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發布時間:2025-01-29 14:00:43

A. 托納托雷三部曲,托納托雷指的是誰具體介紹下


中文名: 吉賽貝·托納多雷

英文名: Giuseppe Tornatore

性 別: 男

生 日: 1956-05-27

角 色:導演,編劇


西西里的美麗傳說 Malèna (2000)

海上鋼琴師 Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano, La (1998)

新天堂星探 Uomo delle stelle, L' (1995)

幽國車站 Pura formalità, Una (1994)

天倫之旅 Stanno tutti bene (1990)

天堂電影院 Cinema Paradiso (1989)


西西里的美麗傳說 Malèna (2000)

海上鋼琴師 Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano, La (1998)

新天堂星探 Uomo delle stelle, L' (1995)

幽國車站 Pura formalità, Una (1994)

天堂電影院 Cinema Paradiso (1989)


B. 介紹下二戰背景的經典影片(英文)

England in June 1944. Unseasonal storms. Allied troops are massed ready for the invasion of France, some already on the boats. The Normandy beaches will be their destination while paratroopers are dropped inland to take key towns and bridges. On the other side of the Channel the Germans still expect the invasion at Calais, and anyway the weather makes them think nothing is likely to be imminent. Eisenhower decides to go. Hitler sleeps on.

The path to war in December 1941 is retold from the appointment of Isoroku Yamamoto to command the Imperial Japanese Navy on through the execution of his most ambitious and audacious plan - an attack by carrier aircraft on the US Navy station at Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii. As the Japanese First Air Fleet sorties to Hawaii, diplomatic efforts by both nations continue, but intercepts of Japanese diplomatic messages show Japan is practicing deception and planning aggression - but there is no clue as to where Japan will strike.

The summer of 1942 brought Naval stalemate to the Pacific as the American and Japanese fleets stood at even numbers each waiting for the other to begin a renewed offensive. "Midway" tells the story of this historic June battle where a Japanese carrier force, in an attempt to occupy Midway island and lure the American fleet to destruction, was meet valiently by US forces operating off of three aircraft carriers and numerous escort ships. It was the first battle in which naval air power was extensivly used, and at its conclusion the Japanese Carrier force had been completly destroyed which lead the way for the US 1943 and 44 offensives which would eventually bring the Pacific War to a close.

It is 1940, and the diabolical mind of Adolf Hitler is planning to bomb England into submission to his warped dreams of a 'Fortress Europe'. Standing between Britain's freedom & Hitler's terrifying plans is the R.A.F - dedicated pilots who took to the skies again & again in the face of overwhelming odds. The German Luftwaffe's planes outnumber the R.A.F's by more than 2 to 1 - 650 planes of the R.A.F. vs. 2,500 of the Luftwaffe! These odds. however, do not deplete the determination of the R.A.F. to stop Hitler, and as the Luftwaffe launches wave after wave of Heinkel 111 bombers against British cities, the R.A.F. responds, under the leadership of Air Vice Marshal Park (Howard) and Squadron Leaders Canfield (Caine) and Harvey (Plummer) who lead the newest pilots of the R.A.F. into confrontation after confrontation with the Luftwaffe's experienced veterans, with the aim of driving Hitler's forces away from Dover's white cliffs for good...

C. 莫尼卡.貝魯奇拍過是么電影

作為演員莫妮卡·貝魯奇 Monica Bellucci的電影作品(數量:60)
Centricity ------- (2008)
Manuale d'amore 2 (Capitoli successivi) ------- (2007)
Deuxième souffle, Le ------- (2007)
Penélope, camino a los Oscar ------- (2007)
火線保鏢 Shoot 'Em Up ------- (2007)
撒旦魔王/死亡人偶 Sheitan ------- (2006)
我與拿破崙 N (Io e Napoleone) ------- (2006)
靈石會議/石頭會議 Concile de pierre, Le ------- (2006)
Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero ------- (2006)
愛我多深 Combien tu m'aimes? ------- (2005)
The Matrix: Path of Neo ------- (2005)
The Matrix Online ------- (2005)
格林兄弟 The Brothers Grimm ------- (2005)
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within ------- (2004)
她恨我/出賣雄風 She Hate Me ------- (2004)
The Burly Man Chronicles ------- (2004)
秘密雇員 Agents secrets ------- (2004)
The Big Question ------- (2004)
The Making of 'The Passion of the Christ' ------- (2004)
耶穌受難記/受難曲 The Passion of the Christ ------- (2004)
The Passion Behind 'The Passion' ------- (2004)
黑客帝國3:矩陣革命/黑客帝國3:最後戰役/黑客帝國3:帝國革命 The Matrix Revolutions ------- (2003)
Monica: irrésistible ------- (2003)
The GQ Men of the Year Awards ------- (2003)
憶汝我心/同床異夢/記住我 Ricordati di me ------- (2003)
Enter the Matrix ------- (2003)
Making 'Enter the Matrix' ------- (2003)
太陽之淚 Tears of the Sun ------- (2003)
黑客帝國2:重裝上陣/駭客帝國2 The Matrix Reloaded ------- (2003)
Journey to Safety: Making 'Tears of the Sun' ------- (2003)
Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopâtre - Le Comankonafé ------- (2002)
埃及艷後的任務 Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopâtre ------- (2002)
Un jour dans la vie cinéma français ------- (2002)
不可逆轉/不可撤消 Irréversible ------- (2002)
Pacte des loups - Les coulisses tournage, Le ------- (2001)
狼族盟約 Pacte des loups, Le ------- (2001)
瑪蓮娜/真愛伴我行/西西里的美麗傳說 Malèna ------- (2000)
疑雲密布/嫌疑犯/驚爆2001/懸疑對戰/ Under Suspicion ------- (2000)
致命的邂逅 Franck Spadone ------- (2000)
Méditerranées ------- (1999)
Comme un poisson hors de l'eau ------- (1999)
A los que aman ------- (1998)
Compromis ------- (1998)
羅馬新年 Ultimo capodanno, L' ------- (1998)
Plaisir (et ses petits tracas), Le ------- (1998)
太保密碼 Dobermann ------- (1997)
Mauvais genre ------- (1997)
Come mi vuoi ------- (1997)
Stressati ------- (1997)
非常公寓 Appartement, L' ------- (1996)
Sorellina e il principe del sogno ------- (1996)
Cielo è sempre più blu, Il ------- (1995)
約瑟/若瑟 Joseph ------- (1995)
Palla di neve ------- (1995)
Mitici, I ------- (1994)
吸血僵屍/驚情四百年 Dracula ------- (1992)
性之道 Ostinato destino ------- (1992)
Riffa, La ------- (1991)
Briganti ------- (1990)
Vita coi figli ------- (1990)

D. 我剛滿18歲,推薦一部適合我看得電影,謝謝!


E. 有部電影,裡面有個情節是一個白人和黑人比試鋼琴,黑人用一根煙的功夫彈完一首,白人他也拿了一根白人的

名為《海上鋼琴師》,英文名《The Legend of 1900》,你說的那段是本影片非常經典的片段,此片由義大利著名導演吉賽貝·托納多雷執導,他還有一部非常經典的作品是《天堂電影院》,以及一部由超級美女莫妮卡·貝魯奇主演的《西西里島的美麗傳說》!!!

F. 哪些電影的譯名讓你覺得很驚艷




英文譯名「Ash is the purest white」,灰是最純凈的白。這是一部被低估了的電影,也可能是因為電影名字的問題(黑人問號)?反正我身邊沒幾個人去看。你以為的江湖,不是真的江湖。都說「人在江湖,身不由己」,你以為你拿著槍,別人就唯你是從?你眼裡的宏偉抱負,卻被現實打擊的支離破碎。你稱兄道弟的江湖,其實只不過是普通人的生活日常。那平平常常的、甚至有點灰的生活才是真,而這種「灰」才是最純凈的「白」。


G. 可可西里的美麗傳說導演是誰都拍過哪些電影

中文名: 吉賽貝·托納多雷

英文名: Giuseppe Tornatore

性 別: 男

生 日: 1956-05-27

角 色:導演,編劇


西西里的美麗傳說 Malèna (2000)

海上鋼琴師 Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano, La (1998)

新天堂星探 Uomo delle stelle, L' (1995)

幽國車站 Pura formalità, Una (1994)

天倫之旅 Stanno tutti bene (1990)

天堂電影院 Cinema Paradiso (1989)


西西里的美麗傳說 Malèna (2000)

海上鋼琴師 Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano, La (1998)

新天堂星探 Uomo delle stelle, L' (1995)

幽國車站 Pura formalità, Una (1994)

天堂電影院 Cinema Paradiso (1989)



吉賽貝·托納多雷是義大利寫實電影流派的新貴導演,1956年出生於西西里島靠近巴勒莫(Palermo)的巴格里亞鎮(Bagheria)。吉賽貝·托納多雷在年紀很小的時候就開始了工作,最初的職業是當攝影師,他拍的照片被刊登在不同的攝影雜志 上。16歲時他參與了皮蘭德羅(Pirandello Luigi)和菲利波(De Filippo)的兩出戲劇,這以後他開始涉足電影,初期主要是拍一些紀錄片,應該說這段工作經歷對他以後的電影風格的形成有很大影響。



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