導航:首頁 > 音樂圖片 > 馬達加斯加的企鵝電影最後的音樂


發布時間:2023-06-11 12:01:23

㈠ 馬達加斯加企鵝的所有插曲

朱利安跳舞時的音樂是原聲碟的第2首:I Like To Move It

1.最好的朋友(Best Friends)
2.我喜歡搖動(I Like to Move It)
3.檀島警騎(Hawaii Five-O)
4.布基樂土(Boogie Wonderland)
5.想出密謀(Whacked Out Conspiracy)
6.烈火戰車(Chariots of Fire)
7.活著(Stayin' Alive)
8.沖出動物園(Zoosters Breakout)
9.生而自由(Born Free)
10.馬島長尾狸貓的攻擊(The Fossa Attack)
11.自由的燈塔(Beacon of Liberty)
12.美麗新世界(What a Wonderful World)

㈡ 馬達加斯加的的企鵝3電影中的一曲英文歌曲 是什麼

是Celebrate----Pitbull吧 新歌呢

Mr. Worldwide
Let's celebrate

I just wanna celebrate
I just wanna celebrate
Tonight we're making history
I just wanna celebrate

We've been around the world, say ain't so
Work hard, play hard, all day long
All the get jealous over me
You can see me 3D overseas
If you know me then you know
Off to the Bahamas
Now live it up, live it up, live it up
Baby pick it up, pick it up, pick it up
And we gon'
Boom boom around the world
Boom boom no kidding girl
Boom boom That's the way we like to play
We gon'
Boom boom around the world
Boom boom no kidding girl
Boom boom That's the way we like to play

I just wanna celebrate
I just wanna celebrate
Tonight we're making history
I just wanna celebrate

I've been patientely waiting for you to shake and shake it
Make it or take it
The point is who made it
Quarter by the game, how I lost time ready
And it's not our fault that we have all the ladies
But it's hard to see these ladies when your middle name is Equator
All around the globe, matter fact see your later
They great at war, world dominators
And we're also some smooth operators, and we gon'

Boom boom around the world
Boom boom no kidding girl
Boom boom That's the way we like to play
We gon'
Boom boom around the world
Boom boom no kidding girl
Boom boom That's the way we like to play

I just wanna celebrate
I just wanna celebrate
Tonight we're making history
I just wanna celebrate

Live it up
It's a good time, so we give you
Now live it up, live it up, live it up
What you wanna do?

I just wanna celebrate
I just wanna celebrate
Tonight we're making history
I just wanna celebrate

Turn it up
Let's celebrate
Turn it up
Let's celebrate

㈢ 馬達加斯加的企鵝電影版里7分39秒時的背景音樂是什麼,就是它們潛入金庫前在馬戲團里的那一段

Erick Morillo的《I Like To Move It》,馬達加斯加3的主題曲

㈣ 馬達加斯加的企鵝片尾曲是什麼還有那個i like moving moving 那個歌是什麼,


Celebrate - Pitbull
Mr. Worldwide
Let's celebrate
I just want to celebrate
I just want to celebrate
Tonight we're makin' history
I just want to celebrate
We've been around the world,
Say ain't so
Work hard, play hard, all day long
All the continents get jealous ova me
You can see me 3d overseas
If you know me
Then you know where to find me
Off to the Bahamas
Where a playa would be handy
Now live it up,
Live it up, live it up
Baby pick it up,
Pick it up, pick it up
And we go
Boom boom,
All around the world
Boom boom,
No kidding girl
Boom boom,
That's the way we like to play
We go
Boom boom,
All around the world
Boom boom,
No kidding girl
Boom boom,
That's the way we like to play
I just want to celebrate
I just want to celebrate
Tonight we're makin' history
I just want to celebrate
Time to go
Time to go
I've been patientely waitin' fo' ya
To shake and shake it
Make it or take it,
The point is we made it
Quarter by the game,
Call us Tom Grady
And it's not our fault
That we have all the ladies
But it's hard to see these ladies
When yo middle name's Equator
All around the globe,
Matter fact see ya later
They're great great war makers,
World dominators
And we're also some smooth operators
And we go
Boom boom,
All around the world
Boom boom, no kidding girl
Boom boom,
That's the way we like to play
We go
Boom boom,
All around the world
Boom boom,
No kidding girl
Boom boom,
That's the way we like to play
I just want to celebrate
I just want to celebrate
Tonight we're makin' history
I just want to celebrate
Time to go
Time to go
Live it up like live you
It's a good time,
It's what we give you
Now live it up, live it up,
Live it up
Live it up, live it up
Live it up
Whachya wanna do?
I just want to celebrate
I just want to celebrate
Tonight we're makin' history
I just want to celebrate
Time to go, let's celebrate
Turn it up, let's celebrate



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