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發布時間:2025-03-24 22:56:20

1. 《沉睡魔咒》怎麼寫

《沉睡魔咒》是羅伯特·斯托姆伯格執導的一部電影,電影劇本由與蒂姆·波頓合作過《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的琳達·沃爾夫頓創作   。安吉麗娜·朱莉、沙爾托·科普雷、艾麗·范寧、薩姆·賴利、伊梅爾達·斯湯頓、朱諾·坦普爾、萊絲利·曼維爾、布蘭頓·思懷茲等主演。
電影改編自1959年迪士尼老牌動畫《睡美人》,電影以瑪琳菲森的視角重新詮釋這部純潔的童話故事,艾麗·范寧在片中飾演小公主愛洛(又譯奧羅拉)。影片於2014年5月30日在北美上映,6月20日在中國大陸以2D、3D、IMAX 3D和中國巨幕四種形式全國公映 。
中文名 沉睡魔咒
外文名 Maleficent
其它譯名瑪琳菲森,黑魔後,黑法魔女,睡美人外傳 出品時間 2014年 出品公司 Roth Pictures 發行公司 華特·迪士尼電影公司 製片地區 美國 製片成本 1.8億美元 導    演 羅伯特·斯托姆伯格 編    劇 保羅·丁尼、琳達·沃爾夫頓 製片人 喬·羅斯、唐·翰、安吉麗娜·朱莉 類    型 動作,親情,魔幻,奇幻

2. 跪求迪士尼電影<花木蘭>的劇本台詞

1. A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may the difference between victory and defeat.
2. Silence. You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man』s presence.
3. So you will die for honor. I will die doing what』s right.
4. I know my place. It』s time you learned yours.
5. Dishonor will come to the family. Traditional values will disintegrate.
6. The fate of the Fa family rests in your claws.
7. I didn』t mean for it to go this far. But it was the only way. Please believe me.
8. You risked your life to help people you love. At least you have good intentions.
9. My children, heaven smiles down upon the Middle Kingdom .China will sleep safely tonight thanks to our brave warriors.
10. Now matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it

3. 海底總動員介紹人物及故事情節英語譯文

主角是一對可愛的小丑魚(Clownfish)父子。父親瑪林本來有一個幸福的家庭,但在一場意外中妻子珊珊和大部分孩子都被鯊魚吃掉,只剩下唯一的兒子尼莫。他們一直在澳洲外海大堡礁中過著安定而"幸福"的平靜生活。但在那巨大的打擊後魚爸爸瑪林一直謹小慎微,行事縮手縮腳,雖 然已經身為人父,卻絲毫不會影響它成為遠近聞名的膽小鬼。也正因為這一點,兒子尼莫常常與瑪林發生爭執,甚至有那麼一點瞧不起自己的父親。直到有一天,在父親瑪林的不信任眼神中,游向了停在海上的游輪底部。正當尼莫回返時,卻被潛水員捉住了。並將它帶到了澳洲悉尼灣內的一家牙醫診所。
雖說是已下定決心,但這並不代表瑪林可以在一夜之間拋棄自己怯懦的性格。途中與大白鯊布魯斯的幾次驚險追逐,很快便令它萌生退意,險些使父子重聚的希望化為泡影。但幸運的是,瑪林遇到了來自撒馬力亞(Samaritan)的藍唐王魚(Regal Blue Tang)多莉(Dory)。多莉是一隻熱心助人、胸懷寬廣的大魚。雖然嚴重的健忘症常常搞得瑪林哭笑不得,但是有多莉在身邊做伴,卻也漸漸令瑪林明白了如何用勇氣與愛戰勝自己內心的恐懼,也懂得了一生中有一些事情的確是值得自己去冒險去努力的道理。
Protagonist is a pair of cute clown fish (Clownfish) and his son. Father Malin had a happy family, but in an unexpected wife, Shan and most children are eaten by sharks, only only son Nemo. They have been in the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia in stability and "happiness" to live in peace. But in the huge hit Malin fish father has been timid, timid to act, although already a father, but did not influence it became known far and wide for a coward. It is because of this, son Nemo often quarrel with Malin, even a little less despised his father. Until one day, in the eyes of the father Malin distrust, swam to the bottom of the sea in the cruise stop. While the return of the nimodipine, but was caught by the divers. And bring it to a dental clinic in Australia in the bay of Sydney.
At the bottom of the Great Barrier Reef, hovering between life and death of the beloved son, the news suddenly, for Malin fish father is tantamount to a bolt from the blue. Although now in order to save the timid and overcautious, beloved children, it only takes numerous Malin has. It is determined to keep up with the current Australia, on a course for his son.
Although it is determined, but this does not mean that Malin can abandon their timid character overnight. Bruce and the way of a great white shark several thrilling chase, soon will make it tuiyi initiation, the father and son reunited nearly hope evaporated. But fortunately, Malin encountered from the SA sanmariya (Samaritan) blue Tangyu fish (Regal Blue Tang Dory, Dory). Dolly is a warmhearted, broad-minded fish. Although severe amnesia often engage in Malin mbfounding, but dolly in the side companion, but also graally make Malin understand how to use and courage to love conquer fear in your heart, but also how to have a life is something really worthy of take risks to work on their own reasoning.
So and the two fishes in the vast Pacific Ocean adventure to make them the hands of all kinds of friends, and suffered all kinds of crises. Malin father and the fish finally overcome, reunited with his son and safely returned to their hometown. The past let his son are looked down upon the coward Malin, after the test become son eyes of the true heroes! A family reunion in this drama, eyes full of tears came to a close.
《海底總動員》是一部由皮克斯動畫工作室製作,並於2003年由華特迪士尼發行的美國電腦動畫電影。這部電影的故事和劇本是由安德魯·史丹頓編寫的,導演則是史丹頓以及李·安克里治兩人。故事主要敘述一隻過度保護兒子的小丑魚馬林和它在路上碰到的藍唐王魚多莉兩人一同在汪洋大海中尋找瑪林失去的兒子尼莫的奇幻經歷。在路途中,瑪林漸漸了解到它必須要勇於冒險以及它的兒子已經有能力照顧自己了。該影片一經上映即獲得了空前好評,並於2004年成功收獲奧斯卡最佳動畫片獎 。

4. 獅子王(英文版)經典台詞及翻譯


1、It's like you are back from the dead.


2、You can't change the past.


3、Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it.


4、This is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?


5、Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.










5. 海底總動員的英語簡介

One year after reuniting Nemo with his father Marlin, Dory has become a helping hand in raising Nemo.

One day, while with Nemo's class, Dory remembers that she has a family. She longs to find her parents, though she finds it hard to rely on her short-term memory loss. The only thing she remembers is that they lived at the Jewel of Morro Bay.

Marlin and Nemo accompany Dory in her quest. With the help of Crush, they ride the water current to California. On arrival, they are forced to flee from a predatory giant squid that nearly devours Nemo.

Afterwards, Marlin tends to his son, and is sour toward Dory for getting them into the mess. Hurt, Dory travels to the surface to seek help and is rescued by the Marine Life Institute after being caught in six pack rings, becoming separated from Marlin and Nemo.








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