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A. 波斯王子電影完整版 波斯王子電影在線觀看 波斯王子電影下載 波斯王子時之刃下載
























B. 波斯王子時之刃片尾曲名字

迪士尼根據同名游戲改編的古裝奇幻巨制《波斯王子:時間之沙》(Prince of Persia: Sands of Time)主題歌「I Remain」
這首歌由加拿大女歌手艾拉妮絲·莫莉塞特(Alanis Morissette)創作並演唱,歌曲以女主角「塔米娜公主」為靈感、充滿中東風情。

I Remain
by Alanis Morissette

How crass you stand before me
With no blood to fuel your fame
How dare you wield such flippancy without requisite shame
Your very existence becomes my sacred mission's bane
You bow to kiss my hand and I ignore ignited flame

I moved to meet you
Untouched I do remain

To some it seems foreign
Why I would steely forge ahead
This land entrusted to me knows not of hallowed secrets
I'll keep it to myself
My own advicement in my head
Your charm can not distract me
From the path I'm born to tread

How I'm thrilled to know you
Affected, I remain
How I've learned to like you
Undeterred I do remain

Less daunting as team
You unlikely king by my side
And me, so much better for trusting you
My hand over your heart
While you keep hindrances at bay
Color me surprised by how our union saves the day

How I've grown to need you
As my soldier need fades
How I love to love you
And how I remain
I remain(repeat)

C. 波斯王子時之刃 電影片尾曲

I Remain - Alanis Morissette
How crass you stand before me
With no blood to fuel your fame
How dare you wield such flippancy
Without requisite shame
Your very Existence becomes my sacred missions bane
You bow to kiss my hand and I ignore the ignited flame

How I moved to meet you
Untouched I do remain

To some it seems foreign
Why I would steely forge ahead
This land entrusted to me knows not of hallowed secrets
I'll keep it to myself
My own advicement in my head
Your charm can not distract me
From the path I'm born to tread

How I'm thrilled to know you
Uanffected I remain
How I've learned to like you
Undeterred I do remain

Less daunting as team
You, unlikely king by my side
And me, so much better for trusting you
My hand over your heart
While you keep hindrances at bay
Color me surprised by how our union saves the day

How I've grown to need you
As my soul just need faith
How I love to know you
And how I remain
I remain (x6)

D. 跪求此鏈接4:25秒的背景音樂和所有電影名

這是50部大片剪接而成的6分鍾精華! 在這短短的6分鍾內可以穿越古代,現代和未來將這些不同時光背景的電影最熱血的片段駔成前所未有的視覺震撼!


Shockwave Sound - Call For Heroes (Rock Mix)

Shockwave Sound - Fatal Fight (Rock Mix)

Les Friction - World On Fire

Immediate Music - Falling Skies

Pfeifer Frankfort - Valentine

Two Steps From Hell - Breathe


0:01:07; The Amazing Spider-Man; 超凡蜘蛛俠

0:10:19; Green Lantern; 綠燈俠

0:14:02; The Dark Knight; 黑暗騎士

0:17:18; Underworld: Awakening; 黑夜傳說:覺醒

0:19:19; Thor; 雷神

0:20:04; The Avengers; 復仇者聯盟

0:20:17; 300; 300壯士:斯巴達的逆襲

0:22:00; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

0:26:06; Clash of the Titans; 諸神之戰

0:27:05; The Avengers; 復仇者聯盟

0:31:11; Thor; 雷神

0:33:14; The Last Airbender; 降世神通:最後的氣宗

0:34:02; Clash of the Titans; 諸神之戰

0:38:02; Wrath of the Titans; 諸神之怒

0:42:13; The Sorcerer's Apprentice; 魔法師的學徒

0:46:02; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; 哈利·波特與死亡聖器

0:47:23; Batman Begins; 蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻

0:49:17; Terminator Salvation; 終結者2018

0:50:17; Captain America: The First Avenger; 美國隊長

0:52:03; The Avengers; 復仇者聯盟

0:52:17; The Dark Knight Rises; 蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士崛起

0:56:02; Dredd; 新特警判官

0:57:03; Wrath of the Titans; 諸神之怒

0:59:09; Thor: The Dark World; 雷神:黑暗世界

1:01:00; John Carter; 異星戰場:約翰·卡特傳奇

1:01:21; Transformers; 變形金剛

1:02:22; The Incredible Hulk; 無敵浩克

1:04:04; 300; 300壯士:斯巴達的逆襲

1:05:20; The Incredible Hulk; 無敵浩克

1:08:11; Takers; 劫匪

1:08:20; The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor; 木乃伊3:龍帝之墓

1:09:11; Hitman; 殺手:代號47

1:10:11; Solomon Kane; 所羅門王凱恩

1:10:18; Dragonball Evolution; 七龍珠

1:11:05; Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer; 神奇四俠:銀魔現身

1:11:18; The Last Airbender; 降世神通:最後的氣宗

1:12:16; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; 哈利·波特與鳳凰社

1:13:03; 10,000 BC; 史前一萬年

1:13:10; Avatar; 阿凡達

1:14:02; The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising; 黑暗崛起

1:15:03; Sunshine; 太陽倒數

1:16:17; Eragon; 龍騎士

1:17:13; Inkheart; 墨水心

1:18:05; Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time; 波斯王子:時之刃

1:18:16; The Lord of the Rings; 魔戒

1:19:02; Resident Evil: Extinction; 生化危機3:滅絕

1:20:00; Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief; 波西傑克遜:神火之賊

1:22:10; The Sorcerer's Apprentice; 魔法師的學徒

1:23:20; Solomon Kane; 所羅門王凱恩

1:24:11; Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time; 波斯王子:時之刃

1:25:01; Real Steel; 鐵甲鋼拳

1:25:11; 10,000 BC; 史前一萬年

1:25:18; The Golden Compass; 黃金羅盤

1:27:06; The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor; 木乃伊3:龍帝之墓

1:27:19; Clash of the Titans; 諸神之戰

1:28:12; The Last Airbender; 降世神通:最後的氣宗

1:29:05; John Carter; 異星戰場:約翰·卡特傳奇

1:30:02; The Forbidden Kingdom; 功夫之王

1:30:15; The Fountain; 真愛永恆

1:31:08; TRON: Legacy; 創:戰紀

1:31:15; X-Men Origins: Wolverine; X戰警:金剛狼

1:32:08; The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian; 納尼亞傳奇:凱斯賓王子

1:33:04; Resident Evil: Afterlife; 生化危機4:戰神再生

1:33:22; Ghost Rider; 惡靈騎士

1:34:04; Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance; 靈魂戰車2:復仇時刻

1:34:19; Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time; 波斯王子:時之刃

1:36:11; Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; 變形金剛:墮落者的復仇

1:37:20; Thor; 雷神

1:38:05; The Last Airbender; 降世神通:最後的氣宗

1:38:23; The Sorcerer's Apprentice; 魔法師的學徒

1:39:17; I Am Number Four; 關鍵第4號

1:40:09; Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time; 波斯王子:時之刃

1:40:19; Knowing; 先知

1:41:13; 300; 300壯士:斯巴達的逆襲

1:42:05; Knowing; 先知

1:43:00; The Incredible Hulk; 無敵浩克

1:43:15; Knowing; 先知

1:46:06; Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance; 靈魂戰車2:復仇時刻

1:48:14; Oblivion; 遺落戰境

1:49:11; Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance; 靈魂戰車2:復仇時刻

1:52:13; Bunraku; 人形凈琉璃

1:55:06; Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance; 靈魂戰車2:復仇時刻

1:56:20; Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; 變形金剛:墮落者的復仇

1:57:20; Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance; 靈魂戰車2:復仇時刻

1:58:05; Super 8; 超級8

1:59:06; Broken Hill; 布洛肯山丘

1:59:17; 300: Rise of an Empire; 300勇士:帝國崛起

2:00:13; Sucker Punch; 美少女特攻隊

2:01:00; 300: Rise of an Empire; 300勇士:帝國崛起

2:01:08; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; 哈利·波特與鳳凰社

2:01:23; Green Zone; 綠區

2:03:08; Legion; 基督再臨

2:03:21; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; 哈利·波特與鳳凰社

2:04:15; Getaway; 逃亡

2:05:02; Next; 預見未來

2:05:22; Live Free or Die Hard; 虎膽龍威4

2:06:19; 300; 300壯士:斯巴達的逆襲

2:07:18; Star Trek; 星際迷航

2:08:20; TRON: Legacy; 創:戰紀

2:09:19; The Sorcerer's Apprentice; 魔法師的學徒

2:11:05; Next; 預見未來

2:12:02; Fast & Furious; 速度與激情

2:12:16; Transformers; 變形金剛

2:13:17; Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; 變形金剛:墮落者的復仇

2:14:01; Star Trek; 星際迷航

2:14:08; The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; 納尼亞傳奇:獅子、女巫和魔衣櫥

2:15:02; The Last Airbender; 降世神通:最後的氣宗

2:15:13; 300: Rise of an Empire; 300勇士:帝國崛起

2:16:03; Jack the Giant Slayer; 巨人捕手傑克

2:16:13; Super 8; 超級8

2:17:00; X-Men Origins: Wolverine; X戰警:金剛狼

2:17:11; TRON: Legacy; 創:戰紀

2:18:19; The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader; 納尼亞傳奇:黎明行者號

2:19:18; The Nutcracker; 胡桃夾子

2:21:20; Thor; 雷神

2:23:11; Sucker Punch; 美少女特攻隊

2:24:11; Watchmen; 守望者

2:24:19; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; 哈利·波特與死亡聖器

2:25:06; Eragon; 龍騎士

2:25:20; Priest; 驅魔者

2:26:15; The Sorcerer's Apprentice; 魔法師的學徒

2:27:12; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; 哈利·波特與死亡聖器

2:27:23; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

2:28:11; The Amazing Spider-Man; 超凡蜘蛛俠

2:28:18; The Incredible Hulk; 無敵浩克

2:29:05; Pacific Rim; 環太平洋

2:29:22; The Incredible Hulk; 無敵浩克

2:30:23; Pacific Rim; 環太平洋

2:33:02; Watchmen; 守望者

2:37:07; Trance; 迷幻

2:39:09; 2012; 2012

2:45:18; Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; 變形金剛:墮落者的復仇

2:47:03; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; 哈利·波特與死亡聖器

2:47:12; Battleship; 超級戰艦

2:51:11; Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; 變形金剛:墮落者的復仇

2:57:02; Transformers: Dark of the Moon; 變形金剛:月黑之時

3:01:23; Thor; 雷神

3:02:03; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

3:02:21; Sucker Punch; 美少女特攻隊

3:03:21; Thor: The Dark World; 雷神:黑暗世界

3:05:07; Underworld: Awakening; 黑夜傳說:覺醒

3:06:06; X-Men Origins: Wolverine; X戰警:金剛狼

3:07:02; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

3:09:10; The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug; 霍比特人2:史矛革荒漠

3:10:04; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

3:11:16; John Carter; 異星戰場:約翰·卡特傳奇

3:12:13; The Dark Knight Rises; 蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士崛起

3:13:14; Elysium; 極樂空間

3:15:06; 300: Rise of an Empire; 300勇士:帝國崛起

3:17:07; 300; 300壯士:斯巴達的逆襲

3:19:02; Underworld: Awakening; 黑夜傳說:覺醒

3:19:18; Thor; 雷神

3:20:16; Resident Evil: Retribution; 生化危機5:懲罰

3:21:09; TRON: Legacy; 創:戰紀

3:22:08; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

3:23:06; Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time; 波斯王子:時之刃

3:23:20; The Lone Ranger; 獨行俠

3:24:18; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

3:26:06; Terminator Salvation; 終結者2018

3:27:16; Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; 變形金剛:墮落者的復仇

3:28:02; The Avengers; 復仇者聯盟

3:28:21; Cloud Atlas; 雲圖

3:29:23; Pacific Rim; 環太平洋

3:30:23; Wrath of the Titans; 諸神之怒

3:32:22; Pacific Rim; 環太平洋

3:34:19; Battleship; 超級戰艦

3:35:10; Pacific Rim; 環太平洋

3:46:05; Trance; 迷幻

3:49:02; Ender's Game; 安德的游戲

3:50:17; Transformers; 變形金剛

3:51:23; Elysium; 極樂空間

3:53:07; Gravity; 地心引力

3:54:12; Transformers: Dark of the Moon; 變形金剛:月黑之時

3:55:23; Armageddon; 世界末日

3:57:04; Oblivion; 遺落戰境

3:58:13; Knowing; 先知

3:59:06; Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; 變形金剛:墮落者的復仇

4:00:01; Battleship; 超級戰艦

4:02:01; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

4:02:11; 2012; 2012

4:03:22; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

4:04:14; Skyline; 天際浩劫

4:05:08; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

4:06:01; Transformers: Dark of the Moon; 變形金剛:月黑之時

4:07:20; Star Trek Into Darkness; 星際迷航:暗黑無界

4:09:08; A Good Day to Die Hard; 虎膽龍威5

4:10:16; Transformers: Dark of the Moon; 變形金剛:月黑之時

4:11:09; Battleship; 超級戰艦

4:11:23; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

4:13:07; Skyline; 天際浩劫

4:13:21; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

4:14:07; Angels & Demons; 天使與魔鬼

4:15:03; Transformers: Dark of the Moon; 變形金剛:月黑之時

4:15:22; Resident Evil: Afterlife; 生化危機4:戰神再生

4:16:12; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

4:17:19; Thor: The Dark World; 雷神:黑暗世界

4:18:16; Pacific Rim; 環太平洋

4:19:07; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

4:20:05; Pacific Rim; 環太平洋

4:20:18; TRON: Legacy; 創:戰紀

4:21:07; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

4:23:03; Knowing; 先知

4:37:04; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

4:40:15; World War Z; 僵屍世界大戰

4:41:19; Knowing; 先知

4:46:05; The Divide; 隔絕

4:51:15; Knowing; 先知

4:53:22; I Am Legend; 我是傳奇

4:56:04; Upside Down; 翻天尋愛

4:59:21; Man of Steel; 超人:鋼鐵之軀

5:00:23; Upside Down; 翻天尋愛

5:05:03; Pacific Rim; 環太平洋

5:07:11; John Carter; 異星戰場:約翰·卡特傳奇

5:08:17; Journey 2: The Mysterious Island; 地心歷險記2:神秘島

5:09:10; The New World; 新世界

5:09:21; The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader; 納尼亞傳奇:黎明行者號

5:12:03; Hellboy II: The Golden Army; 地獄男爵2:黃金軍團

5:13:01; Avatar; 阿凡達

5:16:05; The Lovely Bones; 蘇西的世界

5:21:12; Avatar; 阿凡達

5:24:00; After Earth; 重返地球

5:24:20; Avatar; 阿凡達

5:26:05; To the Wonder; 通往仙境

5:27:03; The Tree of Life; 生命之樹

5:28:10; Knowing; 先知

5:31:08; Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; 變形金剛:墮落者的復仇

5:34:06; Sunshine; 太陽倒數

E. 跪求2011年終回顧166部電影大混剪裡面的音樂名及各部電影名稱

John Williams-Hedwig's Theme
Karen O and Trent Reznor-Immigrant Song
Yeah Yeah Yeahs-Down Boy
Oasis-The Masterplan
Ingrid Michaelson-Can't Help Falling in Love
Elbow-Grounds for Divorce
電影名字無能為力實在太多 而且全都是用預告片做的 很多電影中國沒上 網上也沒資源 沒看過的不少 以下是知道的幾部 希望能幫到你 ╮(╯▽╰)╭
亡命駕駛 源代碼 總統殺局 鍋匠,裁縫,士兵,間諜 哈利波特 猩球崛起 傳染病 美國隊長 功夫熊貓2 加勒比海盜4 與夢露的一周 速度與激情5 丁丁歷險記 胡佛傳龍紋身的女孩 X戰警第一課 宿醉2 吐司 一天 午夜巴黎 炮友 家庭作業 生命之樹 漢娜 火槍手 海豚的故事
洛杉磯之戰 殺手精英 哥倫比亞人 高樓大劫案 抗癌的我 藍精靈 初學者 新年前夜 愛瘋了 小紅帽 綠燈俠 雷神
看了兩遍 只知道這些了



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