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⑴ 請教2016年電影死侍片尾曲歌名,一首英文老歌,不記得了,請求答案

片尾曲是 Careless Whisper 該歌曲大陸國語版為《紅色我的心》 。

1、《Careless Whisper》是英國組合威猛樂隊(Wham)的一首歌曲,由喬治·邁克爾演唱,詞曲由喬治·邁克爾和安德魯·瑞吉里譜寫,收錄在樂隊第二張錄音室專輯《Make It Big》中,於1984年7月24日由史詩唱片和哥倫比亞唱片共同發行。


3、 1985年2月16日,該首歌在美國公告牌百強單曲榜登頂,並連續了三周,拿下來當年的年終榜軍。



死侍片尾曲(Careless Whisper) 歌詞

Careless Whisper - Wham!

I feel so unsure


as I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor


as the music dies, something in your eyes

音樂結束 有什麼在你眼中

calls to mind the silver screen


and all its sad good-byes


I'm never gonna dance again


guilty feet have got no rhythm


though it's easy to pretend


I know your not a fool


Should've known better than to cheat a friend


and waste the chance that I've been given


so I'm never gonna dance again


the way I danced with you


Time can never mend


the careless whispers of a good friend


to the heart and mind


ignorance is kind


there's no comfort in the truth


pain is all you'll find


I'm never gonna dance again


guilty feet have got no rhythm


though it's easy to pretend


I know your not a fool


Should've known better than to cheat a friend


and waste this chance that I've been given


so I'm never gonna dance again


the way I danced with you


Never without your love


Tonight the music seems so loud


I wish that we could lose this crowd


Maybe it's better this way


We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say


We could have been so good together


We could have lived this dance forever


But noone's gonna dance with me


Please stay


And I'm never gonna dance again


guilty feet have got no rhythm


though it's easy to pretend


I know your not a fool


Should've known better than to cheat a friend


and waste the chance that I've been given


so I'm never gonna dance again


the way I danced with you


(Now that you're gone) Now that you're gone

(如今你已離去) 如今你已離去

(Now that you're gone) What I did's so wrong

(如今你已離去) 我是否真的錯的如此徹底

that you had to leave me alone


⑵ 恐怖電影《死寂》里大概7分40秒時放的那段音樂叫什麼名字歌手是誰

The Fleetwoods的Come Softly To Me


⑶ 電影死亡特訓中的插曲(有正確答案再加50分)

歌曲:harder to breathe
你去網路MP3收索 歌曲名 harder to breathe 試聽一下嘛,絕對正確


⑷ 哈利波特與死亡聖器電影裡面羅恩走了以後哈利為安慰低落的赫敏便拉她起來跳舞的那個背景音樂叫什麼名字

歌曲:O Children
歌手:Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Pass me that lovely little gun
My dear my darting one
The cleaners are coming
one by one
You don't even want to
let them start
They are knocking now
upon your door
They measure the room
they know the score
They're mopping up the butcher's floor
Of your broken little hearts
O children
Forgive us now for
what we've done
It started out as
a bit of fun
take these before we run away
The keys to the gulag
O children
Lift up your voice
lift up your voice
Rejoice rejoice
Here comes Frank and poor
old Jim
They're gathering round with all
my friends
We're older now the light is dim
And you are only just beginning
O children
We have the answer to all
your fears
It's short it's simple
it's crystal dear
It's round about it's somewhere here
Lost amongst our winnings
O children
Lift up your voice
lift up your voice
Rejoice rejoice
The cleaners have done their job
on you
They're hip to it man
they're in the groove
They've hosed you down
you're good as new
They're lining up to inspect you
O children
Poor old Jim's white as a ghost
He's found the answer
that was lost
We're all weeping now
weeping because
There ain't nothing we can do
to protect you
O children
Lift up your voice
lift up your voice
Rejoice rejoice
Hey little train
We are all jumping on
The train that goes to
the Kingdom
We're happy Ma we're having fun
And the train ain't even left
Hey little train Wait for me
the station
I once was blind but now
I see Have you left a
seat for me
Is that such a stretch of
the imagination
Hey little train Wait for me
I was held in chains
but now I'm free
I'm hanging in there
don't you see
In this process of elimination
Hey little train
We are all jumping on
The train that goes to
the Kingdom
We're happy
Ma we're having fun
It's beyond my wildest expectation

⑸ 電影,死寂 里開頭的音樂是什麼,哪裡有下

電影死寂的背景音樂名字就叫dead science,我也很喜歡這個背景音樂,



⑹ 電影《死侍》片尾曲叫什麼

電影《死侍》片尾曲是:《Careless Whisper》和《Angel of the Morning》

《Careless Whisper》是英國組合威猛樂隊(Wham)的一首歌曲,由喬治·邁克爾演唱,詞曲由喬治·邁克爾和安德魯·瑞吉里譜寫,收錄在樂隊第二張錄音室專輯《Make It Big》中,於1984年7月24日由史詩唱片和哥倫比亞唱片共同發行。

1984年9月17日,在《滾石》雜志選出的「1984年最佳100首歌曲」中,該首歌位居第24位。 1985年2月16日,該首歌在美國公告牌百強單曲榜登頂,並連續了三周,拿下來當年的年終榜冠軍。此外,該首歌還拿下了全球24個國家的單曲榜冠軍。該首歌的全球銷量超過了六百萬張。



完整歌曲的時間長達六分半鍾,但唱片公司為了打歌宣傳而用了另外剪輯約五分鍾的版本。雖然《Careless Whisper》獲得了各種積極地評論,不過喬治·邁克爾在日後接受記者訪問時,他卻表示對這首歌曲不是很滿意,他覺得寫的可以再更好。




Time can never mend

The careless whispers of a good friend

To the heart and mind ignorance is kind

There's no comfort in the truth

Pain is all you'll find

Should've known better

I feel so unsure

As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor

As the music dies something in your eyes

Calls to mind the silver screen

And all its sad good-byes

I'm never gonna dance again

Guilty feet have got no rhythm

Though it's easy to pretend

I know your not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend

And waste the chance that I've been given

So I'm never gonna dance again

The way I danced with you

Time can never mend

The careless whispers of a good friend

To the heart and mind

Ignorance is kind

There's no comfort in the truth

Pain is all you'll find

I'm never gonna dance again

Guilty feet have got no rhythm

Though it's easy to pretend

I know your not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend

And waste this chance that I've been given

So I'm never gonna dance again

The way I danced with you

Never without your love

Tonight the music seems so loud

I wish that we could lose this crowd

Maybe it's better this way

We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say

We could have been so good together

We could have lived this dance forever

But noone's gonna dance with me

Please stay

And I'm never gonna dance again

Guilty feet have got no rhythm

Though it's easy to pretend

I know your not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend

And waste the chance that I've been given

So I'm never gonna dance again

The way I danced with you

(Now that you're gone) Now that you're gone

(Now that you're gone) What I did's so wrong

That you had to leave me alone

The End

《Angel of the Morning》是Nina Simone、Juice Newton演唱的一首歌曲,收在專輯《Juice》中


"Angel of the Morning"有多個錄製版本,是多位歌者的熱門單曲,如Nina Simone, Juice Newton, Merrilee Rush, P.P. Arnold, Olivia Newton-John, The Pretenders/Chrissie Hynde, Dusty Springfield, Mary Mason, Melba Montgomery/ Billie Davis.

這首歌由紐約詞曲者Chip Taylor譜寫創作,最初他想邀Connie Francis演唱,但Connie認為此曲風格不適合自己而拒絕了合作邀請。此後,在1968年Merrilee Rush錄制了這一單曲,並得到巨大反響。但最受歡迎的版本出自Juice Newton,錄制於1981年並收入其《Juice》專輯,並打入Billboard Hot 100榜單,排名第四。

"Angel of the Morning"曾出現在多部影視作品中,如2000年,薇諾娜·賴德與安吉麗娜·朱莉主演的電影《移魂女郎》(Girl, Interrupted)。1996年,湯姆·克魯斯主演的電影(Jerry Maguire)。以及1995年《老友記》S2E6,「寶寶落在巴士上了」這一集中,Chrissie Hynde客串並現場彈唱了「Angel of the Morning」。以及2016年《死侍》電影的片頭


Angel of the Morning

There'll be no strings to bind your hands

Not if my love can't bind your heart

And there's no need to take a stand

For it was I who chose to start

I see no need to take me home

I'm old enough to face the dark

Just call me angel of the morning, angel

Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby

Just call me angel of the morning angel, angel

Then slowly turn away

I won't beg you to stay with me

Maybe the sun's light will be dim

And it won't matter anyhow

If morning's echo says we've sinned

Well it was what I wanted now

And we were victims of the night

I won't be blinded by the light

Just call me angel of the morning angel, angel

Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby

Just call me angel of the morning, angel

Then slowly turn away

I won't beg you to stay with me

Through the tears of the day,

Of the years, baby, baby, baby.

Just call me angel of the morning angel, angel

Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.

⑺ 死侍電影裡面開頭死侍坐在橋上聽的是什麼歌

分享Salt-N-Pepa的單曲《Shoop》: http://music.163.com/song/41654774/?userid=397797159 (來自@網易雲音樂)

⑻ 死侍電影里的插曲都有哪些

1、橋上的rap:salt-Npepa《Shoop》、DMX《X Gon『Give it to ya》

2、死侍被折磨時的bgm:《Mister Sandman》



5、死侍跳進垃圾車的bgm:《So Far Gone》

6、死侍倒地比劃愛心時的bgm:《You're the Inspiration》

7、結尾男女主角kiss的bgm:《Careless whisper》

歌手:Salt-N-Pepa,Salt-N-Pepa組合成立於1986年,是史上最成功的女子Rap組合。1993年,Salt-N-Pepa以她們的多白金專輯《Very Necessary》(shoop所屬專輯)重返樂壇,贏得1995年格萊美最佳說唱獎。


10、死侍追蹤Ajax下落、死侍服裝改進:Deadpool Rap 這首歌是死侍電影中的原創說唱。

11、死侍鋼力士彈頭前往廢品站(這廢品站居然有跟天空母艦似的船):X Gon' Give It to Ya
歌手:Dmx,美國說唱歌手,原名Earl Simmons,1970年12月18日出生於美國馬里蘭州的巴爾的摩市。

12、結尾死侍與女友擁吻:Careless Whisper
威猛樂隊由兩位小學時代的好友組成,他們是喬治·邁克爾(George Michael)和安德魯·維治利(Andrew Ridgeley)。 從小他們便熱衷於音樂。高中畢業後,他們失業在家,但這也使得他們能更加致力於歌曲的創作。

13、接下來是電影bgm公路飆車打鬥戲:Maximum Effort

14、調侃完棕色褲子後開始,爆頭三殺,一直到把人插成「串」:Twelve Bullets

15、把Ajxa從摩托上打下來一直到被鋼力士扔飛:Man in a Red Suit


死侍(Deadpool)是美國漫威漫畫旗下反英雄,初次登場於《新變種人》(New Mutants)第98期 (1991年2月)。本名韋德·溫斯頓·威爾遜(Wade Winston Wilson),原是一名身經百戰的特種兵,為了治癒身患癌症的自己而參加X武器(Weapon X)計劃,並被注入了金剛狼的基因得以延續生命,代價是他的容貌被毀。


⑼ 求《死亡特訓》 開始那段英文歌曲

"Puppet Playtime"
Words and Music by Drew Fitzjohn
Performed by Bobby No and GaGa
Courtesy of Faber Music Limited

"Harder to Breathe"
Written by Adam Levine / Jesse Carmichael / James Valentine / Ryan Dusick / Mickey Madden
Performed by Maroon5
Courtesy of Octjay Records

"You Can't Hold Me Down"
Written by G. Wilkinson / M. Wadell / N. Adderley
Performed by Us3
Courtesy of Universal International Music, BV under license from Universal Music Enterprises and Us3

"Gettin Hot"
Written by John Andrew Spence / Kenny Young / Arthur Resnick / Chris Davies
Performed by Organic Audio
Courtesy of Nettwerk Proctions / Tummy Touch Records Ltd

"So Sorry to Say"
Written by Klayton
Performed by Celldweller
Courtesy of Esion Media/Position Music
By Arrangement with Position Soundtrack Services

"Hell Above Water"
Written by Toni Halliday / Dean Garcia
Performed by Curve
Courtesy of Hip-O Records under license from Universal Music Enterprises

"Brahm's Lullaby"
Traditional Arranged by Curtis Schwartz
Courtesy of Associated Proction Music LLC

Written by ATB
Performed by ATB
Courtesy of Kontor Records

"Good to Go"
Written and Performed by Organic Audio


⑽ 死侍里坐在橋上收音機里放的歌是什麼

是salt-n-pepa 樂隊的《Shoop》這首歌。


Hey, yeah - I wanna shoop, baby
[Oooo, how you doin', baby?No, not you
You, the bow-legged one, (ha-ha) yeah

What's your name?Damn, that sounds sexy]
Here I go, here I go, here I go again (again?)
Girls, what's my weakness? (Men!)

Ok then, chillin', chillin', mindin' my business (word)
Yo, Salt, I looked around, and I couldn't believe this
I swear, I stared, my niece my witness

The brother had it goin' on with somethin' kinda...uh
Wicked, wicked (oooo) - had to kick it
I'm not shy so I asked for the digits

A ho? No, that don't make me See what I want slip slide to it swifty
Felt it in my hips so I dipped back to my bag of tricks
Then I flipped for a tip, make me wanna do tricks for him

Lick him like a lollipop should be licked
Came to my senses and I chilled for a bit
Don't know how you do the voodoo that you do

So well it's a spell, hell, makes me wanna shoop shoop shoop
Shoop shoop ba-doop
Shoop ba-doop

Shoop ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop
Shoop ba-doopShoop ba-doop
Shoop ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop

Salt N Pepa
Ummm, you're packed and you're stacked 'specially in the back
Brother, wanna thank your mother for a butt like that (thanks, Mom)

Can I get some fries with that shake-shake boobie?
If looks could kill you would be an uzi
You're a shotgun - bang! What's up with that thang?

I wanna know how does it hang? Straight up, wait up, hold up,
Mr. Lover Like Prince said you're a sexy mutha-
Well-a, I like 'em real wild, b-boy style by the mile

Smooth black skin with a smile
Bright as the sun, I wanna have some fun
Come (come) and (hmmm) give me some of that yum-yum

Chocolate chip, honey dip, can I get a scoop? (please)
Baby, take a ride in my coupe, you make me wanna...
Shoop shoop ba-doop (Baby, hey)

Shoop ba-doopShoop ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop
Shoop shoop ba-doop (Don't you know I wanna shoop, baby)
Shoop ba-doop

Shoop ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop
Well let me bring you back to the subject, Pep's on the set
Make you get hot, make you work up a sweat

When you skip-to-my-lou, my darling
Not falling in love but I'm falling for your
When I get ya betcha bottom dollar you were best under pressure

Getcha getcha lips wet cuz it's time to have Pep
On your mark, get set, go, let me go, let me shoop
To the next man in the three-piece suit

I spend all my dough, ray me, cutie
I love you in your big jeans, you give me nice dreams
You make me wanna scream, "Oooo, oooo, oooo!"

I like what ya do when you do what ya doYou make me wanna shoop
Shoop shoop ba-doop
Shoop ba-doop

Shoop ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop
Shoop shoop ba-doop
Shoop ba-doop

Shoop ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop
[Oh, my goodness, girl, look at him
He's the cutest brother in here

And he's comin' this way! Oooo!]
S and the P wanna kick with me, cool (uh-huh)
But I'm wicked, G, (yeah) hit skins but never quickly (that's right)

I hit the skins for the hell of it, just for the yell I get
Mmm mmm mmm, for the smell of it (smell it)
They want my bod, here's the hot rod (hot rod)

Twelve inches to a yard (damn) and have ya soundin' like a retard (yeah)
Big 'Twan Love-Her, six-two, wanna hit you
So what you wanna do?

What you wanna do?Mmmm, I wanna shoop
Shoop shoop ba-doop
Shoop ba-doop

Shoop ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop
Shoop shoop ba-doop
Shoop ba-doop

Shoop ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop
Oh, you make me wanna shoop
Hey yeah, I wanna shoop, baby


Salt-N-Pepa,是一個音樂組合,成立於1986年,首張專輯名為《Hot, Cool& Vicions》。

Salt-N-Pepa組合的首張專輯名為《Hot, Cool& Vicions》。來自該專輯的第一支單曲《The Showstopper》成績為Billboard R&B榜的第46位,第二支單曲《Push lt》排名流行單曲榜第19位。

這張《Hot,Cool& Vicions》專輯獲得了白金唱片的銷量,這是女子說唱所取得的前所未有的驕人佳績。

經過一段時間沉寂之後,1993年,Salt-N-Pepa以她們的多白金專輯《Very Necessary》重返樂壇,贏得1995年格萊美最佳說唱獎。

同時,她們還榮幸地應邀參加了1994年Woodstock音樂節表演,隨 後這支亮麗的女子組合還涉足了電影圈。

1997年,她們的第5張專輯《Brand New》發行。Salt N Pepa的作品富有極強的旋律性,節奏強勁,給人們留下深刻的印象。



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