A. 魔發奇緣如何用英文做簡短的介紹
Tangled is a 2010 American computer animated musical fantasy-comedy filmproced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Loosely based on the German fairy tale "Rapunzel" in the collection of folk tales published by the Brothers Grimm, it is the 50th animated feature in theWalt Disney Animated Classics series. Featuring the voices of Mandy Moore,Zachary Levi, and Donna Murphy, the film tells the story of a lost young princess with long magical hair who yearns to leave her secluded tower. Against her mother's wishes, she accepts the aid of a handsome intruder to take her out into the world which she has never seen.
B. 學校里的活動,要給英文電影配音,最多有四個人對話,電影片段不能超過五分鍾,求各位大神推薦幾部,謝~
為了滿足您的需求,我推薦幾部適合4人配音的英文電影片段。首先,您可以嘗試《冰雪奇緣》的《Let It Go》片段,時長約為3分鍾,角色分別為艾莎、安娜、克里斯托夫和奧拉夫,非常適合四人合作。
另外,您可以考慮《瘋狂動物城》中的「Just Keep Swimming」片段,時長約為2分鍾,由尼克、嘉莉、朱迪和奇奇共同參與,充滿活力且富有感染力。
對於尋求更多歡樂氛圍,我建議選擇《神偷奶爸》的《Happy Together》片段,時長大約為4分鍾,主角為格魯、維克托、吉米三兄弟以及迷你兵,幽默風趣,適合團隊合作。
最後,如果您希望加入一些緊張刺激的元素,可以考慮《哈利波特》系列中《哈利波特與魔法石》的「Sorcerer's Stone」片段,時長約4分鍾,角色包括哈利、羅恩、赫敏和鄧布利多,劇情緊湊,對話豐富,可以充分展現團隊合作的默契。
C. 冰雪奇緣英文短介紹
"Frozen" is a 2013 Disney animated 3D film.
Directed by Chris barker, Jennifer lee, and voiced by kristen bell, idina menzel.
It was released in the United States on November 27, 2013.
The film is based on Hans Christian Andersen's snow queen.
Tells the story of small arundel forever covered by ice and snow because of a magic spell.
In order to find the summer, princess Anna set out in a team with mountaineers Christopher and his reindeer.
Embark on an adventure to save the kingdom.
It won the best animated feature at the 86th Academy Awards in 2014.
By the end of July 16, 2014, the film has become the world's highest grossing animation film with a worldwide box office of 1.274 billion dollars.
It became the fifth highest grossing film of all time.
D. 冰雪奇緣英文短介紹
"Frozen" is a 2013 Disney animated 3D film.
Directed by Chris barker, Jennifer lee, and voiced by kristen bell, idina menzel.
It was released in the United States on November 27, 2013.
The film is based on Hans Christian Andersen's snow queen.
Tells the story of small arundel forever covered by ice and snow because of a magic spell.
In order to find the summer, princess Anna set out in a team with mountaineers Christopher and his reindeer.
Embark on an adventure to save the kingdom.
It won the best animated feature at the 86th Academy Awards in 2014.
By the end of July 16, 2014, the film has become the world's highest grossing animation film with a worldwide box office of 1.274 billion dollars.
It became the fifth highest grossing film of all time.
E. 電影《瘋狂原始人》英文介紹
Eep is a girl in a family of Neanderthal Cavemen living and hunting in pre-historic times, talking about how her family is one of the few to survive nearby, mainly e to the strict rules of her overprotective father, Grug. Grug never allow to explore. This irritates the bored and adventurous Eep, and when the family falls asleep after dark, she ignores her father's advice and leaves the cave when she sees a light moving outside the cave. Eep是生活在史前的穴居獵人家庭的一個女孩。她的家庭是附近少有的倖存下來的種族,這都源於他父親過於嚴苛的規定,他禁止外出冒險。但正是這項禁止反而激起了Eep的冒險精神,當晚家族成員都睡著時,她看到洞外的光亮,不顧父親的告誡,離開洞穴。Seeking the light's source, she meets Guy, an intelligent Cro-Magnon caveboy. She becomes fascinated with the fire he manages to create and is eager to learn more. He tells her about his theory that the world is reaching its 'end' and asks her to join him. She refuses and Guy leaves, but not before giving her a noise-making shell to call him if she feels the need for help. Shortly afterwards, Eep is then caught by Grug, he brings Eep back home, planning to keep her in the cave for the rest of her life. An earthquake then occurs, sending everyone running for the cave, only to be stopped by Grug moments before the cave is destroyed by falling rocks. Grug takes his family into the deep forest to find a new cave. 她追尋著光亮,遇到了一個聰明的男孩。她開始著迷於他製造的火種,並且渴望能夠學會。男孩告訴她自己的理論,他覺得世界末日將盡,邀請她加入他的隊伍。她拒絕了,但表示在他需要幫助時可以找她。Eep被爸爸抓到了,帶回了家並且打算讓她的餘生都在洞穴里度過。忽然地震發生了,恰好在洞塌之前,所有人都跑了出來。爸爸不得不帶著家族深入森林尋找一個新的洞穴。After they leave, they soon found a colorful world.They meet a lot of animals and the guy who created fire. A new life has just begun. 他們離開之後,很快發現了外面的世界豐富多彩。他們遇到了很多動物,以及會生火的男孩。新生活才剛剛開始