導航:首頁 > 音樂圖片 > 信條電影58分音樂


發布時間:2024-05-17 04:05:52

⑴ 刺客信條真正的震撼背景音樂什麼名字

Black veil brides的in the end


  1. City of Jerusalem 歌手:Jesper Kyd

  2. Iron 歌手:Woodkid

  3. Assassin's Creed III Main Theme 刺客信條3 主題曲 歌手:Lorne Balfe

  4. Fight Club 歌手:Lorne Balfe

  5. Beer and Friends 歌手:Lorne Balfe

  6. Modern Assassin 歌手:Lorne Balfe

⑵ 求刺客信條兄弟會所有的音樂(劇情結束後20分鍾的製作名單所播放片尾曲)

中文名稱:刺客信條 原聲音樂
英文名稱:Assassin's Creed Original Soundtrack
作曲編曲:Jesper Kyd

01 opening select screen
02 d.n.a select screen
03 solomons temple
04 spill the beans
05 the creed
06 knives out
07 masyaf
08 masyaf fight or flight-yellow belly
09 masyaf fight or flight-red in the face
10 masyaf-under siege part 1
11 masyaf-under siege part 2
12 masyaf-under siege part 3
13 masyaf-under siege part 4
14 office space
15 kingdom 1
16 kingdom 2
17 masyaf horse ride
18 damascus
19 assassin's h.q
20 good job
21 dirty deeds-damascus
22 damascus fight or flight-yellow belly
23 damascus fight or flight-red in the face
24 tamir

25 damascus horse ride
26 acre
27 dirty deeds-acre
28 acre fight or flight-yellow belly
29 acre fight or flight-red in the face
30 garn'er de napouse
31 acre horse ride
32 jerusalem
33 dirty deeds-jerusalem
34 jerusalem fight or flight-yellow belly
35 jerusalem fight or flight-red in the face
36 ta'al
37 jerusalem horse ride
38 abul nuqoud
39 william
40 majd addin
41 sibrand
42 juban al hakim
43 arsuf
44 robert de sable
45 return to masyaf part 1
46 return to masyaf part 2-some thing is rotten in denmark
47 return to masyaf part 3
48 return to masyaf part 4-have at you snake

49 golden globe
50 meditation begins
51 access the animus

中文名稱:刺客信條2 原聲音樂
英文名稱:Assassin's Creed II Original Soundtrack
作曲編曲:Jesper Kyd
商品容量:CD X 2
Disc 1:
01. Heart 3:58
02. Venice Rooftops 3:17
03. Ezio's Family 3:57
04. Florence Tarantella 1:51
05. Home In Florence 4:29
06. Approaching Target 1 3:35
07. Approaching Target 2 6:06
08. Venice Fight 2:01
09. Florence Escape 2:49
10. Tour Of Venice 3:15
11. Flight Over Venice 1 5:09
12. Back In Venice 1:32
13. Dream Of Venice 4:23
14. Home Of The Brotherhood 3:26
15. Leonardo's Inventions Pt 1 2:11
16. Venice Combat Low 1:44
17. Venice Escape 3:26
Disc 2:
01. Darkness Falls In Florence 4:05
02. Sanctuary 4:05
03. The Madam 1:04
04. Approaching The Target 3 5:52
05. Flight Over Venice 2 5:18
06. Ezio In Florence 2:18
07. Venice Instry 3:09
08. Stealth 2:22
09. Venice Combat 2:03
10. Notorious 1:14
11. Night Mission In Venice 2:11
12. Chariot Chase 3:20
13. The Plague 3:30
14. Wetlands Combat 2:48
15. Wetlands Escape 2:36
16. Leonardo's Inventions Pt 2 2:47
17. Hideout 2:40
18. The Animus 2.0 4:14

⑶ 刺客信條系列的所有音樂。

刺客信條1:(457.6M) 刺客信條2:

(155.31M) 刺客信條兄弟會:

(115.01M) 刺客信條啟示錄:


(140.5M) 刺客信條3:解放:

(151.32M) ————————————————————————————————————————— 刺客信條啟示錄音樂已上傳完成!已補上! 網路知道「AS信條」團為您解答!



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