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發布時間:2025-02-27 22:49:30

㈠ 求英文翻譯:上個星期英語老師放了一部名叫街頭日記的電影給我們看。電影的主人公是一個名為格女士的老師

English teacher last week to put a film named street diary for us. The hero of the movie is called a woman teacher, I think she is very great. All teachers in the class, the students could have been the bad student, but in a woman's love, they fell in love with learning, they like reading, like writing diary, their class is like a home, they are happy living in the home. Sadly, ms e to their jobs lost to divorce her husband. I don't like her husband, I think he is selfish, only love yourself, love others. Through this movie I think the teacher is the greatest person in the world, just like our parents, teachers and students can like ?

㈡ 以前有一個英語老師課上給我們看了一部英語電影,沒記得名字

您好 根據您的描述,這部電影是《騎士傳奇》(A Knight's Tale)

哥倫比亞公司(Columbia Tristar, USA)2001年出品

主演:希斯-萊吉爾(Heath Ledger)
拉夫斯-塞維爾(Rufus Sewell)
馬克-愛迪(Mark Addy)
勞拉-弗雷澤(Laura Fraser)
導演:布萊恩-海格蘭德(Brian Helgeland)
編劇:布萊恩-海格蘭德(Brian Helgeland)

很確定是這個電影 希望你能採納 謝謝

㈢ 看電影的英語

see a movie;see a film

電影院:go to the movie theatre;go to the cinema

去電影院看電影:go to the cinema and watch a film;go to the cinema see a film

上次看的電影cant remember ; prison break ; Don't remember ; Kungfu Panda

我看我電影:I see it my way

看的電影:see the movies

看懂電影:Understanding Film

必看的電影:must-see film ; a must-see movie ; must see film

看完電影後:After the movie ; After after the movie ; After watching movies


去看部電影:go to a movie

看完電影:After the movie ; Watching movies



  1. 我們什麼時候去看電影呢?When do we go to the movies?

  2. 我喜歡和麗莎一起去看電影。I like to go to the movies with Lisa.

  3. 我看電影的時候經常想起你。I often think of you when I watch movies.

  4. 你喜歡和我一起去電影院看電影嗎?Do you like to go to the cinema with me?

㈣ 在電影院遇見老師的英文對話

你——HELLO,Mr,or Miss, 王,李。。NICE TO meeting u .(打招呼)

老師——NICE TO meeting u too (回答後就OK了)

如果在門口,老師答後你就接著說: Do you see the film?(你是來看電影


你——YES 。Mr,or Miss, 王,李。。do u have time now ,we can go to see the movie together.(老師有時間嗎,我們可以一起看這電影)

老師——sure ,I very happy to see with u .(當然,我非常樂意與你去看)

你——so glade ,so we are comeing now (太高興了,那我們走吧。)

老師——oh,I am sorry, I have something I have to go.(我還有事, 我得走了)

你——Really, really sorry, then the next bar, good-bye(是嗎,真遺


㈤ 讓我們去看電影好嗎用英語怎麼說

在「Let us」句型中,反意疑問部分要用「will/won't you」,表示請求。

如,Let us go to see the film, will you? 讓我們去看電影,好嗎?


如,兩個同學對老師說:Please let us remove the
bookshelf for you. 讓我倆給你移動一下書架。




They let the strange go.---> The strange was let go.


The nurse let me go to see my classmate in the hospital.


一、let sb do sth.「讓某人做某事」,如:Let's have a break.讓我們休息一下吧。



(1)Let me try.

(2)Let's do it.

(3)Let me go.


(4)a. Don't disturb him.

b. Let's not disturb him.


㈥ 英語老師叫我們看一部英文對白中文字幕的電影寫觀後感,是用英文寫還是用中文寫

其實英文寫也不難啊。比如the story tells us about a man who lost his memory and decide to find out what happen。。。。 i think he is very brave and。。。可以是內容簡介+個人理解。簡介嘛,搜一下電影的英文原名比如 A Beautiful Mind美麗心靈,就可以參考一下了。初一的,老師也不會太為難你們。再說,如果真是要求寫中文,你寫的是英文的,老師更高興呢



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