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發布時間:2021-07-05 01:14:38

㈠ 電影+圖片

  1. 電影是《豆花女》!!

  2. 你的圖可以放大的,放大也是清楚的,因為它自己的解析度算是高的!

㈡ 求幾張一張電影圖 帶有很多深刻意義的幾句話


㈢ 電影的名字 有圖片

凱拉奈特利 《贖罪》

㈣ 請電影名字 附帶圖片

不是電影,是日本組合AKB48最近的一個MV《Party Is Over》的鏡頭,http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/828833,這個女生是大和田南那

㈤ 求告訴,這是什麼同志電影,帶圖片

Un jour d'été aka A Summer Day (2006),中文名夏日
As summer fades from a small French town, young adolescent Sebastien struggles with his own sexual identity and with internalized, often contradictory erotic feelings, in director Franck Guerin's understated coming-of-ager A Summer Day. Sebastien spends the majority of his time assisting his single father in the latter's garage, but warms even more to palling around with male friend Mickael, a boy he quietly finds sensual and erotic. When a bizarre accident involving a soccer goal post kills Mickael, the event not only plunges the town into a state of perpetual horror, but leaves Sebastien doubly conflicted and confused about his feelings for the boy. He finds a partial salvation in a friendship with Mickael's mother; to the same degree that Sebastien seeks her out, filially, as a maternal surrogate, she looks to him as a much-needed substitute for the son she lost. Meanwhile, Sebastien's burgeoning awareness of his own homosexuality grows more concrete, but an open admission and embrace of this identity seem utterly impossible given the gross hypocrisies and backward sexual repression that plague the community.

㈥ 如何做像電影里帶字幕一樣的圖片

是個app 叫足記

㈦ 找電影 附帶圖片

圖片的文字可以忽略、圖片背景是什麼電影啊 史前一萬年

㈧ 尋找電影(附帶圖片)


㈨ 求一個電影 帶圖片

這個是電影《處刑人》的第一部英文名:《The Boondock Saints》

㈩ 求電影 帶圖片 小日本的

09年4月DVD couleur~色彩



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