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『壹』 珠江電影頻道有一個愛與夢想的廣告背景音樂什麼就是有很多電影片段的那個。

《Breath And Life》就是這個…很有氣勢~雞凍

『貳』 十大氣勢雄偉的勵志背景音樂


01.She is my sin —— Nightwish

對Cser們來說,NightWish(夜願)的歌曲早已深入人心,眾所皆知,世界不少頂級戰隊的宣傳片都採用的是他們的歌曲,NightWish的歌曲大都是重金屬音樂,而這首She is My Sin就是1.6版CS的主題曲,很多翻譯版本的1.6進入界面就會響起這首歌,當你在游戲前更改各種按鍵設置的時候,這首歌彷彿預示著大戰馬上爆發。在 she is my sin出名後,因為其震撼的歌聲,成為許多視頻或集錦的音樂。

02.The Dawn —— Dreamtale

《The Dawn》的原意為黎明、拂曉、破曉,但在國內網路上,廣被訛傳為“亡靈序曲”。這是因為在2005年,國內一個電子游戲競技網站中,一位《魔獸爭霸3》亡靈族的擁躉,推薦這首曲子作為亡靈論壇專區的區歌;後來另一名網友以《The Dawn》作為背景音樂,用《魔獸爭霸3》中亡靈族的過場畫面,剪輯製作了一部MV,並命名為《亡靈序曲》。至此,該曲的中文名就隨著這部MV以訛傳訛地流傳開來,而真實名字卻不被廣為人知。


03.The Mass —— Era

The Mass改編自Carmina Burana(布蘭詩歌),據說“二戰期間德國武裝黨衛軍第一裝甲師軍歌也改編於此”,導致調子相似而張冠李戴以為The Mass就是納粹軍歌。 而現在,隨著這首歌的名聲日躁,越來越多的游戲也吸收了其動感,鼓舞人心的一面,其中當前最紅網路游戲《魔獸世界》中很多玩家自製的游戲視頻就大量使用了《THE Mass》作為背景音樂。

相關鏈接:Era經典之作《The Mass》MV

04.Hero’s Theme —— Steven Burke


05.He’s a Pirate —— Klaus Badelt

黑珍珠Pirates.of.the.Caribbean-The.Curse.of.the.Black.Pearl)是Klaus Badelt寫的,相當於是確立了加勒比海盜主題音樂的人吧.集子里最後一首叫He’s a Pirate,印象中就是jack最後跳下去之後的音樂,也是加勒比海盜的主題。

06.Conquest of Paradise —— Vangelis

《1492征服天堂》(英文全稱:《1492 CONQUEST OF PARADISE 》)是一首世界名曲,本作品屬於《1492 Conquest Of Paradise 1492征服天堂/哥倫布傳》專輯中的第二軌。每次聽到它,都讓我迷茫而感覺到自己是如此的微小,然而恢弘的音樂激發出內心的雄壯,我熱血沸騰,我一往無前,古典的韻味在現代音樂的詮釋下是如此的突顯!這是激沸的音樂,這是振奮的音樂,這是人類對於音樂極限的挑戰!該名曲也被作為中國電視劇《士兵突擊》插曲。題曲《Conquest Of Paradise 征服天堂》,那種史詩般的氣派,完完全全是懾人的感覺,精彩絕倫。這部講述哥倫布征服南美洲故事的電影也成為了史詩般的巨作!

相關鏈接:Conquest of Paradise 大氣磅礴、征服天堂的背景樂!

07.Rock House Jail —— Hans Zimmer


08.Beethoven Virus —— Diana Boncheva

《Beethoven Virus》由保加利亞著名電子小提琴家Diana Boncheva(1981年出生)演奏,整張專輯可謂精彩不斷,經典頻出,無處不透露著的高貴、自由之風,完美地演繹了現代電子小提琴的激情與優雅。同名曲目《Beethoven Virus》相信大家一定很熟悉了,改編自貝多芬:第八鋼琴悲愴奏鳴曲(Grande Sonate Pathétique)第三樂章迴旋曲Rondo Allegro。Diana Boncheva在韓國WEG比賽上最先演奏這一曲目,後來該曲名聲大振。

09.序曲:天地孤影任我行 —— 陳勛奇,出自《東邪西毒》


10.Halo Theme Mjolnir Mix —— Martin O’Donnell


買十贈一:11.Exos —— Maksim Mrvica

出埃及記(Exos)是講述以色列建國的辛酸歷史,氣勢宏大,雄壯,很有悲壯的歷史感。馬克西姆,英文名Maksim Mrvica,來自克羅埃西亞的歐洲新古典王子、鋼琴聖手。此曲中馬克西姆充分展現他神奇魔幻的詮演才華,讓音樂充滿的無限的驚喜。


『叄』 跪求微電影地平線的夢想的背景音樂,就是那首英文歌曲,一個男的唱的,求歌曲名字,給高懸賞!

專輯:Who You Are Is Not Enough


『肆』 誰知道電影《夢想成真》中的背景音樂````


《with out you》
演唱歌手: Sowelu
所屬專輯: 《24-twenty four-》
Never even thought to cry
when I heard you say good-bye
never said where you were going
There's no laughter in the air
Only silence everywhere
And so much left unspoken
Since you've been gone
I haven't been the same
I wish that I could see
Who's to blame
Without you, where do I belong?
Without you, how can I go on?
No love but yours will ever do
Tell me how am I supposed to live my life
without you?
Was I lost in you and me
To the point I couldn't see
That what we had was dying
Now it's all that I can do
To see photographs of you
And stop myself from cryin'
I should learn to live without you love
Got so many memories but it's not enough
I feel helpless and oh so all alone
Like I've never felt before
You made me feel alive
But I don't remember what it's like anymore

『伍』 綻放夢想微電影中的一首英文歌曲播放叫什麼

Payphone - Maroon 5、Wiz Khalifa
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you

Where have the times gone?
Baby, it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two

Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember

The people we used to be

It's even harder to picture,
That you're not here next to me.
You say it's too late to make it,
But is it too late to try?
And in our time that you wasted
All of our bridges burned down
I've wasted my nights,
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed.
Still stuck in that time
When we called it love
But even the sun sets in paradise
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you

Where have the times gone
Baby, it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two
If "Happy Ever After" did exist,

I would still be holding you like this

All those fairy tales are full of shit

One more fucking love song, I'll be sick.

Oh, you turned your back on tomorrow
'Cause you forgot yesterday.

I gave you my love to borrow,
But you just gave it away.
You can't expect me to be fine,
I don't expect you to care
I know I've said it before
But all of our bridges burned down.
I've wasted my nights,
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed.
Still stuck in that time
When we called it love
But even the sun sets in paradise.
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone?
Baby, it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two?
If "Happy Ever After" did exist,
I would still be holding you like this

All those fairy tales are full of shit

One more fucking love song, I'll be sick.

Now I'm at a payphone
Man, fuck that shit
I'll be out spending all this money
While you're sitting round wondering
Why it wasn't you who came up from nothing,
Made it from the bottom
Now when you see me I'm stunning,
And all of my cars start with a push of a button
Telling me the chances I blew up
Or whatever you call it,
Switch the number to my phone
So you never could call it,
Don't need my name on my shirt,
You can tell it I'm ballin.
Swish, what a shame could have got picked
Had a really good game but you missed your last shot
So you talk about who you see at the top
Or what you could have saw but sad to say it's over for.
Phantom pulled up valet open doors
Wiz like go away, got what you was looking for
Now it's me who they want, so you can go and take
That little piece of shit with you.
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you

Where have the times gone?
Baby, it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two?
If "Happy Ever After" did exist,

I would still be holding you like this

All those fairy tales are full of shit

One more fucking love song, I'll be sick.

Now I'm at a payphone

『陸』 出現在電影里的「神插入」歌曲都有哪些,其中都是哪些片段


《X戰警:逆轉未來》里,快銀以超快的移動速度,帶著耳機飛檐走壁地聽著歌,隨著一首《Time in a bottle》---Jim Croce,時間靜止,接著開始了他寶貴的耍帥時間,當時真沒看出小夥子就是美恐里的Tate。大家是怎樣認為的呢?



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