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發布時間:2023-09-20 14:32:31

❶ 電影《返老還童》劇終曲叫什麼




❷ 電影返老還童中間部分歌曲的歌名是什麼


❸ 電影《返老還童》里一個老太太教本傑明彈鋼琴,彈得那首曲子叫什麼名

《Bethena》(音樂會圓舞曲)作者斯科特 喬普林,是寫給他死去的第二任妻子的。

❹ 誰有電影《返老還童》里的插曲(本傑明參加媽媽葬禮上播放的歌曲)啊可以下載或在線聽的也行哦!

My Prayer Ink Spots My prayer is to linger with you At the end of the day In a dream that's devine My prayer is a rapture in blue With a world far away And your lips close to mine Tonight while our hearts are aglow Oh tell me the words that I'm longing to know My prayer and the answer you give May they still be the same For as long as we live That you'll always be there At the end of my prayer My prayer is to linger with you At the end of each day In a dream that's devine My prayer is a rapture in blue With a world far away And your lips close to mine Tonight while our hearts are aglow Oh tell me the words that I'm longing to know My prayer and the answer you give May they still be the same For as long as we live That you'll always be there At the end of my prayer My Prayer Ink Spots My prayer is to linger with you At the end of the day In a dream that's devine My prayer is a rapture in blue With a world far away And your lips close to mine Tonight while our hearts are aglow Oh tell me the words that I'm longing to know My prayer and the answer you give May they still be the same For as long as we live That you'll always be there At the end of my prayer My prayer is to linger with you At the end of each day In a dream that's devine My prayer is a rapture in blue With a world far away And your lips close to mine Tonight while our hearts are aglow Oh tell me the words that I'm longing to know My prayer and the answer you give May they still be the same For as long as we live That you'll always be there At the end of my prayer

❺ 美國電影《返老還童》裡面,本傑明父親要死的時候 ,他背著他父親去看日出時候的那段背景音樂,叫什麼

你要的曲子名字叫做《Sunrise On Lake Pontchartrain》!





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