導航:首頁 > 音樂圖片 > 電影裂縫音樂


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① 電影裂縫(cracks)中的所有音樂

酷我聽歌都有~~~. The School 1:10
02. Lustful Thoughts 2:20
03. The New Girl 1:19
04. Fiamma's Theme 3:52
05. Radfield Sets The Standard 1:40
06. Facination 3:07
07. The Sultan And The Diamond 2:30
08. Midnight Swim 2:11
09. Suspicion 1:35
10. School Photograph 1:03
11. Stories Of Africa 1:14
12. Still Water 1:15
13. It Is Not Forever 2:24
14. Cracks 1:44
15. Here Be Monsters 1:27
16. Across The Ocean 1:45
17. Fiamma's Return 1:33
18. To Dive Is To Fly 1:49
19. No Promises 1:57
20. Jealousy 1:24
21. St. Agnes Eve 2:06
22. Gypsy Dance 1:49
23. Section 2:20
24. Desperation 2:11
25. Ruin 2:11
26. Out Of Bounds 2:44
27. Forever 2:49
28. Open Water 4:43

② 誰清楚電影《裂縫》里的所有插曲和主題曲叫什麼


③ 電影"裂縫"的背景音樂

就連整部片子的配樂充滿著陰郁的氣氛,其中還包含著掙扎、無望、暫時的愉悅、對未來的無望、相互的嫉妒,總之,慾望無處不在,扭曲了人性,泯滅了天真。悲劇還會延續···· 在這樣的一所寄宿學校里,老師、學生的污點都被掩飾起來,所有人緘口不提,並禁止


④ 電影裂縫插曲叫什麼

她唱的是一首英國民謠 第3段
1.Alas, my love, you do me wrong,
To cast me off discourteously.
For I have loved you well and long,
Delighting in your company.
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight,
Greensleeves was my heart of gold,
And who but my lady greensleeves.

2. Alas, my love, that you should own
A heart of wanton vanity,
So must I meditate alone
Upon your insincerity.
Greensleeves was all ...

3. Your vows you've broken, like my heart,
Oh, why did you so enrapture me?
Now I remain in a world apart
But my heart remains in captivity.
Greensleeves was all ...

4. If you intend thus to disdain,
It does the more enrapture me,
And even so, I still remain
A lover in captivity.
Greensleeves was all...

5. I have been ready at your hand,
To grant whatever thou [wouldst]1 crave;
I have both wagered life and land,
Your love and good-will for to have.
Greensleeves was all...

6. Thou couldst desire no earthly thing,
But still thou hadst it readily.
Thy music still to play and sing;
And yet thou wouldst not love me.
Greensleeves was all...

7. I bought thee kerchiefs for thy head,
That were wrought fine and gallantly;
I kept thee at both board and bed,
Which cost my purse well-favoredly.
Greensleeves was all...

8. I bought thee petticoats of the best,
The cloth so fine as it might be;
I gave thee jewels for thy chest,
And all this cost I spent on thee.
Greensleeves was all...

9. Thy smock of silk, both fair and white,
With gold embroidered gorgeously;
Thy petticoat of sendal right,
And these I bought thee gladly.
Greensleeves was all...

10. My men were clothed all in green,
And they did ever wait on thee;
All this was gallant to be seen,
And yet thou wouldst not love me.
Greensleeves was all...

11. They set thee up, they took thee down,
They served thee with humility;
Thy foot might not once touch the ground,
And yet thou wouldst not love me.
Greensleeves was all...

12. ['Tis]2 I will pray to God on high,
That thou my constancy mayst see,
[And that yet once before I die,
Thou wilt vouchsafe to love me.
Greensleeves was all...

13. Ah, Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu,
To God I pray to prosper thee,]3
For I am still thy lover true,
Come once again and love me.
Greensleeves was all...

詳見 http://www.u148.net/article/474.html

⑤ 電影《裂縫》講了什麼

在一家樸素嚴謹的寄宿女校,一群學生中的佼佼者組成了一支游泳隊,這群心高氣傲的女生為比賽刻苦訓練,只想取悅她們優雅迷人的女老師(伊娃·格林飾)。新轉來的一名西班牙女孩美艷無比,立即成為新的焦點,女孩間微妙的平衡被打破,為了排除異己,這群女孩秘密聚會,策劃了即將改變她們一生的事件…… 大約是在1930年代,在一間紀律嚴明的英國寄宿女校內,有一支游泳隊。游泳隊里的女生各個都是成績和外貌上的佼佼者。她們刻苦訓練,每天汗流浹背地游泳,目的並不是在比賽中獲得什麼好的名次,而是為了接近她們的教練——G女士(Miss G)。G女士是一個有著陰郁氣質和優雅外貌的女人。她渾身所散發出來的那種黑色而又神秘的感覺,讓一眾學生為她傾倒。在游泳隊里,G女士也很喜歡這種盲目的個人崇拜。 這個小團體的氣氛曖昧而又祥和,可是這一切卻因為菲艾瑪(Fiamma)的到來而徹底改變。菲婭瑪是一個西班牙女孩,她有著傲人的外貌和無與倫比的游泳天賦。可是這個美人卻不那麼合群。她冷落了熱情的同學,怠慢了G女士的招待。可是G女士卻毫不生氣,並且還有討好她的意味。G女士的這一做法讓她原來的學生妒火中燒,忍無可忍的她們對著菲艾瑪做出了恐怖的事情……

⑥ 求電影《裂縫》的一首插曲


⑦ 電影《裂縫》菲亞瑪走之後那些女孩在宿舍里唱的歌曲叫什麼名字

Greensleeves (綠袖子)

原詞Alas, my love, you do me wrong,

To cast me off discourteously.
For I have loved you well and long,
Delighting in your company.Chorus:
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight,
Greensleeves was my heart of gold,
And who but my lady greensleeves.Your vows you''ve broken, like my heart,
Oh, why did you so enrapture me?
Now I remain in a world apart
But my heart remains in captivity.Chorus
I have been ready at your hand,
To grant whatever you would crave,
I have both wagered life and land,
Your love and good-will for to have.Chorus
If you intend thus to disdain,
It does the more enrapture me,
And even so, I still remain
A lover in captivity.Chorus
My m
Ah, Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu,
To God I pray to prosper thee,
For I am still thy lover true,
en were clothed all in green,
And they did ever wait on thee;
All this was gallant to be seen,
And yet thou wouldst not love me.Chorus
Come once again and love me.Thou couldst desire no earthly thing,
but still thou hadst it readily.
Thy music still to play and sing;
And yet thou wouldst not love me.Chorus
Well, I will pray to God on high,
that thou my constancy mayst see,
And that yet once before I die,
Thou wilt vouchsafe to love me.



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