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電子情書(湯姆·漢克斯,梅格·瑞恩續寫西雅圖愛情經典) (1DVD-5) 單價: 19.90元 收藏
導演 : 諾拉·依弗朗
演員 : 湯姆·漢克斯 梅格·瑞恩 格雷戈·金尼爾 帕克·波西 吉恩·斯蒂伯頓 大衛·查普爾 斯蒂夫·贊恩 達布尼·科爾曼 希瑟·伯恩斯 John Randolph 黛博拉·拉什 Hallee Hirsh Jeffrey Scaperrotta Cara Seymour Katie Finneran
編劇 : 諾拉·依弗朗 迪麗亞·艾芙倫
攝影/像 : John Lindley
音樂 : 喬治·芬頓
剪輯 : Richard Marks
造型設計 : Dan Davis
服裝(設計) : Albert Wolsky
主題曲演唱 : The Cranberries Bobby Darin Sinead O'Connor
主題曲創作 : Hogan Noel Anthony Bobby Darin Dolores Mary O'Riordan Jean Murray Harry Nilsson
製片人 : 諾拉·依弗朗 Lauren Shuler Donner
Dreams 〔英語〕 主題曲創作:Hogan Noel Anthony Dolores Mary O'Riordan 主題曲演唱:The Cranberries
歌詞 :
oh my life is changing everyday
in every possible way
and though my dreams
it's never quite as it seems
never quite as it seems
i know i felt like this before
but now i'm feeling it even more
because it came from you
then i open up and see
the person fumbling here is me
a different way to be
i want more
impossible to ignore
impossible to ignore
and they'll come true
impossible not to do
impossible not to do
and now i tell you openly
you have my heart so don't hurt me
for what i couldn't find
talk to me amazing mind
so understanding and so kind
you're everything to me
oh my life is changing everyday
in every possible way
and though my dreams
it's never quite as it seems
'cause you're a dream to me
dream to me
Splish Splash 〔英語〕 主題曲創作:Bobby Darin Jean Murray 主題曲演唱:Bobby Darin
歌詞 :
Splish Splash, I was takinU a bath
Long about a Saturday night
A rub-a-b, just relaxinU in the tub
ThinkinU everything was alright
Well, I stepped out the tub, put my feet on the floor,
I wrapped the towel around me and I
Opened the door, and then I
Splish, Splash! I jumped back in the bath.
Well how was I to know there was a party going on?
They was a-splishinU and a-splashinU,
Reelin with the feelin, movinU and a-groovinU,
RockinU and a-rollinU, yeah! [Sax solo]
Bing bang, I saw the whole gang
DancinU on my living room rug, yeah!
Flip flop, they was doinU the bop
All the teens had the dancinU bug
There was lollipop with-a Peggy Sue
Good Golly, Miss Molly was-a even there, too!
A-well-a, Splish Splash, I forgot about the bath
I went and put my dancinU shoes on, yay...
I was a rollinU and a strollinU, reelinU with the feelinU, moving and a groovin, splishinU
and a splashinU, yeah!
Yes, I was a-splishinU and a splashinU...
I was a-rollinU and a-strollinU...
Yeah, I was a-movinU and a-groovinUI
We was a-reelinU with the feelinUI
We was a-rollinU and a-strollinUI
MovinU with the groovinU
Splish splash, yeah!
I Guess The Lord Must Be In New York City 〔英語〕 主題曲創作:Harry Nilsson 主題曲演唱:Sinead O'Connor
⑵ 誰能給我一些有中英文字幕對照的適合於英語學習的電影
新東方推薦--25部學英語的好電影2008/02/28 19:301. 阿甘正傳 「FORREST GUMP」
主演:Tom Hanks 湯姆 漢克斯
2. 電子情書 「YOU』VE GOT MAIL」
主演:Tom Hanks 湯姆 漢克斯 Meg Ryan 梅格 瑞安
主演:Nicolas Cage 尼科拉斯 凱奇 Tea Leoni 蒂 里奧尼
主演:Julie Andrews 朱麗 安德魯斯 Anne Hatthaway 安妮 哈德威
主演:Juliet Roberts 朱麗葉 羅伯斯 Richard Gere 理查 基爾
主演:Steve Martin 斯蒂夫 馬丁 Diane Keaton 戴安 基頓
主演:Renee Zellweger 雷尼 奇維格 Hugh Grant 休 格蘭特
8.奔騰年代 「SEA BISCUIT」
主演:Toby McQuaire 托比 邁奎爾
9.蒙娜麗莎的微笑 「Mona Lisa』s Smile」
主演:Julia Roberts朱麗葉 羅伯斯 Julia Stiles 朱麗亞 斯蒂爾斯
Kristen Dunst 克里斯滕 等斯特
10.甜心先生 「Jerry Maguaire」
主演:Tom Cruise 湯姆 克魯斯 Renee Zelleweger 雷尼 奇維格
11.熱血強人 「Remember the Titans」
主演:Danzel Washington 丹澤爾 華盛頓
12.鐵血教練 「Coach Carter」
主演: Samuel Jackson薩姆爾 傑克遜
13.重建人生 「Life As a House」
主演:Kevin Cline 凱文 克萊恩 Kristin Scott Thomas 克里斯丁 斯科特 托馬斯
Hayden Christensen 海登 克里斯滕森
14.海上鋼琴師 「The Legend of 1900」
主演:Tim Roth 蒂姆 羅斯
15.大話王 「Liar Liar」
主演:Jim Carrie 金 凱利
16. 單身插班生 「About a Boy」
主演:Hugn Grant 修 格蘭特
17. 風流奇男子 「Alfie」
主演: Jude Law 裘德 洛
18. 妙手情真 「Patch Adams」
主演: Robin Williams 羅賓 威廉斯
19.變人 「Bicentennial Man」
主演: Robin Williams 羅賓 威廉斯
20. 貓屎先生 「As good as it gets」
主演:Jack NIckelson 傑克 尼科爾森
Helen Hunt 海倫 亨特
21.完美男人 「The Perfect Man」
主演: Hilary Duff 希拉里 薘芙 Chris Noth 克里斯 諾斯
22.婚禮男友 「The Wedding Date」
主演:Debra Messing 戴博拉 梅西 Dermot Mulroney 德莫特 麥隆尼
23. 男人百分百 「What Women Want」
主演:Mel Gibson 梅爾 吉普森 Helen Hunt 海倫 亨特
24. 老爸向前沖/冒牌老爸 「Big Daddy」
主演:Adam Sandler 亞當 桑德勒
25. 大魚 「Big Fish」
主演:Evan McGregor 伊萬 麥克格
⑶ 求電影<電子情書>的英文介紹.~!
電影英文名You've Got Mail
Plot summary(劇情介紹)
Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) is involved with Frank Navasky (Greg Kinnear). While Frank, a newspaper writer for the New York Observer, is devoted to his typewriter, Kathleen prefers her laptop and logging into her AOL e-mail account. There, using the avatar "Shopgirl", Kathleen communicates with "NY152". This is the avatar for Joe Fox (Tom Hanks). Joe belongs to the Fox family which runs Fox Books — a chain of "mega" bookstores like Borders or Barnes & Noble. Kathleen, on the other hand, runs the independent bookstore The Shop Around The Corner, that her mother ran before her. The central conflict of the film revolves around the ability of Kathleen and Joe to interact well in virtual reality while they are business competitors in the "real world." A persistent mode of dramatic irony appears when Kathleen and Joe read each other's emails.
The movie begins with Kathleen logging on to her AOL account to read an email from "NY152" (Joe). In her reading of the e-mail, she reveals the boundaries of the online relationship; no specifics. The two then pass themselves on their respective ways to work, unbeknownst to each other. Joe arrives at work, overseeing the opening of a new Fox Books in New York with the help of his friend and assistant Kevin (Dave Chappelle). Meanwhile, Kathleen and her three store assistants, George (Steve Zahn), Birdie (Jean Stapleton), and Christina (Heather Burns) open up shop.
Following a day on the town with his eleven-year-old aunt Annabel and four-year-old brother Matthew (the children of his grandfather and father, respectively), Joe enters Kathleen's store to let his younger relatives experience storytime. The two have a friendly conversation that reveals Kathleen's fears about the Fox Books store opening around the corner, shocking Joe. He introces himself as "Joe. Just call me Joe", omitting his last name of Fox and makes an abrupt exit with the children. However, at a publishing party later in the week, Joe and Kathleen meet again, both of them being in the "book business", where Kathleen discovers Joe's true identity.
All the while, "NY152" and "Shopgirl" continue their courtship, to the point where "NY152" asks "Shopgirl" to meet. Too embarrassed to go alone, Joe brings Kevin along for moral support. He insists that "Shopgirl" may be the love of his life. Meanwhile Kevin, looking in a cafe window at the behest of Joe, discovers the true identity of "Shopgirl". When Joe discovers that it is actually Kathleen behind the name, he confronts her as Joe (concealing his "NY152" alter ego). The two exchange words and leaves the cafe hurt.
Following invitations from Frank and Joe via "NY152", Kathleen begins a media war, including both a boycott of Fox Books and an interview on the local news. Despite all efforts, The Shop Around the Corner slowly goes under. In a somber moment Kathleen enters Fox Books to discover the true nature of the store is one of friendliness and relaxation, yet not as personal as her independent shop. Eventually, the employees move on to other jobs as Christina goes job hunting, George gets a job at the children's department at a Fox Books store (Joe later compares George's knowledge to a PhD) and a gleeful Birdie retires off the riches of her investments: "I bought Intel at six!"
Allowing time for their electronic relationship to convalesce, Joe visits Kathleen while she is sick, and for the first time makes a favorable impression. Joe discovers that Kathleen has broken up with Frank, who moved in with a talk show host that interviewed him, predated one week by Joe and his uptight girlfriend, Patricia (Parker Posey), who broke up in their apartment building while stuck in the elevator. The two develop a tentative friendship that blossoms over the course of a few weeks and they eventually fall for one another.
At the same time, "NY152" and "Shopgirl" agree to meet one more time. Joe and his dog Brinkley (the topic of numerous e-mails) meet Kathleen at Riverside Park. The two kiss as Kathleen cries and Over the Rainbow takes the movie out.
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