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㈡ 哪裡可以找到奧黛麗 赫本《甜姐兒》的所有歌曲啊還要有歌詞!!

01 Overture: Funny Face/'s Wonderful/Think Pink
02 How Long Has This Been Going On? - Audrey Hepburn
03 How Long Has This Been Going On? [Instrumental Reprise]
04 Funny Face Listen Listen Listen
05 Bonjour, Paris! Listen Listen Listen
06 Clap Yo' Hands
07 He Loves and She Loves
08 Bonjour, Paris! [Instrumental Reprise] -
09 On How to Be Lovely - Audrey Hepburn
10 Basal Metabolism - Audrey Hepburn
11 Let's Kiss and Make Up
12 'S Wonderful
Funny Face: 'S Paradise
I was never a real `fan' of musicals until I saw Funny Face. Even then, it took a second viewing for it to really sink in. While not as exuberant as Singin' in the Rain or as grandiose as My Fair Lady, it holds a special place in Audrey Hepburn's heart as one of the most enjoyable performances of her career--and it shows. Audrey only had to play herself to portray Jo, the pearl trapped inside the shell of self-doubt. In many ways, this mirrored her real life at the time. Reflecting her desire for something light after the grueling War & Peace of 1955, the film is bursting at the seams with energy throughout.

Sound quality-wise, the recording does leave a little to be desired. Though not pulled directly from the film as some may indicate, but rather the recording sessions that make up the film's soundtrack, it is identical to what you'll hear while watching it. This would be a prime candidate for a remaster.

On to the tracks! If you're reading this review, you have probably seen the film, but I feel like writing a bit for each one as a reminder.

1) Overture: Funny Face/'S Wonderful/Think Pink

Welcome to Funny Face! As the track begins, the listener expects an orchestral arrangement of the highlights; however, Fred Astaire politely interjects. We're treated to a slightly up-tempo and jazzier version of the title track, which melds into a dreamlike choral interpretation of "`S Wonderful". Also included is Kay Thompson's classic "Think Pink," which makes you wonder why it didn't receive a track of its own.

2) How Long Has This Been Going On?

A close tie with Moon River as my favorite vocal performance of all time from Audrey Hepburn, "How Long..." encapsulates the essence of Jo at the beginning of the film. Endearingly melodramatic, it is a very meticulous performance that places importance in every word, their pace, and placement. The orchestral interlude late in the song brings up the memory of Jo's unforgettable scene dancing with herself and the hat left behind in the wreckage of her bookshop.

3) How Long Has This Been Going On? [Instrumental Reprise]

A short postscript accompanies the performance involving a delicate clarinet lead following the melody of the title lyric, floating on a soft backdrop of intermittent strings.

4) Funny Face

Earning its distinction as the lightest and most unassuming number on the record, the title track melds the ballroom elegance and zest of its music with the silly, cheerful spirit of its subject matter: "You fill the air with smiles, for miles and miles and miles." My favorite part of the song is the step-ladder ascent of the strings, climbing up the scales at the climax--perfect!

5) Bonjour, Paris!

My favorite song on the record! "Bonjour, Paris!" is a boisterous, energetic proction; in a word, BIG. It starts out with what sounds almost like the beginning to a national anthem, and leads into a snippet from the film--Jo, Dick, and Maggie display a false air of indifference to Paris upon arrival, perhaps to impress one another with their worldliness. Once separated, their true tourist curiosity is revealed. Thus begins a romanticized jaunt into Paris led by our three explorers, starting first with Dick: "I want to step out, down the Champs-Elysées..." Conspicuously (and deliberately) left absent is the Eiffel Tower, recognized by our three protagonists later in the song: "There's something missing, I know; there's still one place I gotta go," whereupon they discover the same "strictly tourist" nature in each other and embrace it. If this song doesn't put a smile on your face, I'm afraid there's little hope that anything will.

6) Clap Yo' Hands

If each of our three stars has a signature performance on the album, "Clap Yo' Hands" is unequivocally Kay Thompson's. A spicy mixture of swing, jazz, and blues, peppered occasionally with scat vocals for good measure, the track is perhaps the most uncharacteristic and unexpected. It fits into the story through Dick and Maggie posing as the flamboyant, country-fried pair from "Talluh-hassee" in order to gain admittance to the empathicalist gathering. In the middle of the song comes one of my favorite moments in the film: after the brash "ringa dem bells" section, the music comes to an immediate halt. What directly follows is a light, lilting melody accompanied by a hilarious synchronized jig by the actors: "Why, we's the two most friendly vibrations you ever seen." Thompson proves herself to be a force to be reckoned with vocally, demonstrated by the surprisingly high note she hits at the end. Another track sure to make the surliest of surlies crack a smile.

7) He Loves and She Loves

The most romantic song on the album, "He Loves and She Loves" is an ethereal, nearly percussion-less expression of Dick's falling in love with Jo, structured around a clever conjugation theme that reminds me all too well of my foreign-language class days. The delicate orchestral interlude, to allow for the dance, sharpens into a climax in a decidedly dissonant way, resulting in one of the albums few flaws. However a single, wistful violin saves the day and tastefully leads the listener to the close of the song.

8) Bonjour, Paris! [Instrumental Reprise]

Ira Gershwin presents us with a snappy jazz-fusion interpretation of "Bonjour, Paris," barely over a minute, and headed up by a marimba and saxophone leads. A light, brush-like snare drum and the occasional piano contribution are the supporting actors. If you didn't know better, you'd swear this was a Mancini piece written for Breakfast at Tiffany's.

9) On How to Be Lovely

"On How to Be Lovely" is the cutest track in the list. Featuring Thompson and Hepburn, it is an ambitious mid-tempo stage number with less emphasis placed on the band as compared to other songs to accentuate the vocal performances. Thompson's character, Maggie, takes on an almost motherly role to Jo (her parents are left a mystery to the viewer), demonstrating how to be "lovely" when she gets her first taste of fame. Maggie sings her teachings to the budding model, which are then repeated by Jo in true pupil fashion. Their two vocals occasionally meet into a pleasant harmony, and the "doo-wee-oo" sections prove to be delightfully charming.

10) Basal Metabolism

The only true instrumental on the album (barring, of course, the short instrumental reprises), "Basal Metabolism" is at first a disjointed exploration of avant-garde jazz. It is loosely based around the melody of "How Long Has This Been Going On," and conjures up images of a dimly lit, cigar smoke-filled gentleman's club. A minute or so into the song, as demonstrated in the film, a bass string is lifted at an exaggerated height and released, which begins a pluck-pluck rhythm, slowly evolving into a high-energy swing-jazz rendering of the song "Funny Face."

11) Let's Kiss and Make Up

Though the placement of this song belies its appearance in the chronology of the film, I feel the decision to place it as essentially the last song is well merited--for some reason, it just feels right that way. As I mentioned before, each of the stars had their signature moment in the soundtrack, and this is without a doubt Fred Astaire's. It shows his sweet nature, both on camera and off, and his incredible dance routine in the film proved to audiences this old favorite still "had it." The song has lovely flowing sections as well as staccato stop-start rhythms that are reflected in his dance steps. Midway into the song, the melody turns to an alarming tone indicative of a Spanish bullfighter, humorously acted out by Astaire.

12) `S Wonderful

And this, folks, is the icing on the cake. A dreamy, feather-light melody reminiscent of "He Loves and She Loves," it is a love song that plays upon the slang of those who speak too fast to let articulation catch up: `S Wonderful, `S Marvelous that you should care for me. As Dick and Jo have their final dance in the chapel yard, the orchestra takes over the last half of the song, culminating in an extravagant finish.

Above all, if you're anything like me, the soundtrack to Funny Face will make you happy, no matter what mood you're in. I can't think of any other recording that has such an effect on me. We need to be reminded every so often not to take life too seriously.

Great for some
I loved this soundtrack, mostly because I love the movie. Fred Astaire gives Gershwin's songs his usual warm style and Hepburn delights with her soft unique vocals; however, this cd may not be the best choice for everyone seeking songs from Funny Face. The clips of dialogue, which do display the experience of the film, also take away from the cd's music listening aspect. It helps tell the story, but takes away from the listening enjoyment of the common listener. If you don't mind dialogue in your music, like me, then this is for you. If not try getting a cd with Funny Face's wonderful songs on it. There are many cds with such songs sung by Fred Astaire and his sister Adele from the proction of Funny Face they were in on Broadway ring the 1920's.

㈢ 赫本 書店哪個電影







在攝影師給女主拍片做展的宣傳時,女主越來越喜歡攝影師,攝影師也喜歡女主,一次拍照中一句「I love you」正式交往,但女主就在一次出席前碰到了自己的偶像哲學家,因為這個哲學家攝影師和女主鬧了矛盾,搞壞了這次出展前的宣傳。


㈣ 奧黛麗.赫本演過什麼電影(中英文)

電影作品: 直到永遠 Always (1989)其他譯名:天長地久 鬨堂大笑 They All Laughed (1981)其他譯名:皆大歡喜 血統Bloodline(1978)其他譯名:朱門血痕、血線 【說明】赫本的唯一一部R級電影 羅賓漢與瑪莉安 Robin and Marian(1976) 盲女驚魂記 Waut Until Dark (1967)其他譯名:等到天黑 儷人行 Two for the Road (1967)其他譯名:麗人行、二人同路 偷龍轉鳳 How to Steal a Million (1966)其他譯名:怎樣偷到一百萬 窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady(1964) 巴黎假期 Paris, When It Sizzles(1964)其他譯名:花都繽紛錄、巴黎燃情記 謎中迷 Charade(1963)其他譯名:謎中謎、迷中迷、花都奇緣結良緣、兒戲 雙姝怨 The Children's Hour (1961)其他譯名:孩子們的時刻 蒂凡尼的早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's(1961)其他譯名:珠光寶氣、第凡內早餐、帝芬尼的早餐、蒂凡內早餐 恩怨情天 The Unforgiven (1960)其他譯名:恩怨有情天 修女傳 The Nun's Story (1959) 翠谷香魂 Green Mansions(1959)其他譯名:綠廈 黃昏之戀 Love in the Afternoon (1957)其他譯名:午後之愛、下午的愛情 甜姐兒 Funny Face(1957)其他譯名:滑稽面孔 戰爭與和平 War and Peace (1956) 龍鳳配 Sabrina (1954)其他譯名:薩布麗娜 羅馬假日 Roman Holiday(1953)其他譯名:羅馬假期、金枝玉葉 雙姝艷 The Secret People(1952)其他譯名:神秘的人 【說明】飾演Nora Brentano,當時赫本在演員表上排名第四,為第二女主角 前進蒙特卡羅 Nous irons à Monte Carlo(英文片名:We Will Go to Monte Carlo)(1952)其他譯名:前進蒙地卡羅、我們要去蒙地卡羅 【說明】該版本為《蒙特卡羅寶貝》的法國翻拍版,片中的女孩角色需要說法語,由於赫本說法語非常流利,因此仍飾演同一個角色(但角色名更換為Melissa Walter) 蒙特卡羅寶貝 Monte Carlo Baby(1951)其他譯名:蒙特卡羅寶寶、蒙地卡羅寶寶 械劫裝甲車 The Lavender Hill Mob(1951)其他譯名:薰衣草山的暴徒、拉凡德山的暴徒、橫財過眼、機械裝甲車 【說明】原本預計要赫本飾演主要女性角色之一,但赫本因為舞台劇GIGI軋戲無法分身,只好串場龍套演出一幕作罷 少婦軼事 Young Wives' Tale(1951)其他譯名:少婦故事、年輕妻子們的故事 【說明】飾演角色Eve Lester 野燕麥 One Wild Oat(1951)其他譯名:無 【說明】飾演餐館的招待員 天堂笑語 Laughter in Paradise(1951)其他譯名:天堂里的笑聲

㈤ 奧黛麗赫本演過的電影全集


奧黛麗·赫本(Audrey Hepburn),1929年5月4日出生於比利時布魯塞爾,英國電影和舞台劇女演員。下面,我為您帶來奧黛麗赫本演過的電影全集,歡迎瀏覽!



赫本一生中共獲得五次奧斯卡最佳女主角提名。1999年,她被美國電影學會評為“百年來最偉大的女演員”第三位。2002年5月,聯合國兒童基金會在其紐約總部為一尊7英尺高的青銅雕像揭幕,雕像名字為奧黛麗精神(The Spirit of Audrey),以表彰赫本為聯合國所做的貢獻。


1. 麗人行 Two for the Road

導演 : Stanley Donen

主演 : Audrey Hepburn/Albert Finney/Eleanor Bron/Jacqueline Bisset/Judy Cornwell

2. 羅馬假日 Roman Holiday

導演 : William Wyler

主演 : Audrey Hepburn/Gregory Peck/Eddie Albert/Hartley Power/Harcourt Williams

3. 戰爭與和平 War and Peace

導演 : 金·維多 King Vidor

主演 : 奧黛麗·赫本 Audrey Hepburn/亨利·方達 Henry Fonda/梅爾·弗爾 Mel Ferrer/維托里奧·加斯曼 Vittorio Gassman/赫伯特·羅姆 Herbert Lom/奧斯卡·霍莫爾卡 Oskar Homolka/安妮塔·艾克伯格 Anita Ekberg/赫爾穆特·丹丁 Helmut Dantine/托里奧·卡米納提 Tullio Carminati/巴里·瓊斯 Barry Jones/麥莉·韋特爾 Milly Vitale/傑瑞米·布雷特 Jeremy Brett

4. 甜姐兒 Funny Face

導演 : Stanley Donen

主演 : Fred Astaire/Audrey Hepburn/Kay Thompson

5. 黃昏之戀 Love in the Afternoon

導演 : 比利·懷爾德 Billy Wilder

主演 : 加里·庫柏 Gary Cooper/奧黛麗·赫本 Audrey Hepburn/莫里斯·切瓦力亞 Maurice Chevalier

6. 翠谷香魂 Green Mansions

導演 : 梅爾·弗爾 Mel Ferrer

主演 : 奧黛麗·赫本 Audrey Hepburn/安東尼·博金斯 Anthony Perkins/李·科布 Lee J. Cobb

7. 雙姝怨 The Children's Hour

導演 : William Wyler

主演 : Audrey Hepburn/Shirley MacLaine/James Garner/Veronica Cartwright

8. 謎中謎 Charade

導演 : Stanley Donen

主演 : Cary Grant/Audrey Hepburn/Walter Matthau/James Coburn/George Kennedy

9. 巴黎假期 Paris - When It Sizzles

導演 : Richard Quine

主演 : Audrey Hepburn/William Holden

10. 窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady

導演 : George Cukor

主演 : Audrey Hepburn/Rex Harrison/Stanley Holloway/Jeremy Brett/Wilfrid Hyde-White

11. 龍鳳配 Sabrina

導演 : Billy Wilder

主演 : Humphrey Bogart/Audrey Hepburn/William Holden/John Williams/Martha Hyer

12. 修女傳 The Nun's Story

導演 : Fred Zinnemann

主演 : Audrey Hepburn/Peter Finch/Edith Evans

13. 蒂凡尼的早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's

導演 : Blake Edwards

主演 : Audrey Hepburn/George Peppard/Patricia Neal/Buddy Ebsen/Martin Balsam

14. 盲女驚魂記 Wait Until Dark

導演 : Terence Young

主演 : Audrey Hepburn/Alan Arkin/Richard Crenna/Efrem Zimbalist Jr.

15. 偷龍轉鳳 How to Steal a Million

導演 : William Wyler

主演 : Audrey Hepburn/Peter O'Toole/Eli Wallach/Hugh Griffith/Charles Boyer

16. 恩怨情天 The Unforgiven

導演 : John Huston

主演 : Burt Lancaster/Audrey Hepburn/Lillian Gish

17. 鬨堂大笑 They All Laughed

導演 : Peter Bogdanovich

主演 : Audrey Hepburn/Ben Gazzara/Patti Hansen

18. 拉凡德山的暴徒 The Lavender Hill Mob

導演 : Charles Crichton

主演 : Alec Guinness/Stanley Holloway/Sid James/Alfie Bass/Audrey Hepburn

19. 羅賓漢與瑪莉安 Robin and Marian

導演 : 理查德 萊斯特 (Richard Lester)

主演 : Audrey Hepburn

20. 竊賊之愛 Love Among Thieves

導演 : Roger Young

主演 : Audrey Hepburn/Robert Wagner/Patrick Bauchau

21. 直到永遠 Always

導演 : 史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格 Steven Spielberg

主演 : 理查德·德萊弗斯 Richard Dreyfuss/霍利·亨特 Holly Hunter/奧黛麗·赫本 Audrey Hepburn/Brad Johnson

22. 去往蒙特卡羅 Nous irons à Monte Carlo

導演 : Jean Boyer

主演 : 奧黛麗·赫本



譯 名:龍鳳配

原 名:Sabrina

上 映: 1954年09月09日 ( 英國 )更多地區

地 區: 美國 ( 拍攝地 )

導 演: 比利·威爾德 Billy Wilder

主 演:

漢弗萊·博加特 Humphrey Bogart

奧黛麗·赫本 Audrey Hepburn

威廉·霍爾登 William Holden

約翰·威廉姆斯 John Williams






1955 獲獎 奧斯卡獎 最佳服裝設計(黑白) (Best Costume Design, Black-and-White) Edith Head

提名 最佳女演員 (Best Actress in a Leading Role) 奧黛麗 赫本 (Audrey Hepburn)

最佳導演 (Best Director) 比利 懷爾德 (Billy Wilder)

最佳編劇 (Best Writing, Screenplay) 比利 懷爾德 (Billy Wilder),塞繆爾 A. 泰勒 (Samuel A. Taylor),歐內斯特 萊曼 (Ernest Lehman)

最佳攝影(黑白) (Best Cinematography, Black-and-White) 查爾斯 朗 (Charles Lang (I))

最佳藝術指導-布景(黑白) (Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White) Hal Pereira,Walter H. Tyler,Sam Comer



1955 獲獎 金球獎 最佳編劇 (Best Screenplay) 比利 懷爾德 (Billy Wilder),塞繆爾 A. 泰勒 (Samuel A. Taylor),歐內斯特 萊曼 (Ernest Lehman)


1955 提名 BAFTA電影獎 最佳英國女演員 (Best British Actress) 奧黛麗赫本 (Audrey Hepburn)


1954 獲獎 國家評論協會獎 最佳男配角 (Best Supporting Actor) John Williams (II)


2002 提名 國家電影名錄




英文名:Funny Face

別名: 甜姐兒(中)/甜姐兒(台)/甜姐兒(港)

主演:奧黛麗 赫本 Audrey Hepburn 弗雷德 阿斯泰爾 Fred Astaire Kay Thompson

上映: 1957年02月13日 ( 美國 )

地區:美國 ( 拍攝地 )








片名:How to Steal a Million






片長:127 Min

導演:威廉·惠勒 William Wyler

主演:奧黛麗·赫本 Audrey Hepburn .... Nicole

彼得·奧圖爾 Peter O'Toole .... Simon Dermott

查爾斯·博耶 Charles Boyer .... De Solnay

Bert Bertram .... Marcel

Louise Chevalier .... Cleaning Woman (uncredited)

Marcel Dalio .... Senior Paravideo

Fernand Gravey .... Grammont

休·格里菲思 Hugh Griffith .... Bonnet






㈥ 奧黛麗赫本電影甜姐兒中,這位最右邊的女演員的扮演者是誰

凱·湯普森 Kay Thompson

性別: 女
星座: 天蠍座
生卒日期: 1908-11-09
出生地: 美國,密蘇里州聖路易斯市
職業: 演員



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