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㈠ 十部最好練英語的電影 關於英語電影的介紹

1、Love Actually《真愛至上》聖誕節必備佳片,一部充滿了驚喜時刻的感人電影。由十個發生在聖誕節前夕的獨立小故事串聯而成,講述了「愛無處不在」。而且故事的情節簡單,對話內容生活化,適合英語小白入門學習。
2、Dead Poets Society《死亡詩社》一個不同尋常的老師基汀帶學生們在校史樓內聆聽死亡的聲音,反思生的意義 ;讓男生們在綠茵場上宣讀自己的理想;鼓勵學生站在課桌上,用新的視角俯瞰世界。老師自由發散式的哲學思維讓學生內心產生強烈的共鳴,他們漸漸學會自己思考與求索,勇敢的追問人生的路途,甚至違反門禁,成立死亡詩社,在山洞裡擊節而歌!
3、Room《房間》非常非常棒的一部電影,女主也憑借這部電影奪得奧斯卡最佳女主。電影講述的是女主被當做性奴,被囚禁了7年,這期間生下了兒子小傑克,而傑克從未離開過這個鐵皮房間,對整個世界的認知就是這個房間。最後母子被解救之後, 在重新融入社會中時,小傑克承擔起了安撫媽媽的角色,幫助媽媽走出陰影。電影最感人的片段,就是最後傑克再一次回到這個鐵皮小屋,看到自己「兒時的夥伴」——馬桶,盆栽,洗手盆.... 小傑克一一和小夥伴告別的時候,真的眼淚止不住往下掉,因為這個大人們所恐懼的房間,卻是傑克的整個童年,電影對白也非常簡單易學,畢竟男主只是個5歲小孩啊,單詞量也不多,哈哈。
4、The Big Short《大空頭》這部電影講述的是2008年華爾街金融危機時,在大家都在虧錢的時候,有一群人卻提前看到了危機,賺得盆滿缽滿。這部電影也入圍了奧斯卡,高曉松在曉松奇談里也力薦這部電影。也非常推崇有一定英語基礎的同學學這部電影,畢竟,現在金融和我們每個人息息相關。沒有金融背景的同學不用怕,這部電影可以把金融知識用各種花哨的方式,給你講明白,還是挺難得的。
5、Alice in Wonderland《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》這是一部大家都很熟悉的童話故事改編的電影,對白很簡單,單詞也不難,電影中所說的是英式英語,很好聽。大家可以兩部一起學習,可以更好的掌握裡面的單詞和句子。《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》是一部很經典的童話故事,改編的這部電影也很適合小白學英語,建議大家看完電影可以再去讀一讀英文原版書,對自己的英語也會有很大的提高。
6、Little Miss Sunshine《陽光小美女》7歲的奧利芙,戴眼鏡,小肚腩,卻堅信自己有朝一日能當選美國小姐;熱衷推銷成功學的爸爸,一事無成還瀕臨破產;立志要當飛行員的哥哥,為表決心9個月不開口說話;舅舅是一個失戀兼失業,自殺又未遂的同性戀;爺爺,被養老院趕出來的老流氓,沉迷毒品和黃色雜志;媽媽,似乎是這個瘋狂家庭唯一還正常的人。為了支持奧利芙參加「陽光小美女」選美比賽,大家決定開車900英里去加州。於是,這一家人踏上了集體尋夢的旅程,跌跌撞撞,滑稽惹笑地開著那輛破舊不堪的巴士駛向未知的前方……
7、Big Fish《大魚》愛德華生性熱愛自由,成年之後,他選擇離開家鄉,踏上了環游世界的旅程。一路上,愛德華遇見了各種各樣稀奇古怪的角色,經歷了無數精彩絕倫的的冒險,而他日後最大的興趣,就是向他人喋喋不休的重復講述他的這一段奇幻旅程。威爾是愛德華的兒子,他並不相信父親所講述的那些光怪陸離的故事,甚至對此感到無比厭煩。婚後,他同父親中斷了聯系,一晃眼就是數年過去。當再次得到愛德華的消息之時,威爾才知道父親即將不久於人世,他決定去見愛德華最後一面。然而,這一次,威爾終於發現了隱藏在這些故事背後的奧秘和真相。
9、Pride 朱爾斯將全部業餘生活獻給了事業,卻面臨董事會對其能力的質疑,和丈夫的背叛……本用自己的人生智慧開導著身邊的人,我們也總能透過他的視角在影片中發現共鳴。是一部非常值得看的電影,也會對大家的職場有所啟發。

㈡ 簡短的用英文介紹中國的一部電影


英文:"In Mount Taihang" is crosses the river by the Chinese red
army soldier, very before the opposition to Japan , wards off
establishes the Mount Taihang base the movie, it has very much
ecates Italy .

㈢ 求電影《馬達加斯加》的英文介紹,能演講2分鍾左右~大神快來

At New York's Central Park Zoo, a lion (Stiller), a zebra (Rock), a giraffe (Schwimmer), and a hippo (Smith) are best friends and stars of the show. But when one of the animals goes missing from their cage, the other three break free to look for him, only to find themselves reunited ... on a ship en route to Africa. When their vessel is hijacked, however, the friends, who have all been raised in captivity, learn first-hand what life can be like in the wild.

㈣ 用英語介紹一下電影《心靈捕手》

Good Will Hunting is an 1997 American drama film directed by Gus Van Sant and starring Robin Williams,Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Minnie Driver and Stellan Skarsgård. Written by Affleck and Damon, and with Damon in the title role, the film follows 20-year-old South Boston laborer Will Hunting, an unrecognized genius who, as part of a deferred prosecution agreement after assaulting a police officer, becomes a patient of a therapist (Williams) and studies advanced mathematics with a renowned professor (Skarsgård). Through his therapy sessions, Will re-evaluates his relationships with his best friend (Affleck), his girlfriend (Driver) and himself, facing the significant task of thinking about his future.
Good Will Hunting received universal critical acclaim and was a financial success. It grossed over US$225 million ring its theatrical run with only a modest $10 million budget. It was nominated for nine Academy Awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture, and won two: Best Supporting Actor for Williams andBest Original Screenplay for Affleck and Damon.
In 2014 it was ranked at number 53 in The Hollywood Reporter's 100 Favorite Films list.[1]

Twenty-year-old Will Hunting (Damon) of South Boston is a self-taught, genius-level intellect with an eidetic memory, though he works simply as a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and spends his free time drinking with his friends Chuckie (Affleck), Billy (Cole Hauser) and Morgan (Casey Affleck). When Professor Gerald Lambeau (Skarsgård) posts a difficult problem taken from algebraic graph theory as a challenge for his graate students, Will solves the problem anonymously, stunning both the graate students and Lambeau himself. As a challenge to the unknown genius, Lambeau posts an even more difficult problem and chances upon Will solving it. Fearing he will lose his sole means of (a meager) income, Will flees and skips going into work the next day. That night, Will meets Skylar (Driver), a British orphan about to graate from Harvard, who plans on attending medical school at Stanford.
Assaulting both a man who bullied him as a child and a police officer who attempts to break up the fight, Will faces incarceration, but Lambeau arranges for him to forgo jail time if he agrees to study mathematics under Lambeau's supervision while simultaneously seeking psychotherapy. Will tentatively agrees but treats his first few therapists with contempt; his refusal to open up is met with staunch defiance by the bourgeois mentality of the therapists, who each refuse to treat Will further. In desperation, Lambeau calls on Dr. Sean Maguire (Williams), his estranged—and much more grounded—college roommate, who now teaches psychology at Bunker Hill Community College. Unlike the other therapists, Sean actually challenges Will's weak defense mechanisms, and after a few unproctive sessions Will begins to open up.
Will is particularly struck by Sean's story of how he met his wife by giving up his ticket to the historic sixth game of the 1975 World Series after falling in love at first sight. Sean neither regrets his decision, nor does he regret the final years of his marriage when his wife was dying of cancer. This encourages Will to build a relationship with Skylar, though he lies to her about his past and is reluctant to introce her to his friends or show her his rundown neighborhood. Will also challenges Sean to take an objective look at his own life, since Sean has been unable to move on from his wife's death.
Chafing under Lambeau's high expectations, Will makes a mockery of job interviews that Lambeau arranges for him. When Skylar asks Will to move to California with her, he panics and pushes her away, revealing that he is an orphan and that his foster father physically abused him. Skylar tells Will that she loves him, but he denies loving her and then leaves. He next storms out on Lambeau, dismissing the mathematical research he has been doing. Sean points out that Will is so adept at anticipating future failure in his interpersonal relationships that he deliberately sabotages them in order to avoid emotional pain. When Will refuses to give an honest reply about what he wants to do with his life, Sean shows him the door. Will tells Chuckie he wants to be a laborer for the rest of his life; Chuckie responds that it would be an insult to his friends for Will to waste his potential and that his fondest wish is that Will should leave to pursue something greater.
Will walks in on a heated argument between Sean and Lambeau over his future. Sean and Will share that they were both victims of child abuse. Sean helps Will to see that he is a victim of his own inner demons and to accept that it is not his fault. Will decides to accept one of the job offers arranged by Lambeau. Having helped Will overcome his problems, Sean reconciles with Lambeau and decides to take a sabbatical to travel the world. When Will's friends present him with a rebuilt Chevrolet Nova for his twenty-first birthday, he decides to pass on his job offers and drive to California to reunite with Skylar. Sometime later, Chuckie goes to Will's house to pick him up, only to find that he is not there. Sean comes out of his house and finds a letter from Will in his mailbox, which tells him he is going to see Skylar, much to his pleasure. In the final scene, Will drives away into the sunset.


㈤ 用英文簡單介紹一下蜘蛛俠這部電影

Spider-man is a superhero film directed by American director Sam raimi.


Based on marvel comics, it stars tobey maguire and kirsten nst.


It premiered in the United States on May 3, 2002.


The film focuses on a student named Peter parker who is bitten by a genetically modified spider.


Armed with superhuman powers, he vows to fight crime with his superpowers.



《蜘蛛俠》劇情介紹:彼得帕克(托比•馬奎爾 Tobey Maguire 飾)只是美國一個平凡的高中生,當一次他被蜘蛛博物館偷跑出來的變種蜘蛛咬了一口之後,彼得的生活徹底改變了。


彼得好友哈利的父親諾曼(威廉•達福 Willem Dafoe 飾)是一家生物科技公司的老闆,因自己公司生產的飛行器沒得到軍方首腦賞識而苦惱不堪。


㈥ 求一段電影星球大戰系列的英文簡介

星球大戰 (1977)


Part IV in a George Lucas epic, Star Wars: A New Hope opens with a rebel ship being boarded by the tyrannical Darth Vader. The plot then follows the life of a simple farmboy, Luke Skywalker, as he and his newly met allies (Han Solo, Chewbacca, Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2) attempt to rescue a rebel leader, Princess Leia, from the clutches of the Empire. The conclusion is culminated as the Rebels, including Skywalker and flying ace Wedge Antilles make an attack on the Empires most powerful and ominous weapon, the Death Star.

㈦ 泰坦尼克電影 英文簡介

Titanic is a romantic film proced by 20th century fox pictures and Paramount pictures.


Directed by James Cameron and starring leonardo dicaprio and Kate winslet.


The film is set in 1912 when the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage.


It tells the story of two people from different classes, jack and Ruth, who abandon their worldly prejudices and fall in love.


Jack finally gives up his life to Ruth's touching story.



《泰坦尼克號》劇情介紹:1912年4月10日,號稱 「世界工業史上的奇跡」的豪華客輪泰坦尼克號開始了自己的處女航,從英國的南安普頓出發駛往美國紐約。




㈧ 急求《盜夢空間》電影英文簡介,可以說到2分鍾左右就行,盡量簡單易懂的,不要太多生僻的詞。拜託啦~~~~~


Inception is a 2010 science fiction action film written, co-proced, and directed by Christopher Nolan. The film features an international ensemble cast starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Dileep Rao, Tom Berenger, and Michael Caine.

DiCaprio plays Dom Cobb, a specialized corporate spy and thief. His work consists of secretly extracting valuable commercial information from the unconscious minds of his targets while they are asleep and dreaming. Wanted for murder and unable to visit his children, Cobb is offered a chance to regain his old life as payment for a task considered to be impossible: "inception", the planting of an idea into a target's subconscious.


迪卡普里奧扮演的Dom Cobb,在片中是一個專業的商業間諜和小偷。他的工作是進入目標者的夢境,秘密萃取具有商業價值的信息。面臨被殺和無法與孩子相聚的困境下,Cobb接受了一個交易機會。他將回到自己從前的生活中去完成一項被認為不可能完成的任務——「Inception」,它需要通過對目標者植入潛意識來實現的。


㈨ 功夫熊貓英文簡介

Kung fu panda is an American action comedy film with Chinese kung fu as its theme.


The film is set in ancient China, and its landscape, scenery, costumes and food are all full of Chinese elements.


The story tells the story of a clumsy panda determined to become a martial arts master.


Directed by John Stephenson and mark osborne, the film is proced by merry schabbe.







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