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1. 丈夫偷裝監視器 意外拍下妻子對水電工的曖昧偷腥什麼電影

懸疑 / 經典 / 倫理
地區:美國 / 歐美
演員: 詹姆斯·斯圖爾特
導演: 阿爾弗雷德·希區柯克

2. 請問電影無罪的罪人里被殺的女檢查官是誰扮演的


英文名:Greta Scacchi


《 Amour caché, L' 》 (2007) ...Dr. Dubois
《肉體性追緝 The Book of Revelation 》 (2006) ...Isabel
《 The Handyman 》 (2006) ...Julia Parchant
《義薄情天 Broken Trail 》 (2006) ...Nola Johns
《拇指一豎 Marple: By the Pricking of My Thumbs 》 (2006) ...Tuppence Beresford
《 Icicle Melt 》 (2006) ...Madeleine
《 Broken Trail: The Making of a Legendary Western 》 (2006) ...Herself
《噩夢工廠 "Nightmares and Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King" 》 (2006) ...Dr. Katie Arlen (segment "Autopsy Room Four")
《諜對諜/辛瑞那/CIA 實錄/荒漠獨行/石油迷經 Syriana 》 (2005) ...
《空中危機/飛行計劃/三萬尺凶間 Flightplan 》 (2005) ...Therapist
《飛躍情海/飛越情海/飛躍海洋 Beyond the Sea 》 (2004) ...Mary Duvan
《母親,愛情的限度 Sotto falso nome 》 (2004) ...Nicoletta
《 Maigret: L'ombra cinese 》 (2004) ...Juliette Martin
《 Ronzio delle mosche, Il 》 (2003) ...Natalia
《 Baltic Storm 》 (2003) ...Julia Reuter
《 Jeffrey Archer: The Truth 》 (2002) ...Margaret Thatcher
《 Daniel Deronda 》 (2002) ...Lydia Glasher
《嘎納電影節 Festival in Cannes 》 (2001) ...Alice Palmer
《 "The Farm" 》 (2001) ...Liz Cooper
《好萊塢劫難 One of the Hollywood Ten 》 (2000) ...Gale Sondergaard
《尋找阿拉布蘭蒂 Looking for Alibrandi 》 (2000) ...Christina Alibrandi
《 Christmas Glory 2000 》 (2000) ...Reader
《 John Barry: Licence to Thrill 》 (2000) ...Narrator
《化妝間 Ladies Room 》 (1999) ...Lucia
《歌頓瑪莉 Cotton Mary 》 (1999) ...Lily Macintosh
《 Tom's Midnight Garden 》 (1999) ...Aunt Gwen Kitson
《 The Manor 》 (1999) ...Mrs. Ravenscroft
《紅色小提琴 Violon rouge, Le 》 (1998) ...Victoria Byrd (Oxford)
《奧德賽 Odyssey, The 》 (1997) ...Penelope
《蛇之吻 Serpent's Kiss, The 》 (1997) ...Juliana
《艾瑪 Emma 》 (1996) ...Mrs. Weston
《科西 Cosi 》 (1996) ...Mental Patient (uncredited)
《 Rasputin 》 (1996) ...Tsarina Alexandra
《總統的秘密情人 Jefferson in Paris 》 (1995) ...Maria Cosway
《鄉間生活 Country Life 》 (1994) ...Deborah Voysey
《峰迴路轉 Browning Version, The 》 (1994) ...Laura Crocker-Harris
《超級大玩家/幕後玩家 Player, The 》 (1992) ...June Gudmundsdottir
《龜灘瀝血 Turtle Beach 》 (1992) ...Judith
《激情海岸 Salt on Our Skin 》 (1992) ...George
《情如物證 Fires Within 》 (1991) ...Isabel
《愛人別出聲 Shattered 》 (1991) ...Judith Merrick
《欲網危情 Presumed Innocent 》 (1990) ...Caroline Polhemus
《三姐妹 Paura e amore 》 (1988) ...Maria
《月球小姐 Donna della luna, La 》 (1988) ...Angela
《慾望城 White Mischief 》 (1987) ...Lady Diana Broughton
《早安巴比倫 Good Morning, Babylon 》 (1987) ...Edna Bonnano
《燃燒情人 Un homme amoureux 》 (1987) ...Jane Steiner
《丑聞風暴 Defence of the Realm 》 (1985) ...Nina Beckman
《 Coca-Cola Kid, The 》 (1985) ...Terri
《 Burke & Wills 》 (1985) ...Julia Matthews
《 Camille 》 (1984) ...Marguerite Gautier
《熱與塵 Heat and Dust 》 (1983) ...Olivia, his wife (The Nineteen Twenties in the Civil Lines at Satipur)

3. 美國電影情動假日中出現過的歌曲

曲目1:《I』m Going Home》
詞曲/歌手:Arlo Guthrie
首張收錄專輯: Alice's Restaurant
words and music by Arlo Guthrie
Like the tree that grows so tall
Leaves turn gold and then they fall
They've gone down, but now they've grown
They're going home
Mountain streams may run and flow
Clean the sands on which they go
Stretching down like it had known
It's going home
Sunrise early in the dawn
Slips away, and then it's gone
Leaves the night to carry on
While it's going home

Once a man he lived and died
What he said death could not hide
Even though it's often tried
But he was going home
Now my friends it's time to go
And this love will live to grow
And I want you all to know
I'm going home

曲目2:《A Stroll》
作曲:Rolfe Kent
曲目3. 《Price Mart》
作曲:Rolfe Kent
曲目4. 《Hunger For Human Touch》
作曲:Rolfe Kent
曲目5. 《Frank the HandyMan》
作曲:Rolfe Kent
曲目6. 《Eating Pie》
作曲:Rolfe Kent
曲目7. 《Here Before》
詞曲/歌手:Vashti Bunyan
首張收錄專輯: Lookaftering
Once I had a child
He was wilder than moonlight
He could do it all
Like he's been here before
Once I had a child
She was smiling like sunshine
She could see it all
Like she's been here before
Then I had a child
Took his while like northern summer
And he knows it all
Like he's been here before

曲目8. 《Exercises in B Minor, Op. 35, No. 22: Allegretto》
作曲: Fernando Sor
演奏:Shin-ichi Fukuda
曲目9. 《Adele』s Miscarriages》
作曲:Rolfe Kent
曲目10. 《Letter To Dad》
作曲:Rolfe Kent
曲目11. 《Frank Is Arrested》
作曲:Rolfe Kent
曲目12. 《Henry Grows Up》
作曲:Rolfe Kent
曲目13(片尾曲):《Romance de los Pinos》
作曲:Federico Moreno Torroba
演奏:Andrés Segovia
以上13支曲目所屬專輯:Labor Day (Music from the Motion Picture)

曲目14:Life of Leisure
詞曲:Keith Mansfield

曲目15: True News Bump
詞曲:Galen Shostac

曲目16:《I』m In The Mood For Love》
詞曲:Dorothy Fields ; Jimmy McHugh
歌手:The King Cole Trio
所屬專輯:The Complete Capitol Recordings Of The Nat King Cole Trio
i'm in the mood for love,
simply because you're near me
funny,but when you're near me
i'm in the mood for love,
heaven is in your eyes,
bright as the stars we're under.
oh! is it any wonder,
i'm in the mood for love?
why stop to think of whether
this little dream might fade?
we've put our hearts together,

now we are one,
i'm not afaid!
if there's a cloud above,
if it should rain we'll let it!
but for tonight,
forget it!
i'm in the mood for love.love

why stop to think of whether
this little dream might fade?
we've put our hearts together,
now we are one,
i'm not afaid!
if there's a cloud above,
if it should rain we'll let it!
but for tonight,
forget it!
i'm in the mood for love.love

曲目17:《Estudio XIX 》
詞曲:Celedonio Romero
演奏:Pepe Romero
所屬專輯:Songs My Father Taught Me

曲目18. 《All I Have To Do Is Dream》
詞曲:Felice Bryant ; Boudleaux Bryant
演唱: Hugo Montenegro
專輯:Crazy Arms

曲目19.《 It Ain』t Necessarily So》
詞曲:George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin, DuBose Heyward ,Dorothy Heyward
歌手:Cal Tjader
專輯:Truth Matters
Say it isn't so,
Everyone is saying
You don't love me,
Say it isn't so.

Everywhere I go,
Everyone I know,

Whispers that you're growing tired of me,
Say it isn't so.
People say that you

Found somebody new,
And it won't be long
Before you leave me,
Say it isn't true

Say that everything is still okay,
That's all I want to know

And what they're saying,
Say it isn't so

曲目20:End Title
作曲: John Williams

電影名稱:情動假日 Labor Day (2013)
導演: 賈森·雷特曼
編劇: 賈森·雷特曼 / Joyce Maynard
主演: 凱特·溫絲萊特 / 喬什·布洛林 / 蓋特林·格里菲斯 / 克拉克·格雷格 / 詹姆斯·范德比克 ……
類型: 劇情 / 愛情
製片國家/地區: 美國
片長: 111分鍾
又名: 一日一生(台) / 勞動節 / 一天一生 / 分娩日 / 勞動日
劇情簡介 :
故事發生在1987年的美國,阿黛爾(凱特·溫絲萊特 Kate Winslet 飾)和亨利(加特林·格里菲斯 Gattlin Griffith 飾)是一對相依為命的母子,一次偶然中,兩人在購物途中遇見了滿身是血的流浪漢弗蘭克(喬什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 飾),誤打誤撞之下,阿黛爾和亨利將弗蘭克帶回了家,弗蘭克亦誠懇地坦白了他灰暗的過往。原來,弗蘭克是一名逃犯,他因為發現深愛的兒子並非自己親生而在憤怒之中失手殺死了女友曼迪(Maika Buckley 飾)。
隨著時間的推移,弗蘭克和阿黛爾之間的關系越來越親密,兩人決定帶著亨利遠走高飛,然而,正當計劃即將順利實施之時,亨利卻將這個秘密告訴了早熟的女孩蓮諾(布麗吉德·弗萊明 Brighid Fleming 飾),這一舉動為阿黛爾和弗蘭克帶來了災難性的麻煩。

4. 是不是在發達國家當水電工經常有艷遇



5. 女的為了報復老公跟水電工上床的微電影叫什麼名字


6. 韓國電影老婆與水電工是哪部電影

哥 哥 的 老 婆 1
황상원、My Brother's wife
導 演
片 長

7. 台灣水電工哪裡能看到


8. 《台灣水電工》是一部什麼電影哪裡可以買到碟片

1.上谷歌中國,查詢 verycd 2.下載 emule 電驢 軟體 3.安裝 emule 電驢 軟體,並且啟動 4.中間上方有個放大鏡圖案,點下去,可以搜尋檔案。 5.查詢 水電工 或者 台灣水電工(也可以找任何文件名稱、歌曲、影片) 6.開始下載 說明:本軟體的搜尋功能,可以補充Google的不足。Google是搜尋網頁,且因各地政策而有遮蔽。emule則搜尋包含全世界的電腦中有該關鍵字的 檔案名稱 。

9. 誰有水電工阿賢的電影,怎麼都找不到




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