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發布時間:2021-06-29 01:47:35

Ⅰ 跪求穿靴子的貓(怪物史萊克電影)的可愛動畫表情


Ⅱ 怪物史萊克高清完整版電影


Ⅲ 張的像怪物史萊克的真人版電影是什麼


Ⅳ 求一張電影怪物史萊克里的靴貓的QQ頭像

Ⅳ 怪物史萊克的圖片


叫Puss in boots,穿靴子的貓,普斯是中文化音譯,電影中叫他PUSS就是帽咪的意思.

Ⅵ 誰知道關於電影「怪物史萊克1」 評價

怪物?什麼是怪物?長的和我們不一樣就是怪物嗎?黑猩猩看到人類的美女一定會說,「看她多難看呀,身上連毛都不長」。呵呵,美與丑,不也是人 心中與眼中的主觀概念么?

Ⅶ 誰可以給我一張電影《怪物史萊克》的老婆菲奧娜的截圖

無法插入圖片啊 。我級別不夠

Ⅷ <怪物史萊克>電影的介紹(英文的).

Shrek 1的:
Near a bubbly soupy swamp in a forest of strange creatures, lives the ogre Shrek (voiced by Mike Meyers of Saturday Night Live and Austin Powers fame). Feared and hunted by townspeople (all "normal" humans), the large ugly green being with horns for ears has grown accustomed to his solitary life... until the day when ruler of the land, Lord Farquaad (voiced by John Lithgow), decides to administer an ethnic cleansing of sorts. Rounding up the strange fairy tale characters living amongst the people, he orders them to reside in a designated area--Shrek's peaceful swamp.

Amongst the throng of things like a wooden doll with a growing nose and an old woman with scads of children living in a shoe, is a wisecracking non-stop talking donkey (voiced by Eddie Murphy) who anxiously wants to accompany Shrek to Farquaad's castle and assist in convincing the ruler to let the creatures roam freely again. Reluctantly, Shrek agrees to take Donkey (as he is simply named) to see the prince. But Farquaad will only agree to restore the swamp to its original splendor if the twosome can deliver Princess Fiona (voiced by Cameron Diaz), who is imprisoned by a dragon in a far away castle. With purpose and haste, Shrek sets off on his quest with Donkey in tow.

This hybrid fairy tale contains enough irreverent humor to keep audiences--and parents--upright in their seats. Shrek is the type of guy who enjoys blowing flatulent bubbles in his swamp water, and Donkey--not surprisingly--resembles Eddie Murphy after he's been fitted with a crude humor muzzle. Then there's the princess. Let's just say she's not quite what you'd expect either.

Shrek does have its laughable moments, and strengthens its theme of racial tolerance in a humorous way. Yet the bathroom humor, double entendre sexual jokes (hopefully vague enough to pass by young children), occasional cartoon style violence, and handful of mild profanities (including a synonym for "donkey"), may leave some parents wondering if the good makes up for the bad and the ugly in this movie.

The lovably ugly green ogre returns with his green bride and furry, hooved friend in Shrek 2. The newlywed Shrek and Princess Fiona are invited to Fiona's former kingdom, Far Far Away, to have the marriage blessed by Fiona's parents--which Shrek thinks is a bad, bad idea, and he's proved right: the parents are horrified by their daughter's transformation into an ogress, a fairy godmother wants her son Prince Charming to win Fiona, and a feline assassin is hired to get Shrek out of the way. The computer animation is more detailed than ever, but it's the acting that make the comedy work--in addition to the return of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, and Cameron Diaz, Shrek 2 features the flexible voices of Julie Andrews, John Cleese and Antonio Banderas, plus Jennifer Saunders as the gleefully wicked fairy godmother.



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