導航:首頁 > 音樂圖片 > 神奇女俠電影片尾音樂


發布時間:2021-07-05 07:57:59

『壹』 神奇女俠預告片背景音樂什麼 神奇女俠

Warriors,imagine dragons

『貳』 《神奇女俠》電影彩蛋為什麼沒放在片尾


『叄』 神奇女俠出場BGM叫什麼 神奇女俠出場音樂

神奇女俠出場音樂歌名:Is She with You? /歌手:Hans Zimmer / Junkie XL

『肆』 求dc電影的背景音樂

如果蝠超里也出現過那麼你說的應該就是《Is she with you?》,蝠超裡面女俠出場的bgm,在Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice的原音專輯中能找到

『伍』 神奇女俠主題曲插曲片尾曲背景音樂叫什麼有哪些歌曲

1、Amazons Of Themyscira
2、History Lesson
3、Angel On The Wing
4、Ludendorff, Enough!
5、Pain, Loss & Love
6、No Man's Land
8、Wonder Woman's Wrath
9、The God Of War
10、We Are All To Blame
11、Hell Hath No Fury
12、Lightning Strikes
13、Trafalgar Celebration
14、Action Reaction
15、To Be Human

『陸』 電影神奇女俠的片尾曲叫什麼名字

《To Be Human》 歌詞如下:

Under rich, relentless skies

I've been setting highs

I felt you walk right through me

You're the thing that I invoke

My all persistent goal

Sent to make me queazy

And oh, it's hard now

With time, it works out

To be human is to love

Even when it gets too much

I'm not ready to give up

To be human is to love

Even when it gets too much

I'm not ready to give up

All the tigers have been out

I don't care, I hear them howl

I let them tear right through me

Can you help me not to care?

Every breath comes a prayer

Take this pain from me

And oh you're so far now

So far from my arms now

To be human is to love

Even when it gets too much

I'm not ready to give up

To be human is to love

Even when it gets too much

I'm not ready to give up

To be human

To be human

To be human

Just 'cause I predicted this

Doesn't make it any easier to live with

And what's the point of knowin' it

If you can't change it? You can't change it, change it

Just 'cause I predicted this

Doesn't make it any easier to live with

And what's the point of knowin' it

If you can't change it? You can't change it, change it

To be human is to love

Even when it gets too much

I'm not ready to give up

To be human is to love

Even when it gets too much

There's no reason to give up

Don't give up

『柒』 漫威的電影神奇女俠,她每次出場都會自帶一個bgm,求bgm

Is she with you (神奇女俠是DC的不是漫威的)

『捌』 神奇女俠出場bgm叫什麼

里就已經出現過,歌名叫做《Is she with you?》,作者Hans Zimmer/Junkie XL。到了《神奇女俠》電影里,這旋律成為了神奇女俠的專屬BGM

『玖』 求蝙蝠俠大戰超人中神奇女俠出來時BGM

Hans Zimmer 的 is she with you?神奇女俠出場陪這個音樂帥到爆!

『拾』 神奇女俠預告片中 有個背景音樂是啊哈 啊哈的 蠻好聽的 沒有歌詞的 背




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