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Ⅰ 泰坦尼克號2012年版電影完整

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Ⅲ 跪求電影<泰坦尼克號>電影簡介的中英文對照



On April 15, 1912, loaded with passengers, 1316th and 891 crew on board the luxury liner ", Titanic" collided with an iceberg and sank, the shipwreck is considered a 20th century one of the top ten disasters in the world. In 1985, ", Titanic" remains of sunken ships two and a half miles of the submarine was found in the North Atlantic. United States Explorer Mr Lovett personally into the submarine saw a picture on the wall of the cabin, Los maintained the discovery immediately attracted the attention of an old woman. Is already 102 years old rose claims that she is the girl in the picture, in diving in the hold, rose began to describe her story of the year. April 10, 1912, known as the "miracle on the instrial history of the world" ", Titanic" from the United Kingdom

Southampton start towards United States New York. Rich girls rose on Board together with the mother and her fiancé Carl, on the other side, an unruly young painter Jack gambling win over against the pier to the ticket. See that Carl is a real snob rose early, from the bottom is unwilling to marry him, even going to touhai killed herself. Critical moment, Jack a teenage rose cling, two young men have known each other. To resolve teenage hearts of sorrow, Jack where happy with rose has come to life. Soon, the beautiful rose Jack fell in love with the handsome, cheerful and lively, Ross took off his clothes, put on Carl sent her "heart of the ocean" necklace, allows Jack to her portrait, to witness of their love. When a beautiful love story is played out, the ",Titanic" has hit the iceberg. Extremely brutal tragedy started this prelude, ", Titanic" in an instant on becomes a mess, in the midst of critical, good and evil in human nature, noble and mean more defined. Jack had the chance to live a lover Ruth, himself is alive in the binghai freezing. Swollen rose up after this love story moved heaven and Earth, priceless the series "the heart of the ocean" sank into the sea, let it stay with Jack and this love buried Harbour.

Ⅳ 1997泰坦尼克號電影完整版 英文配音中文字幕 高清的


Ⅳ 泰坦尼克號1997電影國語版高清完整版



Ⅵ 泰坦尼克號1997年版電影完整版






Ⅶ 誰有國語版 泰坦尼克號 電影


Ⅷ 泰坦尼克號3d電影完整版 【泰坦尼克號3d】中文字幕高清BT下載 泰坦尼克號3d百度影音


Ⅸ 求老版泰坦尼克號電影(完整版)




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