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① 魔獸電影經典語錄-魔獸電影經典台詞英文-魔獸電影經典台詞

1.「我以為聯盟再也不會幫助我們了,我以為再也不會看到部落與聯盟共同戰斗的那一天了!終於——我們要聯合起來!」 —— 任務「惡魔拉瑟萊克」,部落英雄的靈魂

2.「敵人的敵人,就是我們的朋友。」 —— 暗矛巨魔的信條

3.「喚孝就像很久以前在卡拉贊註定的那樣,怪物,我來了,帶著公正的裁決而來!」 ——雷吉納德·溫德索爾元帥,圖拉揚四副官之一


5.「樹根時間的推移慢慢痊癒,這個世界也是如此。為了勝利,我們已經作出了太多的犧牲。然而,正如獸人,人類,暗夜精靈摒棄宿怨,為了對抗同一個敵人並肩作戰一樣,大自然本身也將永遠地驅逐黑暗。對我來說,我回來就是想確信這個世界能夠擁有一個光明的未來,這個世界並不需要什麼守護者,因為未來的希望正掌握在凡人的手中。現在,這個使命終於完成,而我也該回到過去的傳說之中了。」 —— 先知麥迪文,最後的守護者


7.「我們以鮮血捍衛榮耀!」 ——白銀之手騎士團口號

8.「記住,阿爾薩斯,我們是聖騎士!我們永遠不能讓復仇蒙蔽我們的雙眼!如果我們把我們的 *** 轉化為嗜血的話,那我們和邪惡的獸人就沒有什麼兩樣了!」 —— 烏瑟爾·光明使者,首席聖騎士,前白銀之手騎士團團長

9.記住,當你放下象徵聖光的聖錘,拿起屠殺虛旁的利劍時,你已經不配擁有聖光之力了! 「即是厄運降臨於我們的故土,他依然在關注著我們。他的光芒將照亮所有人類前行的路途——只要我們依然以他為榜樣,他就永遠不會消失。」——無名氏題於烏瑟爾之墓

10.那些因為拿不到A.L而耿耿於懷的聖騎士們,想想烏瑟爾吧!聖騎之道,在於守護所珍視的一切。 「那麼長時間以來,我都是大十字軍戰士的傀儡。是什麼讓血色十字軍變成了他們努力抗爭的東西?數十年來,我對於父親的記憶從未丟掉一絲一毫,這些寶貴的東西讓差鏈橡我繼續活在這世上。 我經常做夢,在夢里,我的父親和我在一起。他驕傲地站在我的身旁,看著我加入騎士團。我們和成群的天災士兵作戰,我們給聯盟和洛丹倫帶來了榮耀。 我再也不想做夢了,把我帶到我父親那裡去!」 ——泰蘭·弗丁,提里奧之子,大十字軍領主

11.「不管你是聯盟還是部落,只要你願意對抗亡靈天災,銀色黎明就是你的朋友。」 —— 銀色黎明軍官

12.「今天,如果我們戰死,死在這片戰場上,我們雖死猶榮。今天,如果我們戰死,那是為了保衛我們的孩子,我們的父母,我們的……愛人。」 ——薩魯法爾大王,安其拉之門開啟後,盟軍的統帥

13.「不管我是否會離開,該在那裡的永遠在那裡,朋友永遠是朋友。」 ——圖拉揚將軍,白銀之手分隊長,遠征軍統帥

14.「種族並不能說明榮耀,對於和自己不同的存在,人們不應該輕率的作出判斷。我知道有些獸人,他們像最高貴的騎士可敬;我還知道有些人類,他們像最殘忍的亡靈天災那樣邪惡。」 ——提里奧·弗丁,壁爐堡領主,現任白銀之手騎士團團長

15.「我終於拯救了我自己。」 ——格羅姆·地獄咆哮,前戰歌氏族的酋長,部落的戰神

16.「在我眼中,部落的所有成員都是平等的。」 ——薩爾,部落的酋長
1、Durotan: I've led thousands of warriors into battle, but I fear being a father. Does that make me a leader, or a coward?


2、Durotan: Our hope is destroyed, there is nothing to go back too. Is war, the only answer?


3、Durotan: We fight together, or we die together.


4、Durotan: Our world is dying, there is nothing to go back to. If our people want to survive, we must make a home here. Whatever happens.


5、King Llane Wrynn: If we do not unite to fight this enemy, our world will perish.


6、Lady Taria: We have peace in this lands for many years now. But one of our villages burnt tonight.


8、Gul'dan: War is ing.

古爾丹: 戰爭一觸即發。

9、Khadgar: Saving world is not one man job.

卡德加: 拯救世界不是一個人能完成的任務。

10、Durotan: This war will destroy us all.


11、Grommash Hellscream:we will never be slaves! but we will be conquerors.


12、Anin Lothar: I've spent more time protecting my king, than my own son. Does that make me loyal, or a fool?


13、Anin Lothar: Some see death as having some greater purpose, but when it is one of your own, it is hard to grasp anything good es from it.





















21.為了艾澤拉斯為了聯盟For the azeroth,For the alliance
艾澤拉斯與德拉諾本是兩顆祥和安寧的星球,人類在艾澤拉斯大陸上世代繁衍生息,獸人則在德拉諾的土地上辛勤耕耘。直到古爾丹的出現,打破了兩個星球的和平。邪惡的古爾丹為了一己私利,使用惡魔能量打開了一扇傳送門——黑暗之門,並殘忍的破壞獸人的家園。霜狼氏族的酋長杜隆坦不得不帶領著自己的族人離開支離破碎的德拉諾,在舉步維艱的艾澤拉斯大陸上尋找著庇護所。面臨家園危機的人類在領袖洛薩的帶領下一邊痛擊著野蠻的入侵者,一邊苦苦尋求著戰爭之外的解救方法。兩個種族面臨著同樣的危機,他們必須設法渡過這場災難 。

2、山姆·雷米原定為該片導演,然而他的構想無法與暴雪娛樂服務粉絲的理念達成一致。他決定把工作重心轉向《魔境仙蹤》,他在2012年中期退出了專案 。




6、暴雪游戲設計師Chris Metzen擔任了影片顧問,很多暴雪概念藝術家都參與了影片的場景、道具設計。

7、該片並不只是給游戲玩家拍攝的,也是給對這款游戲一無所知的其他電影觀眾拍攝的。鄧肯想成為將游戲翻譯成電影的人,讓魔獸粉絲能把這部電影展示給那些不了解《魔獸》的人看 。


9、該片剪輯版時長為2個小時40分鍾,但考慮到將近3小時的片長很可能會讓觀眾覺得疲乏,為了向市場妥協,又刪減了40分鍾 。




在廣度上的方方面面,工業光魔也再度創立了行業標桿。為了製造出氣勢恢巨集的獸人軍團大舉進攻的場面,他們根據獸人的不同年齡對其骨骼結構和面板進行了不同設計,分別列出幾十項不同細節,比如光是面板,就有毛孔大小、平滑程度、刺青、傷疤、淤青和血管等等方面。設計團隊在每個專案下,擴充套件各種可能的有趣形態,再進行隨機組合。如此一來,在獸人成群出現時,觀眾們所看到的每個獸人都是完全不同的。騰訊評 看過的人還:
魔獸電影經典台詞 魔獸世界電影經典語錄 句子中英文對照_ 經典 句子 和逼真的角色外,台詞也是充滿了各種情懷,片中的經典台詞又讓我們再度回憶起守護部落的場景,下面我就來為大家盤點 魔獸電影經典台詞 , 魔獸世界電影經典語錄 句子中英文... ... 2016-6-12 英文電影台詞經典語錄 大全_ 經典台詞 英文電影台詞經典語錄 大全【 經典台詞 】 編輯:未知 2015-05-20本文已影響 人 經典語錄 是指對那些富有哲理與特殊意義話語的記錄, 經典語錄 普遍來源於 經典語錄 原創... ... 2016-5-7 2015 電影經典台詞 _ 經典台詞 電影 《十月圍城》 經典台詞 看過本文的人還 《花千骨》第一美男殺阡陌 經典台詞 853人覺得好 富士康總裁的 經典語錄 摘抄1361人覺得好 誰的青春不迷茫 經典台 ... ... 2016-5-7 電影 《斷背山》 經典台詞語錄 _ 經典台詞 電影 《斷背山》 經典台詞語錄 【 經典台詞 】 編輯:思靜 2015-07-15本文已影響 人 影片《斷背山》是一部2005年的美國愛情劇情片,改編自安妮·普露所著的同名... ... 2016-5-7 電影經典 勵志 語錄 _勵志 語錄 一些電影總會留下經典的 台詞 。現在請欣賞我帶來的 電影經典 勵志 語錄 吧! 電影經典 勵志 語錄 : 1. 如果你有夢想,就要守護它。 2. 有了目標就要全力以赴。 3... ... 2016-5-8

② 魔獸電影台詞

寂寞是最要命的,他使我們變得脆弱。卡德加,很抱歉,我本想拯救所有人,就像曾經的我(淚目了有木有T T!!!這部影片中好喜歡麥迪文啊)

③ 哪位高手有以下魔獸英雄的英文台詞(血魔法師,暗影獵手,地穴領主,守望者) 非常感謝!

BloodElfMagePissed1.wav (憤怒,責備玩家的聲音)
- the bloodelf the Highborn is my birthright. 出身名門的血精靈是我與生俱來的權利
- the ghost of Quel』thalas cry out for vengeance. 奎爾薩拉斯的幽靈喊著要報仇
- I find your insolence... disturbing. (Star Wars) 你的傲慢真是...煩人。 (電影: Star Wars Episode IV 中Darth Vader的台詞)
- if you don』t master your anger, your anger will master you.I should know! 如果你不控制你的火氣,你的火氣將控制你,我應該知道! (電影Mystery Men中,Wes Studi扮演的角色和Stiller的角色講了類似的話)
- hi, my name is Roy. I』m magic addict. 『Hi Roy.』 嗨,我的名字叫羅伊。我是魔法上癮者。嗨,羅伊 (觀眾有氣無力地和他打招呼)
- My blood cries out for the vengeance of my people』s blood, which can only be repaid with at least twice as much blood! Or maybe three times as much blood! Like if you went to hell,and it was full of blood,and that blood was on fire,and it was raining blood,and maybe that would be enough blood!Eheh...but probably not. 為了給我人民的血報仇我熱血沸騰,用至少兩倍那麼多的血來償還,也許三倍那麼多,就象你到了地獄,它到處是血,血在燃燒,在彌漫。也許將是足夠的血,恩,也許可能還不夠!
BloodElfMageReady1.wav (英雄出生時的聲音)
- burning to avenge. 為復仇而燃燒
BloodElfMageWarcry1.wav (戰爭口號)
- by the bloodelf of the highborn. 為了血精靈和出身名門
BloodElfMageWhat1.wav (選定英雄時發出的聲音)
- do you see something? 看見什麼了嗎?
- eshareado! (精靈語)
- evil is near. 惡魔接近了
- i』m here,mortal. 我在這,凡人
- this prattle bores me. 這場戰斗令我厭煩
BloodElfMageYes1.wav (行動/執行動作時音效)
- anfala! (精靈語) (第一滴血3 3個人在汽車告別時候裡面有這個台詞)
- for my people. 為了我的人民
- acefablana! (還是精靈語)
- for now. 就是現在
- daaa,child』s play. 哎,輕而易舉的事
BloodElfMageYesAttack1.wav (攻擊音效)
- i』ll incinerate them. 我將焚化他們。
- For Quel』thalas! 為了奎爾薩拉斯!
- they shall burn! 他們該燃燒了!
BloodElfSorcerorDeath.wav (英雄死亡音效,無字)

④ 高分求魔獸爭霸全劇情中英對照


In warcraft 3: the reign of chaos

After months of long preparation, kel led him to the curse sect lordaeron launched the first attack, release the undead plague. Uther and his holy knights are investigated by pestilence infection, hoping to find a free way. They work hard, but still, even in the spread disease threatens the alliance.

Undead threat sweep lordaeron king terenas geboren - as a prince arthas against the scourge. Arthas successfully eliminated kel undead armies, but did not decrease, but more soldiers killed human to become the new undead. Facing the overwhelming power and failure of frustration, arthas adopted more extreme resistance measures. Finally, arthas ally, therefore admonished him not lost noble personality.

Arthas fears and determination led to his final collapse. He track the source of plague, want until northrend to eliminate the threat of disease. However, the prince arthas eventually became the lich king, he pulled the prey cursed blade, the sad, because he frost that doing so can save his subjects. Although this jian really brought him a bottomless strength, but it also seized the prince's soul, make him become the most powerful lich king aretas the death knight. Complete loss of mental arthas takes scourge returned to his kingdom. Finally, arthas assassination his father, king terenas, and then led the lich king's army gets throughout lordaeron.

Though defeated his Alsatian all enemies, but he is not out of kel ghosts. Ghost told Alsace, to the lich king's next plan, he must be raised, the method is his bones to the high elves, the WangGuoKui saras the sunwell.

Arthas and the scourge, elves into quayle salas trapped in defence after the fragile. The ranger silvermoon city leader's popularity, hill watts valiant battle, but still the defeat arthas. Arthas just like the army defeated elves, smoothly entered the sunwell. As a means to show his strength, he put the hill, the body becomes earthen banshee, so she never die, never to quell the conqueror's aersasi saras allegiance.

Finally, arthas put kel bones submerged in water at the sunwell. Despite the eternal water so polluted, kel but raised a mana powerful lich, regenerate after kel to arthas explains the lich king's next plan. When arthas and his undead from invading, already was lifeless quayle salas. The 9,000 years stood on the high elves WangCheng exist.

Kel after the resurrection, arthas will lead to the scourge to kill dalaran. They want to get in there, then use the book of medivh to summon archimonde, then archimonde would personally by the end of the burning legion offense. Even the kirin mages also cannot stop arthas army stole into the book. Medivh Soon, kel will raise the casting magic items required. From the first invasion of azeroth, after years of failure is a powerful demon gram biglarry _ _ guest _ his troops in the world of azeroth once again. However, dalaran is not their ultimate goal. Anveenazombie01.wav in under the orders of the demons, he followed biglarry _ _ guest _ scourge, they arrived in kalimdor plans to destroy the world tree - norda hill.

In the chaos, a lonely and mysterious prophecy of distress to provide a weak ethnic guidance. The prophet is not others, is a guardian, medivh, he is trying to save your mistakes. Medivh orc tribes and inform human alliance, the combined, both sides should immediately. But because the generation, they may not be deteriorated. Medivh had warned the orcs were used, even with human art of prophecy or deception, also want to guide them through the sea, to the legend of the mainland - kalimdor. The orcs and human soon had long card LeiWenMing more solitude.

Sal leadership experience difficulty in orc wasteland on kalimdor. Although friendly tauren Kane, blood and strong tauren hoof trumps, many orcish warriors began to succumb to torture or their years of bloodlust. Sarkozy's aide -- grom hellscream - even against the orc tribes, succumb to bring the evil desire by. Grom hellscream and his warsong clan in ashenvale met ancient night elf sentry. In confirmation orcs showed them again, the nature of belligerent after the demigod cenarius personally to expel the orcs. However, under the hand of his roaring and hell is endless anger and hatred, killed the demigod cenarius, defiled ancient forests. Finally, hell roaring sarkozy's help beat manasseh bloggs - this was filled with anger and hatred by the blood of the demon sovereign, curse orcs win back his honor. And Enoch, with the dead, and also the curse from demonic orc forever free.

When the persuading the orcs and human medivh alliance, the night elf rely on their strength against the burning legion independently. Night elf priest tyrande, independent, the speakers will demons and undead resist in ashenvale. Tyrande was she needs help, so she has to wake the millennium druids. A lover of wind, malfurion wrath, tyrande successfully to strengthen the defense, repelled the burning legion. Nature in the druid's help defeat the burning legion and scourge.

Looking for more sleep when the druids, malfurion found held his own brother illidan stone. Tyrande believe that illidan to help them succeed, then release him out. Although illidan really help them for a time, but he eventually walked his way.

Night elf unite, resolutely resist the burning legion. However the burning legion moment never stop to the well of eternity, always eager to get the world tree delusion. If their plan, the world will succeed in this group of demon hands destroyed.

In medivh, under the guidance of sarkozy and kalimdor human forces princes jaina proudmoore realize they must be differences behind. At the same time, malfurion and tyrande leadership of the night elf also realized that they must unite to protect the world tree. After the agreement in the RACES of azeroth, the best possible start to strengthen the world tree fortifications. Malfurion rely on all forces succeeded in releasing norda hill anger, eliminate the archimonde, will be the burning legion from the well of eternity was cast out. The final battle rocked kalimdor, not from the well of eternity energy of the burning legion in azeroth might st before the joint faction.

In warcraft 3 x: the frozen throne
In the burning legion of ashenvale spread ring the invasion, illidan over him in the ngeons of nearly 10,000 prisoners. He has tried to make him to his partner, but soon he found, absorb a called of guldan powerful sorcerer artifact energy. Complete absorption after illidan change into a demon and powerful appearance with the creatures, he still won iggulden part of memory, especially about the tomb of sargeras, the legend of a small island in the dark, sargeras Titanic remains ngeon.

To gain power and freedom of illidan thirst to prove yourself. However, he met anveenazombie01.wav - the devil to put forward a proposal to resist. Kj yells for archimonde in hyjal hill failure, but he is still very annoyed than revenge more important things to do. In perceiving his masterpiece to become too powerful lich king and difficult to control, anveenazombie01.wav command illidan to end resistance, and destroyed forever's fathers scourge. As a trading conditions, illidan will have great power of the burning legion's leader in place.

Illidan had agreed to the plan, and immediately began to destroy the imprisoned the lich king's ice block: soul frozen throne. Illidan knows he needs a powerful artifact to destroy the frozen throne, so he is ready to use from the memory iggulden knowledge to find the grave of sargeras Titanic and relics of darkness. He will be those that the snake from the deep darkness den summoned. The chief Michael watts in cunning, that the help illidan search in the legend of sargeras broken graves islands.

In the land of illidan and at the same time, the governor, maiev of song began to him. Maiev in this one million years has been a guard illidan, she believe oneself can be caught illidan. However, the crafty illidan to the sentinel maiev and efforts, and steal the eye of sargeras. Illidan with this powerful artifact to magic city of dalaran. The city of energy device strengthened illidan strength, he began to use the eye of sargeras cast a devastating spells to deal with in distant northrend of the lich king. Illidan spells shattered the lich king's defence forces and the world of separate ridge. At the last moment, this devastating spells are to support maiev priestess tyrande's malfurion and stopped by.

Clearly, illidan anveenazombie01.wav never fail to his past, and fled to the waste of outland, here is the resie draenor, once the orcs. Illidan had decided to head and shelter in here from his next action plan. In successfully prevent illidan, malfurion and tyrande back home to take care of ashenvale their people. But maiev does not intend to bolt, she followed illidan to outland, determined to bring him back to trial.

At this time, the scourge has lordaeron quayle and thoroughly became full saras poisonous plaguelands. There is only one small scale in the league against forces still hovering. One of the major components of the high elves and their leader is the last member of the ZhuRiZhe dynasty, kyle's. As an excellent mage, kyle carefully in the near the collapse of the league. The high elves to homes fell very sad for the dead compatriots, respect for yourself, they renamed the blood elves. When the blood elves to curb the scourge, when they attack because left the sunwell the source of strength. In order to alleviate the under natural for magic hunger, kyle did something smothered things: he accepted them out of the hand of the high elves ancestors, find a new magic power source of hope to join the illidan and his land units. The union leaders resial condemned the blood elves as a traitor, and they will never drive.

Under cornered, kyle and his blood elves followed illidan had to outland, and helped him to deal with the governor, maiev. Maiev caught illidan has will, but by the blood elves and the land, and to defeat illidan was liberated. Illidan would outland as their base, the lich king to his icecrown fort new offensive and gather strength.

The lich WangNai arcane fathers know oneself already. Imprisoned in the frozen throne he suspected anveenazombie01.wav send shots down destroy ourselves, illidan spell damage the frozen throne, destroyed the lich king's power loss and consequently. Hence, the resistance to captive's most powerful fathers will his hand - the death knight arthas summoned to nearby.

Arthas strength with the lich king's weak graally loss, he fell of lordaeron in a civil war. Banshee hill watts, who's popularity led half of the undead armies launched a rule to overturn the coup. Arthas' While fighting spread throughout the entire plaguelands, arthas lich king summoned, which was handed over to the leadership of his aide-de-camp kel.

Finally, hill, tile and her dead rebels (they called the forsaken) will lordaeron capital ruins. Forgotten in the capital under the wreckage has built up his own base, they vowed to beat scourge and kel and his minions out of the continent.

Power weakening of arthas still decided to rescue his master. He arrived after northrend find illidan's blood elves and that the first step to have him there. Hence, arthas and his spider with illidan to blame for the army, he will lead to icecrown glacier and protect the frozen throne.

Even in such a weak conditions, arthas eventually defeated by strategy, and illidan first arrived in the frozen throne. Arthas with his blade frost of sadness shattered imprisoned the lich king's ice, and obtained the soul's fathers possessed resistance helmet and chest. Arthas will have to wear the helmets, strength, and become a new the lich king. As the resistance of the plan's fathers, he has the soul of arthas and become a powerful creatures compound. Illidan and his troops were forced to flee to outland, and shame, became the world arthas is one of the most powerful creatures.

Now a new immortality of arthas according to the lich WangZhan northrend, he is said to be there, and reconstruction icecrown castle he had trusted lieutenant kel is the plague of the scourge army land. Hill, and she's watts of power control only insurgent dead tirisfal, that are war-torn lordaeron.

Despite having won the victory of the war, but the RACES of azeroth found they had been destroyed by the war. Undead scourge and the burning legion destroyed lordaeron civilization, kalimdor is almost the same fate. Here are the weather-beaten trauma, boundless forest to heal the threat to forget, people need new homes to settle down. War hit every race, but they selflessly cooperation, want to create a new beginning. All of this is from the alliance and horde truce between the hard-won began.

Sal led the orcs to kalimdor mainland, in their tauren compatriots help to establish a new home. The orcs are assassinated in salzburg's name will the new country, they DuLongTan named settled down, and tried to rebuild their splendid civilization that once. Curse now the demon was ended, the tribes from a belligerent forces into a frenzy of loose union, survival and prosperity is their priority. The tauren and cunning in noble dark spear under the help of the troll tribe, sarkozy and his beast people expect a new era of peace.

Jaina proudmoore hand remaining coalition forces in south karim settled. They (on the east coast near the port city established the humble sierra. Human and dwarf alliance together in this dangerous land to live on, despite the DuLongTan and plug of defence, but the other temporary truce fragile peace does not mean the end of the colony of peace.

Peace between human and orcs arrived by a huge kalimdor alliance fleet. Admiral daelin proudmoore (jaina's father) led the fleet in arthas destroy lordaeron left there before. After months of sea voyage exhausting, but proudmoore is still looking for everything he could find alliance survivors.

Admiral proudmoore's fleet in the region has caused severe threat to stability. In the second war as a prominent in the hero, jaina's father is the enemy, his determination to tribal foothold in the orcs destroy DuLongTan before.

Jaina proudmoore is forced to make a difficult choice: support him against the orc and rebelled against her new alliance, or with her father to maintain the alliance and the horde battle between the hard-won fragile peace. In a fight, jaina chose the latter, she help beat her madness sarkozy's father. Unfortunately, admiral jaina prove to him in orc is no longer a bloodthirsty and his monster settlement before it died. The tribe of jaina loyalty to agree to let people friendly, beasts of her troops to plug the home safely.



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