『壹』 求小美人魚1的國語版電影
『貳』 小美人魚完整版電影
『叄』 誰有小美人魚1。2的國語版電影。。求啊!!
您好, 再見,美人魚在下方
PS: 您想知道的看完就能找到答案!
『肆』 誰知道迪士尼電影《小美人魚》的中文版插曲
『伍』 小美人魚的中文配音是誰
配小美人魚的是蔡依林、、國語、以前買的碟子、、非常好聽、、 找不到了。還有烏蘇拉的聲音。配的相當好了
『陸』 求小美人魚電影國語版下載
『柒』 1989年小美人魚1國語電影完整版地址
『捌』 跪求迪士尼動畫電影《小美人魚》1和2國語版
還有芭比啊~~~O(∩_∩)O~ 好多。自己在電腦上下載一個更新比較快的視頻軟體就好了,好多動畫都能找到。
『玖』 小美人魚裡面那首歌part of your world的電影中文配音
art of your world
歌手:disney channel circle of stars
專輯:disney mania 3
look at this stuff
isnt it neat
wouldn't you think my collections complete
wouldnt you think im a girl a girl who has everything
look at this stove
treasures untold
how many wonders can one cavern hold
looking around hey you think sure shes got everything
ive got gadgets and gizmos a plenty ive got whosits and whatsits galore you want thingamabobs i got twenty
but who cares no big deal i want more
i wanna be where the people are
i wanna see wanna see them dancing
disney channel circle of stars
walkin around on those what do you call them
oh.... feet
flipping your fins you dont get too far
legs are required for jumping and dancing
strolling along down the whats that word again
up where they walk up where they run up where they stay all day in the sun
wanna be free wish i could be part of your world
what would i give if i could live out of these waters
what would i pay to spend a day warm on the sand
betcha on land they understand that they dont repremand their daughters
right young women sick of swimmin ready to stand
and im ready to know what the people know
ask my questions and get some answers
whens it my turn when will i learn
love to explore the shore and the birds
out of the sea wish i could be part of that world
part of that world part of that world
part of your world part of your world
i wanna be where the people are
i wanna see wanna see them dancing
walking around on those what do you call them ohh..feet
flippin your fins you dont get too far
legs required for jumping and dancing
strollin along down the what that word again ...street
up where they walk up where they run up where they stay all day in the sun
wanna be free wish i could be part of your world