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發布時間:2024-10-13 07:06:50

㈠ 請問<陽光姐妹淘>這部電影的所有歌曲是那些

boney m - sunny
cyndi lauper - girls just want to have fun
richard sanderson - reality
touch by touch

㈡ 韓國電影《sunny 陽光姐妹淘》中所有的歌曲 謝謝啦~

boney m - sunny
cyndi lauper - girls just want to have fun
richard sanderson - reality
touch by touch

㈢ 電影陽光姐妹淘裡面韓俊浩在餐廳里給任娜美聽得是什麼歌叫什麼名字

reality - richard sanderson
-richard sanderson
met you by surprise i didn't realize
that my life would change forever
saw you standing there
i didn't know i cared
there was something special in the air
dreams are my realize
the only kind of real fantasy
illusions are a common thing
i try to live in dreams
it seems as it's meant to be
dreams are my reality
a different kind of reality
i dream of loving in the night
and loving seems alright
although it's only fantasy
if you do exist honey don't resist
show me a new way of loving
tell me that to do show me what to do
i feel shomething special about you
dreams are my reality
the only kind of reality
may be my foolishness has past
and may be now at last
i'll see how a real thing can be
dreams are my reality
a wonderous world where i like to be
i dream of holing you all night and holing you seem right

㈣ 求電影陽光姐妹淘sunny的插曲

boney m - sunny
cyndi lauper - girls just want to have fun
richard sanderson - reality
touch by touch @ 緊夾撒狼嘿 貌似這個是對的!頂一下!

㈤ 求電影《陽光姐妹淘》裡面的所有插曲 包括那首韓國歌 夢里

boney m - sunny-----------------------------------(長江七號插曲,在酷我音樂盒搜索)
cyndi lauper - girls just want to have fun------(酷我音樂盒搜索)
richard sanderson - reality-----------------------(QQ音樂、酷我音樂盒都能搜到)
joy--touch by touch---------------------------------(經典荷東舞曲,這首在網路能找到視頻)
Time After Time -----------------------------------(QQ音樂、酷我音樂盒搜索)



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