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發布時間:2024-09-07 01:21:52

⑴ 求最近幾天電視看到香水廣告的背景音樂


背景音樂是:Piece Of My Heart

歌手:Janis Joplin(搖虛閉歷滾女王:賈尼斯·喬普林態兆)

⑵ 娜塔莉波特曼迪奧小姐花漾淡香氛廣告歌曲

背景音樂:Piece Of My Heart - Janis Joplin(搖沖如滾女王:賈尼斯·喬普林)
(Come on…)
Didn't I make you feel like you were the only man, well yeah,
An'散旦啟 didn't I give you nearly everything that a woman possibly can ?
Honey, you know I did!
And each time I tell myself that I, well I think I've had enough,
But I'm gonna show you, baby, that a woman can be tough.

I want you to come on, come on, come on, come on and take it,
Take another little piece of my heart now, baby, (break a..)
Break another little bit of my heart now, darling, yeah. (have a..)
Hey! Have another little piece of my heart now, baby, yeah.
You know you got it if it makes you feel good,
Oh yes indeed.

You're out on the streets looking good, and baby,
Deep down in your heart I guess you know that it ain'遲明t right,
Never never never never never never never hear me when I cry at night.
Baby, I cry all the time!
And each time I tell myself that I, well I can't stand the pain,
But when you hold me in your arms, I'll sing it once again.

I'll say come on, come on, come on, come on, yeah take it!
Take another little piece of my heart now, baby. (break a..)
Break another little bit of my heart now, darling, yeah, (come on…)
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby, yeah.
Well, You know you got it, child, if it makes you feel good


I need you to come on, come on, come on, come on and take it,
Take another little piece of my heart now, baby. (break a…)
Break another little bit of my heart, darling, yeah. (have a)
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby,
You know you got it (waaaaahhh)
Take a…Take another little piece of my heart now, baby. (break a…)
Break another little bit of my heart, and darling, yeah yeah (have a)
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby,
You know you got it, child, if it makes you feel good

⑶ 花漾家族—80後清純美女yiya 這個視頻的背景音樂是什麼

everytime we touch

⑷ 急求適合愛情的輕快歡樂的背景音樂


⑸ 花漾夢工廠伊一十字環背景音樂中間那段英文歌的歌名

Start From Here

⑹ 2015年迪奧小姐花漾淡香水背景音樂

2015年迪奧小姐花漾淡香水背景音樂:Piece of my heart

歌名:Piece of My Heart
歌手:Janis Joplin
所屬專輯:In Concert [live]
Didn't I make you feel like you were the only man? Yeah
難道我沒讓你覺得你就是我的唯一嗎 耶
An' didn't I give you nearly everything that a woman possibly can?
Honey, you know I did
甜心 你知道我會的
And, and each time I tell myself that I, well I think I've had enough
每當我告訴我自己 好吧 我覺得我什麼都有了
But I'm gonna, gonna show you baby, that a woman can be tough
但我還是會 會向你展示 寶貝 一個女人能有多堅強

I want you to come on, come on, come on, come on and take it
我要你來吧 來吧 來吧 來拿走
Take another little piece of my heart now, baby
現在就拿走我心的一小塊 寶貝
Oh, oh, break it
噢 噢 擊碎它
Break another little bit of my heart now, darling, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
擊碎你拿走的那一小塊 親愛的 耶 耶 耶 耶
Oh, oh, have a
噢 噢 你有了
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby
現在你有了我心的一小塊 寶貝
Well you know you got it, if it makes you feel good
好吧 你知道你得到了我的心 如果這樣會令你感覺良好
Oh, yes indeed
噢 耶 的確如此

You're out on the streets looking good
你游盪在街道上 如此精神煥發
And baby deep down in your heart I guess you know that it ain't right
寶貝 在你心靈深處 我猜你心知肚明這樣放盪不對
Never, never, never, never, never, never hear me when I cry at night
永遠別含燃賀 永遠別 永遠別 永遠別 永遠別 永遠別聽到在夜裡痛哭
Babe and I cry all the time
寶貝 我徹夜痛哭
But each time I tell myself that I, well I can't stand the pain
但每當我告誡我自己 好吧 我無法承受痛苦
But when you hold me in your arms, I'll sing it once again
但當你將我緊緊抱在懷里 我會再一次唱出來

I'll say come on, come on, come on, come on and take it
我說 來吧 來吧 來吧 來吧 來拿走吧
Take another little piece of my heart now, baby
拿著我心的一小塊 就是現在寶貝
Oh, oh, break it
噢 噢 擊碎談派它
Break another little bit of my heart now, darling, yeah
擊碎你拿走的那一小塊 親愛的 耶
Oh, oh, have a
噢 噢 有了
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby
現在你有了我心的一小塊 寶貝段喊
Well you know you got it, child, if it makes you feel good
好吧 你知道你得到了我的心 如果這樣會令你感覺良好

I need you to come on, come on, come on, come on and take it
我需要你來 來吧 來吧 來拿走吧
Take another little piece of my heart now, baby
拿著我心的一小塊 就是現在寶貝
Oh, oh, break it
噢 噢 擊碎它
Break another little bit of my heart, now darling, yeah, c'mon now
現在就擊碎你拿走的那一小塊 親愛的 耶 來吧現在
Oh, oh, have a
噢 噢 有了
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby
現在你有了我心的一小塊 寶貝
You know you got it

Take it, take another little piece of my heart now, baby
拿走 拿走我心的一小塊 就是現在寶貝
Oh, oh, break it
噢 噢 擊碎它
Break another little bit of my heart, now darling, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
現在就擊碎你拿走的那一小塊 親愛的 耶
Oh, oh, have a
噢 噢 有了
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby, hey
現在你有了我心的一小塊 寶貝 嘿
You know you got it, child, if it makes you feel good
你知道你得到了我的心 孩子 如果這樣會令你感覺良好



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