛電影1,2所有背景音樂

01 Autobots
02 Decepticons
03 All Spark
04 Deciphering the Signal
05 Frenzy
06 Optimus
07 Bumblebee
08 Soccent Attack
09 Sam at the Lake
10 Skorpinok
11 Cybertron
12 Arrival to Earth
13 Whitwicky
14 Downtown Battle
15 Sector
16 Bumblebee Captured
17 You're a Soldier Now
18 Sam on the Roof
19 Optimus vs. Megatron
20 No Sacrifice, No Victory

Linkin Park的What i've done

01. Linkin Park - What I've Done 3:25

02. Smashing Pumpkins - Doomsday Clock 3:44

03. Disturbed - This Moment 3:05

04. Goo Goo Dolls - Before It's Too Late (Sam And
Mikaela's Theme) 3:05

05. The Used - Pretty Handsome Awkward 3:35

06. HIM - Passion's Killing Floor 5:14

07. Taking Back Sunday - What's It Feel Like To Be A Ghost?

08. Styles Of Beyond Feat. Mike Shinoda - Second To None

09. Armor For Sleep - End Of The World 4:10

10.Idiot Pilot - Retina And The Sky 3:37

11.Julien-K - Technical Difficulties 4:22

12.Mutemath - Transformers Theme 2:46

13.Linlin Park - New Divide 4:28

1. Prime
2. Einstein's Wrong
3. NEST (Contains instrumental excerpt from "New Divide" by Linkin Park)
4. The Shard
5. The Fallen
6. Infinite White
7. Heed Our Warning
8. The Fallen's Arrival
9. Tomb Of The Primes
10. Forest Battle
11. Precious Cargo
12. Matrix Of Leadership
13. I Claim Your Sun
14. I Rise, You Fall

Linkin Park的New Divide

1. New Divide (Linkin Park)
2. 21 Guns (Green Day)
3. Let It Go (Cavo)
4. Capital M-E (Taking Back Sunday)
5. Never Say Never (The Fray)
6. Burn It To The Ground (Nickelback)
7. Burning Down The House (The Used)
8. Not Meant To Be (Theory Of A Deadman)
9. Real World (The All-American Rejects)
10. Don't Think I Love (Hoobastank)
11. This Is It (Staind)
12. Almost Easy (Avenged Sevenfold)
13. Transformers: The fallen Remix(Cheap Trick


㈢ 求變形金剛電影中的一首特別悲壯的純音樂,有人哼唱,但沒有歌詞。忘了是幾了。

01 Autobots
02 Decepticons
03 All Spark
04 Deciphering the Signal
05 Frenzy
06 Optimus
07 Bumblebee
08 Soccent Attack
09 Sam at the Lake
10 Skorpinok
11 Cybertron
12 Arrival to Earth
13 Whitwicky
14 Downtown Battle
15 Sector
16 Bumblebee Captured
17 You're a Soldier Now
18 Sam on the Roof
19 Optimus vs. Megatron
20 No Sacrifice, No Victory

㈣ 誰知道電影變形金剛的所有背景音樂

01. Linkin Park "What I've Done"
02. Smashing Pumpkins "Doomsday Clock"
03. Disturbed "This Moment"
04. Goo Goo Dolls "Before It's Too Late (Sam and Mikaela's Theme)"(這個不錯)
05. The Used "Pretty Handsome Awkward"
06. HIM "Passion's Killing Floor"
07. Taking Back Sunday "What It Feels Like To Be A Ghost?"
08. Styles Of Beyond "Second To None"
09. Armor For Sleep "End Of The World"
10. Idiot Pilot "Retina and the Sky"
11. Julien-K "Technical Difficulties"
12. Mutemath "Transformers Theme"
01. Autobots(曲名:博派汽車人,很經典,絕對好聽,聽著有很正義的感覺)
02. Decepticons(曲名:狂派霸天虎看電影的時候,這曲子絕對有壓迫感,可光聽音樂,就感覺不出來了)
03. All Spark
04. Deciphering the Signal
05. Frenzy
06. Optimus(很有震撼力的音樂,推薦!!!)
07. Bumblebee
08. Soccent Attack
09. Sam at the Lake(很俏皮的曲子)
10. Skorpinok(央視軍事類題材必用音樂,汗一個,不過也相當好聽,很振奮)
11. Cybertron
12. Arrival to Earth(我無須多說,當初在電影院看第一部的時候,這個音樂,配上當時的畫面,汗毛豎起來了,強烈推薦!!!)
13. Whitwicky
14. Downtown Battle
15. Sector 7
16. Bumblebee Captured
17. You're a Soldier Now(記得最後擎天柱遲到,然後帥帥的飄逸,變形,亮相中國功夫,這個曲子的2分50秒左右就是這段,太好聽了!我強烈推薦,大哥歸來!!!)
18. Sam on the Roof
19. Optimus vs. Megatron
20. No Sacrifice, No Victory(聽悲愴的)

第二部:電影原聲帶(有人唱的那種)ps:我就聽了兩首,就是那個new divide 21guns
1. Linkin Park - 「New Divide」
2. Green Day - 「21 Guns」
3. Cavo - 「Let It Go」
4. Taking Back Sunday - 「Capital M-E」
5. The Fray - 「Never Say Never」
6. Nickelback - 「Burn It To The Ground」
7. The Used - 「Burning Down The House」
8. Theory Of A Deadman - 「Not Meant To Be」
9. The All-American Rejects - 「Real World」
10. Hoobastank - 「Don』t Think I Love You」
11. Staind - 「This Is It」
12. Avenged Sevenfold - 「Almost Easy」
13. Cheap Trick - 「Transformers The Fallen Remix」

01. Prime(也是推薦,很悲愴,有種英雄的使命在裡面)
02. Einstein's Wrong
03. Nest (feat. Linkin Park)(記得鐵皮第一次登場的變形亮相嗎?這個交響樂版的new divide很有氣勢,汗毛有豎起來了,推薦!)
04. The Shard
05. The Fallen(狂派反攻音樂,就是原生態降落地球那段)
06. Infinite White
07. Heed Our Warning
08. The Fallen's Arrival(狂派反攻音樂,就是原生態降落地球那段)
09. Tomb of the Primes
10. Forest Battle(我無須多說,推薦!!)
11. Precious Cargo
12. Matrix Of Leadership
13. I Claim Your Sun
14. I Rise, You Fall

㈤ 電影變形金剛里,擎天柱他們來到地球那背景音樂是什麼

《變形金剛》背景音樂:「Battle without honor or humanity「(沒有榮譽或人性的戰爭)

㈥ 求音樂:變形金剛全部歌曲



1. 《Transformers: The Score》主題曲《Immigrant》以及《Crash and Burn》。

2. 動畫版《變形金剛》系列中的歌曲,如《The Touch》。

3. 電影版《變形金剛》系列中的歌曲,如《Battle Against the Odds》。


《Transformers: The Score》是變形金剛的一部原聲專輯,其中的主題曲《Immigrant》以及《Crash and Burn》代表了變形金剛的主題,充滿了動感和張力,反映了變形金剛的機械特質和沖突場景。

動畫版《變形金剛》系列在上世紀八九十年代風靡全球,其中的歌曲也為人們津津樂道。例如,《The Touch》這首歌,以其優美的旋律和歌詞,展現了變形金剛世界的柔情與溫情。

電影版《變形金剛》系列自2007年起至今已經推出了多部作品,每一部的原聲音樂都受到了廣大粉絲的喜愛。其中,《Battle Against the Odds》是電影中的一首經典歌曲,緊張刺激的旋律與電影畫面完美結合,為觀眾帶來了震撼的視聽體驗。


㈦ 變形金剛主題曲是什麼

evil's watching over you 某個時刻 邪惡已經籠罩你
Comin' from the sky above 在你頭頂的天空降臨
And there's nothing you can do 你卻無能為力
Prepare to strike 惟有準備戰斗
There'll be no place to run 沒有地方逃避
When your caught within the grip 除非你被捕獲
Of the evil Unicron 被那邪惡的宇宙大帝
Transformers 變形金剛 More than meets the eye 超越視覺 Transformers 變形金剛 Robots in Disguise 超凡的機械體
Strong enough to break the bravest heart 敵人如此強大
So we have to pull together 因此我們必須團結一致——一起
We can't stay worlds apart 我們無法生存在破碎的宇宙里
To stand divided we will surely fall 分裂必然導致滅亡
Until our darkest hour 直到光明降臨
When the light will save us all 照亮我們最黑暗的世紀
Transformers 變形金剛 More than meets the eye 超越視覺 Transformers 變形金剛 Robots in Disguise 超凡的機械體
Transformers 變形金剛 Autobots wage their Battle 汽車人為之奮戰
To destroy the evil forces 打擊邪惡勢力的——
Of the Decepticons 霸天虎 Transformers 變形金剛 Transformers 變形金剛 It's judgment day and now we've made our stand 面對末日審判,我們表明立場
And now the powers of darkness 現在黑暗的勢力
Have been driven from our land 已被趕出故土家園
The battle's over but the war has just begun 一場戰斗結束了
And this way it will remain 命運就是這樣的方式
till the day when all are one 直到實現那一天,當所有的一切,萬眾一心……
Transformers 變形金剛 Transformers 變形金剛 Transformers 變形金剛 Transformers 變形金剛 More than meets the eye 超越視覺……Transformers
電影版的------《what i've done 》in this farewell,
there's no blood,
there's no alibi.
cause i've drawn regret,
from the truth,
of a thousand lies.
so let mercy come,
and wash away...

what i've done,
i'll face myself,
to cross out
what i've become,
erase myself,
and let go of
what i've done.

put to rest,
what you thought of me.
while i clean this slate,
with the hands of uncertainty
so let mercy come,
and wash away...

what i've done,
i'll face myself,
to cross out
what i've become,
erase myself,
and let go of
what i've done.

for what i've done,
i start again.
and whatever pain may come,
today this ends,
i'm forgiving...

what i've done,
i'll face myself,
to cross out
what i've become,
erase myself,
and let go of
what i've done.

what i've done,
forgiving what i've done.



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