導航:首頁 > 觀影體驗 > 在電影院左轉然後直走


發布時間:2024-08-12 21:25:24

Ⅰ 首先直走,在電影院左轉,然後直走,在醫院左轉,最後在郵局右轉後直走的英語怎麼寫

首先直走, 在電影院左轉, 然後直走, 在醫院左轉, 最後在郵局右轉後直走。

英語是:First go straight, turn left in the movie theatre, then go straight, turn left in the hospital, and finally turn right at the post office and go straight.

Ⅱ 在電影院左轉,然後直行兩分鍾,再右轉,最後直行。它是在右邊。用英語怎麼說

Turn left at the cinema, and go straight for two minutes, then turn right, and at last go straight again. It is on the right side. (It is on your right.)

Ⅲ 在電影院左轉,然後再直走,他看見一座科學博物館,科學博物館旁邊就是郵局。英文翻譯

Turn left at the cinema.and go straight. He can see the science museum.the post office is near the museum.

Ⅳ 六年級英語句子翻譯


Ⅳ 你現在在電影院和書店的旁邊,然後你直走到了十字路口你就會看見郵局在你的左邊。你再往左轉直走你就會看

You are now at the cinema and next to the bookstore, then you go straight to the crossroads and you will see the post office on your left. You then turn left and you will see the school on your left

You are now at the cinema and next to the bookstore, then you go straight to the crossroads and you will see the post office on your left. You then turn left and you will see the school on your right.

Ⅵ 第一個路口左轉然後直走它就在電影院的對面用英語怎麼說(2種形式)

Take the first left, turn and go straight. It's opposite the cinema.



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