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發布時間:2023-11-07 10:28:25

㈠ 求 尼古拉斯 凱奇主演的居家男人,他最後在機場對凱特說那一段話時的背景音樂

LaLaLa means,I love you
Many guys have come to you
With a line that wasn't true
And you passed them by
Though you're in the center ring
And their lines don't mean a thing
Why don't you let me try
No, I don't wear a diamond ring
I don't even know a song to sing
All I know is la-la la-la la-la la-la la means, I love you
Oh, baby, please, now
La-la la-la la-la la-la la means, I love you
If I ever saw a girl
That I needed in this world
You are the one for me
Let me hold you in my arms
Girl, and thrill you with my charms
I'm sure you will see
The things I am sayin' are true
And the way I explain them to you
Listen to me
La-la la-la la-la la-la la means, I love you
Oh, baby
La-la la-la la-la la-la la means, I love you
The things I am sayin' are true
And the way I explain them to you
Yes, to you listen to me
La-la la-la la-la la-la la means, I love you
Oh, baby
La-la la-la la-la la-la la means, I love you

㈡ 那個,麻煩問一下,電影〈真愛至上〉將近末尾,山姆在機場追小女孩時的背景音樂是什麼


㈢ 求電影《愛神來了》機場分別的背景音樂 ,是一首鋼琴曲

【機場分別】All Over Again(重新開始) (Anika G)

㈣ 求電影《超體》50分鍾左右的配樂,就是警察去機場抓3個帶毒販時的音樂。

Beck的Back to You (Instrumental Version)
國內很難找到,youtube上有這個音樂,出自Gran Turismo 6 Soundtrack。

㈤ 電影真愛至上里最後飛機場里好多人擁抱時放的歌叫什麼名字

Jump (for My Love)
Too Lost In You
The Trouble With Love Is
Here With Me
Christmas Is All Around
Turn Me On
Sweetest Goodbye
Wherever You Will Go
I'll See It Through
Both Sides Now
White Christmas
Wyclef Jean Feat. Sharissa/ Take Me As I Am
All I Want For Christmas Is You
God Only Knows
All You Need Is Love
Glasgow Love Theme
Pm's Love Theme
Portugese Love Theme





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