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發布時間:2023-04-01 13:24:08

㈠ 迪士尼電影長發公主中有一首讓頭發發出魔力的歌,求歌詞!!!

* Flower gleam and glow, Let your power shine*
*make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine*
*Heal what has been hurt, change the fate's design. Save what has been lost,Bring back what once was mine.*
*Back what once was mine*

㈡ 長發公主中的音樂

是這首When will my life begin 的第二部分。
然後當中穿插了很多場景,最後她逃出來以後,唱了reprise 2

Mandy Moore
When Will My Life Begin? (Reprise 2) Lyrics
Look at the world - so close, and I'm halfway to it!
Look at it all - so big - do I even dare?
Look at me - there at last! - I just have to do it
Should I?
Here I go...
Just smell the grass! The dirt! Just like I dreamed they'd be!
Just feel that summer breeze - the way it's calling me
For like the first time ever, I'm completely free!
I could go running
And racing
And dancing
And chasing
And leaping
And bounding
Hair flying
Heart pounding
And splashing
And reeling
And finally feeling
Now's when my life begins!

㈢ 芭比之長發公主背景音樂

叫Rapunzel Theme或Theme to Rapunze

In a dream I see
A world meant for me
Wrapped in mystery
The waves sing to me
And so I will follow a falling star
To find out who I am and who you are
Come along, it can』t be very far
The waves are singing
Mmmm I see a butterfly
Dancing on the wind
Mmmm merging with the sky
It』s time to begin
And so I will follow a falling star
To find out who I am and who you are
Come along, you know it can』t be very far
Don』t look in the tower
It』s not were I』派嫌慧ll be
On the shore, by the waves, windswept and free
I』ll be Free!
And so I will follow a falling star
To find out who I am and who you are
Come along, you know it can』t be very far
The waves, they sing to me

這首歌沒在電影中出現,是者敏在叫Barbie Sings!The Princess Movie Song Collection這個原聲大塵答碟中發布的

㈣ 推薦一首背景音樂

奔放型:ALL STAR(出自電影《怪物史瑞克》)
自由型:TOUCH THE SKY(出自電影《勇敢傳說》)和WHEN WILL MY LIFE BEGIN(出自電影《長發公主》)
激昂型:THE PUSS SUITE(出自電影《穿靴子的貓》)
情感型掘銀:I SEE THE LIGHT(出自電影《長發公主》)IT IS YOU(出自電影消散塵《拿禪怪物史瑞克》)

㈤ 電影《魔發奇緣》中長發公主為了巫婆可以變的年輕在巫婆為她梳頭發時唱的是什麼

叫《healing incantation》,不過她唱得很快。



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