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發布時間:2024-07-20 03:53:05

㈠ 求美國格鬥電影<<勇士>>中的插曲

2.Surili Akhiyon Wale
3.Salaam Aaya
5.Kanha (Thumri)
6.Taali (Solo)
7.Surili Akhiyon Wale (Duet)
8.Spirit Of Veer

㈡ 電影【格鬥場】中的所有插曲、和女主角的資料

Laura Vandervoort Laura Dianne Vandervoort was born September 22 1984 in Toronto, Canada.
A tomboy for years to come she was involved in several sports (Soccer, Karate, Basketball, Tennis, Gymnastics, Baseball…etc.) Entering karate at age 7 she found herself with a second degree Black Belt at age 16.
Laura began acting at the age of 13. She had always been an entertainer, putting on shows for family and friends, however what triggered her interest in the arts was a film called 「My Girl.」 She received the movie from her aunt at a very young age and after watching realized that acting was what was inside her.
After taking several classes and doing background work on Canadian shows such as 「Road to Avonlea」 and 「Harriet the Spy」 she got her first speaking role in Canadian children』s series 「Goosebumps」 (3 Episodes) and 「Are You Afraid of the Dark?」
After commercials and guest stars (Mutant-X, Prom Queen, Twice in a Lifetime, Doc, Sue Thomas FBI, Troubled Waters, Dresdan Files) and a few Disney movies of the week (「Mom』s Got A Date With A Vampire」 & 「Alley Cats Strike」) Laura at age 19 landed the lead role of 「Sadie Harrison」 on the CTV TV series 「Instant Star」. Instant Star ran for 4 seasons.
In 2006 Laura shot her first feature titled 「The Lookout」 with Jeff Daniels, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mathew Goode and Isla Fisher. It was the directorial debut of screenwriter Scott Frank. Several other TV appearances such as 「CSI: Crime Scene Investigation」 led Laura into the hands of the CW network.
Landing the coveted role of 「Supergirl」 or 「Kara」 on the hit CW series 「Smallville,」 Laura is currently now filming her first season.
勞拉·范德沃特 Laura Vandervoort

性別: 女
出生日: 1984年9月22日
工作: 演員
身高: 1.70m
星座: 處女座
國籍: 加拿大
家鄉: 多倫多市
2000 媽媽與吸血鬼約會 Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire
2004 畢業舞會
2004 一舉成名
2005 falcon
2006 Troubled waters
2007 小心為上
2007 靈異檔案
2008 超人前傳第七季
2009 碧海追蹤2 Into the Blue 2: The Reef (2009)
2009 格鬥場/拳傷 Damage
2009年 v星入侵 lisa

㈢ 終極格鬥電影,裡面的背景音樂什麼


㈣ 生死格鬥電影中第18分鍾時的背景音樂是什麼名字



㈤ 找一部格鬥電影




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