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② 急求電影 我的1919 中英台詞 感激不盡

顧維鈞(旁白):「經過漫長的四年,人們終於等來了和平。只有經歷過那場戰爭的人,才能感受和平真正的含義。GuWeiJun (v.o.) : "over a long period of four years, people finally have peace. Only experienced the war can feel the true meanings of peace. 威爾遜發表演說的聲音: 「(英語)和平的基本原則是:一切國家在所有涉及權利或特權的事務中,都是真正平等的!」 Wilson speech to voice: "(English) the basic principles of peace is: all countries involved in all right or option affairs, are truly equal!" 顧維鈞(旁白):「 作為戰勝國代表,一九一九年的一月,我又一次來到了巴黎,出席世界和平大會。這是我第三次來巴黎。這一年的巴黎非常寒冷。」 GuWeiJun (v.o.) : "as victorious nation of 1919, the representatives in January, and again I came to the Paris peace conference, attended the world. This is my third trip to Paris. This year the Paris is very cold." 克列孟梭:「(法語)哦,怎麼都站著?你看,年輕人,你使我們大家都不敢坐下。那麼,怎麼樣才能請你坐下呢?」 顧維鈞:「(法語)中國應該獲得五個席位!」 克列孟梭:「(法語)年輕人,我非常欣賞你。我會給你一個滿意的答復。」 The way clemenceau acted: "(French) oh, how all stand? You see, young man, you made all of us can't sit down. So, how would you please sit down?" GuWeiJun: "(French) China should get five seats!" The way clemenceau acted: "(French) young people, I am very appreciated to you. I'll give you a satisfactory reply."

③ 幫忙翻譯中文,電影《我的1919》中的對話。

Respected Chairman and Distinguished delegates.
I, I
I am very disappointed, I am very angry
For what, for what have you given China's Shandong Province to the Japanese?
Chinese people have done everything possible.
How can such a treaty be accecped?
So, we refused to sign.

④ 我的1919 陳道明經典片段同步的英文翻譯

Allow me to speak in a formal, let us look at something.
Before entering the venue, Mr. Makino to please me, and compete for the privilege of Shandong, the piece of gold watch given to me.
Baron Makino angry, he really angry, tentatively, I suppose I stole his gold watch, Baron Makino I'd like to ask you to Japan, before the world stole the whole of Shandong Province, Shandong Province thirty-six million people should or should not angry, four hundred million Chinese people should or should not angry! I would like to ask the Japanese this behavior be considered a theft, is not shameless ah, is not outrageous extremes! ! !
Shandong Province is the cradle of Chinese culture, Chinese sage Confucius and Mencius was born in this land, Confucius, Jesus, Confucius, like the West, Shandong of China, in terms of economic or strategic, as well as religious culture, China can not loss of Shandong, like Jerusalem, the West can not lose! ! !
Dear Sir, distinguished delegates, I am happy to represent China and to participate in this and will, I am self-inctance of great responsibility, because I represent one quarter of the world speak Chinese here, just now, Mr. Makino said China is not a single soldier out of the victors, it is ignoring the most basic facts, see, (out of picture), ring the war, China sent workers to the old Europe, a fourteenth million, they were all over the battlefield a corner, they and all the soldiers as the victors in the blood, in sacrifice, I want you to look at a French cemetery on the battlefield at the expense of Chinese workers pictures, so that the cemetery in France have a dozen in Europe, most of them from China's Shandong Province, who for what, is to win this war! Their homes in exchange for peace and tranquility! Therefore, the Chinese delegation is convinced that the meeting discussed the issue when China's Shandong Province will take into account the legitimate rights and interests of China's basic, that is, sovereignty and territorial integrity, otherwise, the soul of Asia will have many crying, the world will not be at peace!
I say finished, thank you, thank you!

⑤ 電影<<我的1919>> 台詞

I protest! This is a robbery. The Chineserepresentative has stolen the watch from me!
A blatant act of theft in front of the entire world!

Utter shame!

Er, Wellington Gu is a chap of wit, isn』t he?
A brilliant Liang Zhuge.

A real Chinaman without big tail.
An excellent display of large compassion, showing why
this whole issue so important for China. Everyone in Paris is talking about himthis evening.



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