導航:首頁 > 音樂圖片 > 在周末我喜歡聽音樂或者看電影翻譯


發布時間:2024-10-18 17:43:25

㈠ 1.在業余時間,你喜歡聽音樂嗎 2.他看上去很結實,籃球也打的好。 3.西蒙最喜歡的足球運動員是誰 4.我媽

  1. In his spare time, do you like listening to music?

  2. He looks very strong, basketball is very well

  3. Who is Simon's favorite football player?

  4. My mother likes listening to music. Listen to the music make her feel happy.

  5. Do you often go skating in winter

  6. Do you often watch football matches on TV

  7. Your father like reading newspapers?

  8. Do you do at the weekend? 9. My brother is good at running, liu xiang is her idol

  9. Kobe Bryant is my father's favorite football player



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