⑴ 小馬用英語怎麼寫
他們把矮種馬趕進了畜欄。英文原句為"They drove the ponies into a corral."
小馬刷刷地甩著尾巴。英文描述為"The pony swished its tail."
人們甚至買不起電影票。英文表述為"People can't even afford to pony up for movie tickets."
我有一匹很棒的'14.2手高的小馬,名叫布朗迪。英文翻譯為"I had a very good 14.2 hands pony, called Brandy."
可以看到孩子們正騎著小馬穿過山坡。英文描述為"The children could be seen hacking across the hillside on their ponies."
⑵ 買電影票的英文可以這樣說嗎
直接two ticket for xxx(戲名) please
⑶ 我沒有買到電影票英文
I don't have to buy tickets to the theatre
⑷ a ticket to a ticket of 和a ticket for 的區別
a ticket to、a ticket of 和a ticket for的區別為:指代不同、用法不同、側重點不同
1、a ticket to:一張...得票。
2、a ticket of:...得票。
3、a ticket for:為了...得票。
1、a ticket to:ticket的基本意思是「票」,指在上面寫有或印有持有者擁有某種權力的卡片或紙張,如車票、電影票、戲票、入場券等,用於比喻還可指「晉升或得到機會的資歷、憑證」,常與介詞to連用,是可數名詞。
2、a ticket of:ticket也可指附於某物上標明尺碼、價格等的標簽,可譯作「貨簽」「價碼牌」「標價牌」等,通常用作單數形式。
3、a ticket for:ticket引申可表示「交通違章的通知單、罰款單」或「黨派推薦的候選人名單」。作「候選人名單」解時,多用於美國。
1、a ticket to:後面接票所用的地點。
2、a ticket of:後面接票所屬的事件。
3、a ticket for:側重於表示某一事件需要的票。
⑸ 翻譯成英文(注意是過去式):我三天前去電影院買電影票,當我到電影院時,發現電影票沒有了,我離開了電
I went to the movie theatre to buy tickets 3 days ago. But I found no tickets left the time I arrived and left there with disappointment. Surprisingly, I got a phone call from my friend when I got home. He asked me to watch a movie with him because he had bought 2 tickets. How happy I was!
⑹ 沒買到電影票,很失望的英文翻譯
Although we can't get the ticket,thank you,Mr./Miss/Sir(後面這里要說老師名或一個稱謂)