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《鋼鐵俠2》明晨零點引爆 網易 2010-5-6 08:51
本報訊(記者羅薇薇)好萊塢科幻動作大片《鋼鐵俠2》明天起上映。為了和北美地區同步,該片將於明晨零點在南京各大影院引爆。 《鋼鐵俠》2008年在全球上映時曾創造了近6億美元的票房佳績,因此《鋼鐵俠2》開拍伊始就受到廣泛關注。續集劇情與第一集相接,小羅伯特·唐尼扮演的億萬富翁發明家托尼·斯塔克,... 2條相同新聞>>

鋼鐵俠卷土重來 壞蛋拆車子好人拆房子(圖) 網易 2010-5-6 08:35
《鋼鐵俠2》海報 本報訊(記者張世韜)「對,我就是鋼鐵俠!回來的感覺真好!」小羅伯特·唐尼主演的《鋼鐵俠2》明日起在中國內地和北美同步公映。昨日記者在保利國際影城看片時發現,... 3條相同新聞>>

胖唐伯虎對戰「壞」鋼鐵俠 新浪 2010-5-6 14:06
《鋼鐵俠》的成功,《鋼鐵俠2》也集合了大量影迷的期待,該片在北美上映以來,雖然口碑好壞參半,但票房成績一直十分可觀。 在《鋼鐵俠2》中,迷人的小羅伯特·唐尼比上一集表現得更酷更「臭屁」,鋼鐵俠不再像個穿著盔甲的普通人,生活中的鋼鐵俠也被汽車、豪宅、華服緊緊包圍,... 4條相同新聞>>

《鋼鐵俠2》5月7日全球同步上映 超震撼觀影體驗 東方網 2010-5-6 07:57
東方網記者王霖5月6日報道:5月的中國電影市場最引人關注的當屬重量級影片《鋼鐵俠2》,而內地上映日期與全球同步也體現了該片對中國電影市場的野心。此次歸來的「鋼鐵俠」延續了上一部風流倜儻的不羈形象,... 4條相同新聞>>

《鋼鐵俠》7日熱映 英雄遭遇愛情危機 鳳凰網 2010-5-6 09:25
開玩笑地說,《葉問2》是「甄子丹負責葉問,黃曉明負責2」,而《鋼鐵俠2》就是兩個鋼鐵俠聯手抗敵。這第二個鋼鐵俠就是一直都支持和保護小唐尼的黑人中尉朋友。 就在小唐尼一度自暴自棄的時候,... 16條相同新聞>>

《鋼鐵俠2》明日上映 網易 2010-5-6 07:26
本報訊好萊塢影片《鋼鐵俠2》將於7日零點登陸中國影院,作為5月最有票房競爭力的影片,該片將和《葉問2》展開票房爭奪戰。 據了解,和4月影市相比,5月14部新片中值得期待的並不多。除了《鋼鐵俠2》外,3D電影《馴龍高手》和改編自熱門電子游戲的《波斯王子》會聚集部分人氣,... 4條相同新聞>>

圖文:鋼鐵俠明日歸來 網易 2010-5-6 06:39
5月7日,《鋼鐵俠2》將於內地上映,這位曾在2008年「給你好看」的超級英雄,又要來展示他的臭屁、自大、花心和無法無天了。 《鋼鐵俠》前年上映時,因對超能英雄形象的顛覆性定位,令觀者耳目一新,再加上小羅伯特·唐尼的精湛演出,... 2條相同新聞>>
<鋼鐵俠2>明日內地公映 要"打"3億元票房(圖) 中國經濟網 2010-5-6 10:30
派拉蒙漫畫改編電影《鋼鐵俠2》將於明日在全國公映。2008年,小羅伯特·唐尼穿著「鋼鐵」外衣登上大銀幕時,中國觀眾對這個好萊塢出品的又一位「大俠」還不熟悉。... 5條相同新聞>>

鋼鐵俠騎龍大戰波斯王子 新民網 2010-5-6 04:23

㈡ 求鋼鐵俠任意一部的影評英文200字(說明是那一部。)


If "Iron Man 3" as Robert Downey Jr. version of iron man's closing work can be described as satisfactory.Unlike Nolan, who brings the heavy dark side of reality into comics, the super hero's tall, rich, and handsome play is cool.Tony stark, a veteran technology guru, not only hammered out a heinous 42-piece "steel suit" in his basement, but even in a tense, stifling crisis. After playing a somatosensory game, he completed the "aerial continuous viewing" and easily rescued all the crew members of air force one on a yacht.In the final decisive battle, he left behind the heroic all-powerful play of "going to Longtan alone" to save the world and left 42 pieces of steel lumps flying all over the sky. Seeing this, I was wondering if "Gundam" could not replace Stark's procts if it continues to develop in this way.

So the question of who the iron man Tony Stark will face for the rest of his life is once again before his eyes.Then we see Tony Stark most of the time in flesh in Iron Man 3, and the villains are fighting to tell the audience "iron suit" how fragile the battle suit is.The same suit, worn by gay friends as a clown-like steel patriot, was used directly as a conveyance by the villain. Teenagers can break it without electricity, except for Tony Stark.If Batman's soul is a Bushido spirit that punishes evil and self-sacrifice, Iron Man's soul is Tony Stark's endless creativity.Just like Huigen in the martial arts novels, Huigen』s swordsmanship is becoming more and more sophisticated, and there is no Huigen who cuts the firewood. At the end of the film Tony Stark finally realized the highest realm, no sword wins the sword, and the sword is one.

But in the middle of the film, a role that is almost indispensable in the first two parts - jarvis has shown an extreme effect, it is estimated that most of the audience is also found at the time of the three Iron Man Tonys Almost all of Tucker』s actions are inextricably linked to jarvis.If the steel battle suit is compared to the sword in the hands of the heroes, then jarvis is the hands of the heroes, if it is offline, it is estimated that the heroes can only retouch the shadowless legs. . .

In addition, the most interesting bridge section of this film should be regarded as the mysterious beard of the film in the first half of the film. In the end, it turned out to be a dragon, and it ridiculed an American war on terror.Everything is nothing more than the self-directed performance of other people's pictures, coupled with the skillful broadcast techniques of Dr. Kelian's technique, and humiliating the style of the new media in the Internet era.

Let's talk about the unsatisfactory part of the film. First of all, the role of female botanist has always made me feel incredible. For a while, I was an academic scientist. After turning my face into a devil who was good at calculation, I turned to another inexplicable death. Forcing me to finally get what I want, this character is so confused that I am dead in her For a while, I suspect that she will also inject some magical drugs and then turn around and start to jump.

Iron man became the most flesh and blood of the superheroes adapted into movies through the portrayal of Robert Downey Jr. in three films. However, in "Iron Man 3" can be vaguely seen in the role has been g to the extreme, cynical nature, he can not be like Batman once the second righteousness is the words ground to torture oneself of heart. The anxiety passages were half earnest, half laughing, and half cursing, and I saw them with a great deal of anxiety, and I feared that if he should break down, the cynicism which had preceded him when he rose again will become a mask, then the true character of the superhero image will be destroyed overnight.




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