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㈠ The Sixth Sense靈異第六感的全部對白

靈異第六感/鬼眼 The Sixth Sense (1999)


[first lines]
Anna Crowe: It's getting cold.
Malcolm Crowe: That is one fine frame; one fine frame that is. How much...
[he sits down with a grunt]
Malcolm Crowe: ... does a fine frame like that cost, do you think?
Anna Crowe: I never told you, but you sound a little like Dr. Seuss when you're drunk.
Cole Sear: We were supposed to draw a picture, anything we wanted. I drew a man who got hurt in the neck by another man with a screwdriver.
Malcolm Crowe: You saw that on TV, Cole?
Cole Sear: Everyone got upset. They had a meeting. Mom started crying. I don't draw like that any more.
Malcolm Crowe: How do you draw now?
Cole Sear: Draw... people smiling, dogs running, rainbows. They don't have meetings about rainbows.
Vincent Gray: Do you know why you're afraid when you're alone? I do. I do.
Cole Sear: Are you a good doctor?
Malcolm Crowe: Well... I used to be. I won an award once. From the Mayor. It had an expensive frame.
Cole Sear: I'm gonna see you again, right?
Malcolm Crowe: If that's okay with you.
Stanley Cunningham: Philadelphia is one of the oldest cities in this country. A lot of generations have lived here and died here. Almost any place you go in this city has a history and a story behind it. Even this school and the grounds it sits on. Can anyone guess what this building was used for a hundred years ago, before you went to this school, before I went to this school? Yes, Cole?
Cole Sear: They used to hang people here.
Stanley Cunningham: No, uh, that, mm-mm, that's not correct. Uh, where'd you hear that?
Cole Sear: They'd pull the people in, crying and kissing their families 'bye. People watching would spit at them.
Stanley Cunningham: Uh, Cole, this, this building was a legal courthouse. Laws were passed here. Some of the very first laws of this country. This whole building was full of, uh, lawyers, uh, lawmakers.
Cole Sear: They were the ones that hanged everybody.
Cole Sear: Tell me the story about why you're sad.
Malcolm Crowe: You think I'm sad?
[Cole nods]
Malcolm Crowe: What makes you think that?
Cole Sear: Your eyes told me.
Malcolm Crowe: Once upon a time there was this person named Malcolm. He worked with children. He loved it. He loved it more than anything else. And then one night, he found out that he made a mistake with one of them. He couldn't help that one. And he can't stop thinking about it, he can't forget. Ever since then, things have been different. He's not the same person that he used to be. And his wife doesn't like the person that he's become. They barely speak anymore, they're like strangers. And then one day Malcolm meets this wonderful little boy, a really cool little boy. Reminds him a lot of the other one. And Malcolm decides to try and help this new boy. 'Cause he feels that if he can help this new boy, it would be like helping that other one too.
Cole Sear: How does the story end?
Malcolm Crowe: I don't know.
Cole Sear: I see dead people.
Malcolm Crowe: In your dreams?
[Cole shakes his head no]
Malcolm Crowe: While you're awake?
[Cole nods]
Malcolm Crowe: Dead people like, in graves? In coffins?
Cole Sear: Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead.
Malcolm Crowe: How often do you see them?
Cole Sear: All the time. They're everywhere.
Cole Sear: They see only what they want to see.
Cole Sear: She wanted me to tell you...
Lynn Sear: Cole, please stop...
Cole Sear: She wanted me to tell you she saw you dance. She said, when you were little, you and her had a fight, right before your dance recital. You thought she didn't come see you dance. She did. She hid in the back so you wouldn't see. She said you were like an angel. She said you came to the place where they buried her. Asked her a question? She said the answer is... "Every day." What did you ask?
Lynn Sear: Do... Do I make her proud?
Cole Sear: She came a long way to visit me, didn't she?
Malcolm Crowe: I guess she did.
Cole Sear: I walk this way to school with Tommy Tammisimo.
Malcolm Crowe: He your best buddy?
Cole Sear: He hates me.
Malcolm Crowe: Do you hate him?
Cole Sear: No.
Malcolm Crowe: Did your mom set that up?
Cole Sear: Yes.
Malcolm Crowe: Do you ever talk to your mom about how things are with Tommy?
Cole Sear: I don't tell her things.
Malcolm Crowe: Why not?
Cole Sear: Because she doesn't look at me like everybody else, and I don't want her to. I don't want her to know.
Malcolm Crowe: Know what?
Cole Sear: That I'm a freak.
Malcolm Crowe: Hey... you are not a freak. Okay? Don't you believe anybody that tries to convince you of that. That's bullshit! You don't have to go through your life believing that. Okay?
Cole Sear: You said the "s" word.
Malcolm Crowe: Yeah... I know. Sorry.
Lynn Sear: Look at my face; I was not thinking anything bad about you.
Cole Sear: Some magic's real.
Cole Sear: You know the accident up there?
Lynn Sear: Yeah.
Cole Sear: Someone got hurt.
Lynn Sear: They did?
Cole Sear: A lady. She died.
Lynn Sear: Oh my god. What, you can see her?
Cole Sear: Yes.
Lynn Sear: Where is she?
Cole Sear: Standing next to my window.
Lynn Sear: Cole, you're scaring me.
Cole Sear: They scare me too sometimes.
Lynn Sear: They?
Cole Sear: Ghosts.
Cole Sear: Grandma says hi.
[Lynn looks up sharply]
Cole Sear: She says she's sorry for taking the bumblebee pendant. She just likes it a lot.
Lynn Sear: [when Cole comes to Lynn to ask to sleep in her bed] Look at my face; I'm not very mad.
Lynn Sear: [at accident] Look at my face; I would never think that about you. Ever! Got it?
[Malcolm arrives late for dinner with his wife]
Malcolm Crowe: I thought you meant the other Italian restaurant I asked you to marry me in.
Cole Sear: [unimpressed after Malcolm Crowe's magic trick with coin] I didn't know you were funny.
Cole Sear: De profundis clamo ad te, domine.
Cole Sear: You ever feel the prickly things on the back of your neck?
Malcolm Crowe: Yes.
Cole Sear: And the tiny hairs on your arm, you know when they stand up? That's them. When they get mad... it gets cold.
Malcolm Crowe: Anna Crowe, I am in love... in love I am.
Kyra Collins: I'm feeling much better now.
Cole Sear: Do you want to tell me something?
Cole Sear: Stop looking at me. I don't like people looking at me like that.
Cole Sear: Instead of something I want, can it be something I don't want?
Malcolm Crowe: Okay...
Cole Sear: I don't wanna be scared anymore.
Cole Sear: I want to tell you my secret now.
Malcolm Crowe: [referring to the award his just received] Wow. We should hang it in the bathroom.
Malcolm Crowe: [to Anna] I would like some wine in a glass, I would not like it in a mug, I would not like it in a jug.
Malcolm Crowe: [Looking at Vincent in the bathroom] Vincent Gray. I do remember you. Quiet, very smart, compassionate. Unusually compassionate.
Vincent Gray: You forgot cursed.
Vincent Gray: [screaming at Malcolm] You failed me! You failed me!
Malcolm Crowe: [a co-worker of Anna's asks her out, he cannot decide whether to leave or not, then finally leaves] Keep moving, cheesedick.
Spanish Ghost on Tape: [Spanish ghost speaks to a young Vincent Gray] Yo no quiero morir!
Malcolm Crowe: [after watching the school play] I thought Tommy Tammisimo sucked big time.
Malcolm Crowe: [to Anna sleeping in a chair] Anna?
Anna Crowe: [in her sleep] I miss you.
Malcolm Crowe: I miss you too.
Anna Crowe: Why, Malcolm?
Malcolm Crowe: What, what is it?
Anna Crowe: Why did you leave me?
Malcolm Crowe: I didn't leave you.
[the ring Anna is holding falls out of her hand to the floor, and Malcolm suddenly remembers everything]
Malcolm Crowe: [after being shot by Vincent Gray] I think I'm okay really. I think it just went in and out. I... It doesn't even hurt anymore.
[last lines]
Malcolm Crowe: [after realizing the time has come for him to move on] I think I can go now. Just needed to do a couple of things. I needed to help someone; I think I did. And I needed to tell you something: You were never second, ever. I love you. You sleep now. Everything will be different in the morning.
Anna Crowe: [in her sleep] Good night, Malcolm...
Malcolm Crowe: Good night, sweetheart.
Ghost in the Closet: Is someone out there? Open this door, please! Come on. I can't breathe! If you can hear me, open this door... I swear on my life I didn't take the master's horse! OPEN THIS DOOR, OR I'LL BREAK THROUGH IT AND GRAB YOU!
Teenage Boy Ghost: Hey, come on! I'll show you where my dad keeps his gun. Come on!
[turns to reveal bloody hole in the back of his head]
The Cabinet Lady: You can't hurt me anymore!
[holds up her wrists, which are slit]
Bobby: Silence, village idiot!
Lynn Sear: Cole, you're scaring me.
Cole Sear: They scare me too sometimes.
Lynn Sear: They?
Cole Sear: Dead people.

㈡ 你們捨不得刪的電影台詞截圖都有哪些


「我在最好的時候碰到了你 是我的運氣,我心中有過你,喜歡人不犯法,可我也只能到喜歡為止了」--《一代宗師》


㈢ 女人的第六感經典語句

  1. 生活就是--忙碌的時候想放假,放假的時候想發薪,發薪的時候才知道忙碌的價值。




正因為這個第六感,既能讓男人感到害怕又能讓男人感到高興。害怕是因為做了壞事會被女人發覺。高興是因為這個女人正在在乎著他,滿足了他的虛榮心 。



㈣ 你怎樣評價電影《第六感生死緣》

就用一首歌名來形容 讓我歡喜讓我憂





㈥ 再刷《第六感生死戀》,依舊被布拉德·皮特帥哭,感動依舊



最近二刷了《第六感生死戀》,馬丁·布萊斯特執導,皮特、霍普金斯、弗蘭妮精彩演繹得沒有驚悚度然而好評如潮的一部「鬼片」。毋庸置疑,即使過了二十年,它仍然散發著唯美高貴的人性味兒,作為一部人類 探索 人性的弱點與神性的光輝的電影,無疑它成功地起到了向善的教化作用。

劇本有靈魂,導演有智慧,演員有靈性,兩個多小時的鋪陳,沒有驚悚,沒有血腥,沒有懸念,沒有燒腦梗,死神一反傳說中的陰森恐怖形象,借用了一個英俊瀟灑青年的身體來到人間,進行了一次降維 旅遊 。




或許這就是命吧,最後一次回首,猶豫不決的男主被一輛飛馳而來的 汽車 撞飛,死神利用了這個機會,選中這個帥哥的身體,開啟了人間一次短期旅行。




聽上去多麼不可思議,千百年來,被人類深惡痛絕的死亡竟然變成了一個可以談判的 游戲 。然而導演的腦洞就是這么大,用這種不可以拒絕的被動合作讓男主介入了男二號的生活。




















㈦ 第六感(The Six Sense)的台詞

You're not listening --

Oh yes, I am. Not an ounce of
excitement, not a whisper of a
thrill, this relationship has all
the passion of a pair of titmice.

Don't get dirty, Dad --

Well, it worries me. I want you
to get swept away. I want you to
levitate. I want you to sing with
rapture and dance like a dervish.

That's all?

Be deliriously happy. Or at least
leave yourself open to be.

'Be deliriously happy'. I'm going
to do my upmost --

He smiles.

I know it's a cornball thing but
love is passion, obsession, someone
you can't live without. If you
don't start with that, what are you
going to end up with? I say fall
head over heels. Find someone you
can love like crazy and who'll love
you the same way back. And how do
you find him? Forget your head and
listen to your heart. I'm not
hearing any heart.
(a moment)
Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll
come back. Because, the truth is
there is no sense living your life
without this. To make the journey
and not fall deeply in love -- well,
you haven't lived a life at all.
You have to try. Because if you
haven't tried, you haven't lived.


Aw, you're tough.

I'm sorry. But give it to me again.
The short version.

Stay open. Who knows? Lightning
could strike.


PARRISH (cont'd)
Forgive the lecture --

I won't. And when I tell Drew about
it, he won't either.

You won't tell him, and even if you
did, he'd clock it and punch it into
his laptop in order to pull out some
key phrases when he gives the
Commencement Speech at Wharton.

You're terrible.

I know. But I'm the only father
you've got.

She kisses him on the cheek.

Thank God.

He doesn't care. But thanks anyway.

㈧ 靈異第六感電影英語台詞


㈨ 導演王家衛有哪些比較好的台詞






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