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❶ 《羅馬假日》的經典台詞。



I don't know how to say good-bye. I can't think of any words.


Well, people in that line of work almost never do quit, unless it's actually unhealthy for them to continue.

❷ 羅馬假日和阿甘正傳的英文經典台詞

1:To cry is perfectly normal. 想哭!這是很正常的事呀!

2:Could it be because you're ahead? 你該不會贏了就想走吧?

3:Charmed. 幸會。

4:You're well read, well dressed. 你博學多問,穿著高尚。

5:I'm afraid you'll have to rough it tonight. 恐怕你今晚要將就一下了.

6:Screwball! 真倒運!

7:Original. 相當有創意!

8:Give me a little slack, will you? 你先休息一下,好嗎?

9:Joe, I'm up to my ears in work. 喬,這工作我得趕快完成。

10:It must be a pretty important date to run off without eating. 那肯定是個很重要的約會!

1 Paramount News brings you special coverage of Princess Ann's visit to London. 派氏新聞社,插播一新聞快報,安公主刻正拜


coverage: 新聞報導(范圍)

2 Her Royal Highness. 公主殿下。


3 His Excellency, the Papal Nuncio, Monsignor Altomonte. 這是主教閣下,蒙西爾奧特蒙。

Excellency: 閣下和 His、Her或 Your連用,作為對某些高級的官員,如總督、大使和省長的頭銜的稱謂或尊稱。

[Excellency ]閣下(對大使總督等高級官員的尊稱)

Your Excellency 閣下, 大人(直接稱呼)

His Excellency 閣下(間接稱呼)

Her Excellency (女)閣下

4 Sir Hugo Macey de Farmington. 雨果爵士。

Sir: n.(對爵士或男爵前的尊稱)爵士

5 The Count and Countess von Marstrand. 馬司特伯爵夫婦!

Count: 伯爵,稱號用來做這種貴族的頭銜

Countess: 伯爵夫人,伯爵的未亡人許多歐洲國家的伯爵的妻子或遺孀。


6 My dear, you're ill. I'll send for Doctor Bannochhoven. 親愛的,你病了。我叫波拿大夫過來看你一下。

send for: v.召喚,

7 …snoozing away in a public street. Would you care to make a statement? 卻在市街上流連。可不可以解釋一下呢?

snooze away: v.消磨

8 All right. I'll drop you off, come on. 好吧,我送你回家,來吧!

drop off: [口](從車上)下來; (停車)下客

9 I ought to have my head examined. 我應該檢查一下我的腦筋了。

have sth done表示自己去做某事

如:have my head examined: 去檢查自己的腦筋

have my clothes washed:洗衣服

10 Can I have a silk nightgown with rosebuds on it? 我可不可以穿件絲制睡袍,睡衣上並且有花圖飾?

❸ 羅馬假日的英文影評要怎麼寫

Spalding Gray writes of a "perfect moment" which one strives to have on a holiday -- a moment in time where there's not a stitch out of place, and you can go home knowing the holiday has been worthwhile. For me, much of Roman Holiday is one sustained perfect moment.

In fact, it's hard to believe the entire film takes place over little more than 24 hours. During this short day, Princess Ann rebels from her old life, falls in love and grows up enough to accept her destiny. And she even has time to stop for a haircut and an ice cream en route. Audrey Hepburn's transformation from a VERY young looking girl (honest, she looks 14 when she gets ready to go to bed near the start of the film) to a desirable woman is truly remarkable. No wonder Gregory Peck's character (and, arguably, Gregory Peck himself) fell in love with her. He wasn't alone. The film is nearly 50 years old, and it still holds that same power.

In her first major film outing, Hepburn displays fine comic timing, and a sense of bizarre humor. Check out the subtle scene where Ann accepts what she claims is her first cigarette ... and then smokes it like an expert! Considering the temperature averaged around 100 F ring filming, she also seems to enjoy her ice cream cone a little TOO much.

For me the perfect moment of perfect moments is when Audrey (NOT Princess Ann) reacts with sudden fright when Gregory Peck appears to get his hand bitten off in the Mouth of Truth -- only to break into laughter when Peck pops his hand out of his "empty" sleeve with a perfectly timed, "Hello!" Apparently, this was a practical joke Peck and Wyler played on Audrey. For a few seconds, the real Audrey Hepburn is on screen for the world to see. It's a moment to cherish.

Peck is his usual solid self -- and as a reporter myself, I can identify with the pressure Joe puts himself under to protect his big scoop. I should be so lucky as to find myself on the receiving end of a princess's affections. It's hard to believe that the Eddie Albert who plays Peck's bearded (and skillful) photographer is the same guy who went on to do "Green Acres." He's excellent here, and I'd give my eye teeth to have a cool lighter camera like his.

It's sad the film was never made in color, but the black and white gives it such a classy feel, you don't miss it. And if you don't know the ending -- don't let anyone spoil it for you. Just have the hankies ready.

This is one of the best films of the 1950s -- a relic of a carefree era long past and the precious debut of an actress who is still mourned years after her loss. .

❹ 羅馬假日的英文劇本





ANN:(brushing her hair) I hate this nightgown. I hate all my nightgowns. And I hate all my underwear too.

COUNTESS:(coming over to tend to her bed, dressed in a bedrobe and wearing glasses) My dear, you have lovely things.

ANN:But I'm not two hundred years old! (Dropping down on the bed) Why can't I sleep in pyjamas?

COUNTESS:(looking up as she folds the sheets into place) Pyjamas!

ANN:(Just) the top half. Did you know there are people who sleep with absolutely (nothing) on at all?

COUNTESS:(opening the window) I rejoice to say that I did not.

ANN:(lying against the headboard, smiling as she hears distant music coming in through the window) Listen.

COUNTESS:Oh, and your slippers. Please put on your slippers and come away at the window. Your milk and crackers.

ANN:(taking the tray; as the Countess helps her pull the covers over her) Everything we do is so wholesome.

COUNTESS:They'll help you to sleep.

ANN:(stubbornly) I'm too tired to sleep--can't sleep a wink.

COUNTESS:Now my dear, if you don't mind: tomorrow's schele--or schele whichever you prefer--both are correct. Eight thirty, breakfast here with the Embassy staff; nine o'clock, we leave for the Polinory Automotive Works where you'll be presented with a small car.

ANN:(disinterested; absently playing with a napkin)Thank you.

COUNTESS:Which you will not accept.

ANN:No, thank you.

COUNTESS:Ten thirty-five, inspection of food and agricultural organisation will present you with an olive tree.

ANN:No, thank you.

COUNTESS:Which you (will) accept.

ANN:Thank you.

COUNTESS:Ten fifty-five, the Newfoundling Home For Orphans. You will preside over the laying of the cornerstone; same speech as last Monday.

ANN:Trade relations?


ANN:(chewing a cracker) For the orphans?

COUNTESS:No, no, the other one.

ANN:'Youth and progress'.

COUNTESS:Precisely. Eleven forty-five, back here to rest. No, that's wrong... eleven forty-five, conference here with the press.

ANN:'Sweetness and decency' (she rolls her eyes.)

COUNTESS:One o'clock sharp, lunch with the Foreign Ministry. You will wear your white lace and carry a small bouquet of very small pink roses. Three-o five, presentation of a plaque. Four-ten, review special guard of * Police. Four forty-five (ANN How do you do?) back here to change to your uniform to meet the international--.

ANN:(screaming at the Countess) STOP!!! (Looking away, her hair covering her face) Please stop! stop...!

COUNTESS:(retrieving the tray) It's alright, dear, it didn't spill (she places the tray on the table.)

ANN:I don't care if it's spilled or not. I don't care if I (throws her head into the pillow) drown in it!

COUNTESS:(putting her hands on her shoulders to comfort her) My dear, you're ill. I'll send for Doctor Bonnachoven.

ANN:(turning over, facing the opposite way) I don't want Doctor Bonnachoven; please let me die in peace!

COUNTESS:You're not dying.

ANN:(facing the Countess) Leave me.

COUNTESS:It's nerves; control yourself Ann.

ANN:(throwing herself on the pillow, beating it with her fist) I don't want to!

COUNTESS:(standing up straight, speaking with authority) Your Highness. I'll get Doctor Bonnachoven

ANN:(looking up as she leaves) It's no use; I'll be dead before he gets here.



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