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1. 要<小婦人>電影的一段對白,英文的..

1. Jo: If I weren't going to be a writer, I'd go to New York and pursue the stage. Are you shocked?
2. Laurie: Very.
3. Amy: Do you love Laurie more than you love me?
4. Jo: Don't be such a beetle! I could never love anyone as I love my sisters.
5. Beth: (hearing Jo crying) Are you thinking about father?
6. Jo March: (whimpering) My hair!
7. Friedrich: But I have nothing to give you. My hands are empty. (entwines her hands with his)
8. Jo: Not empty now.
9. Jo March: I find it poor logic to say that women should vote because they are good. Men do not vote because they are good; they vote because they are men, and women should vote, not because we are angels and men are animals, but because we are human beings and citizens of this country.
10. Mr. Mayer: You should have been a lawyer, Miss March.
11. Jo March: I should have been a great many things, Mr. Mayer.

2. 有沒有薇諾娜瑞德電影版本小婦人的英文對白

精彩對白[Meg has twisted her ankle and Laurie took her home in his carriage]
Amy: He put snow on your ankle? With his own hands?
Marmee: I won't have my girls being silly about boys. To bed! Jo dear.
Amy: Everything lovely happens to Meg.
Meg: [Sarcastically] Oh yes, indeed.
Laurie: Hello! Jo! Come over here. You too, Meg. It's ll as tombs around here.
Amy: We bear our souls and tell the most appalling secrets.
Jo March: He's ll as powder, Meg. Can't you at least marry someone amusing?
Beth: I feel stronger with you close by.
Jo March: Well, of course Aunt March prefers Amy over me. Why shouldn't she? I'm ugly and awkward and I always say the wrong things. I fly around throwing away perfectly good marriage proposals. I love our home, but I'm just so fitful and I can't stand being here! I'm sorry, I'm sorry Marmee. There's just something really wrong with me. I want to change, but I - I can't. And I just know I'll never fit in anywhere.
Amy: We'll all grow up one day, Meg. We might as well know what we want.
Jo: If only I could be like father and crave violence and go to war and stand up to the lions of injustice.
Younger Amy March: Do you love Laurie more than you love me?
Jo: Don't be silly! I could never love anyone more than I love my sisters.
Jo: If I weren't going to be a writer I'd go to New York and pursue the stage. Are you shocked?
Laurie: Very.
Jo: Now we are all family, as we always should have been.
Marmee: I am going to write this man a letter.
Jo: A letter. That'll show him.
Jo: I go around throwing away perfectly good marriage proposals!
Jo: What's going to happen?
Friedrich: The inevitable.
Marmee: Feminine weaknesses and fainting spells are the direct result of our confining young girls to the house, bent over their needlework, and restrictive corsets.
Dr. Bangs: There is nothing I can do. If I bleed her, it would finish her. Best to send for the mother.
Laurie: Forgive me. I have already done so. Mrs. March arrives on the train this night.
Jo: Will we never all be together again?
Amy: I don't wanna die. I've never even been kissed. I've waited my whole to be kissed, and what if I miss it?
Laurie: I tell you what. I promise to kiss you before you die.
Friedrich: Jo. Such a little name for... such a person.
Friedrich: But I have nothing to give you. My hands are empty.
[entwines her hands with his]
Jo: Not empty now.
Laurie: I have loved you since the moment I clamped eyes on you. What could be more reasonable than to marry you?
Jo March: We'd kill each other.
Laurie: Nonsense!
Jo March: Neither of us can keep our temper-...
Laurie: I can, unless provoked.
Jo March: We're both stupidly stubborn, especially you. We'd only quarrel!
Laurie: I wouldn't!
Jo March: You can't even propose without quarreling.
Marmee March: Oh, Jo. Jo, you have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life? You're ready to go out and - and find a good use for your talent. Tho' I don't know what I shall do without my Jo. Go, and embrace your liberty. And see what wonderful things come of it.
Beth: I'm so full of happiness, that if Father was only here, I couldn't hold one drop more.
Amy: You don't need scores of suitors. You need only one... if he's the right one.
Laurie: I'm quite taken by that one.
Jo: That's Meg!
Laurie: Meg.
Jo: That's my sister. She's completely bald in front.
Friedrich Bhaer: You must write from the depths of your soul!
John Brooke: Over the mysteries of female life there is drawn a veil best left undisturbed.
Laurie: Someday you'll find a man, a good man, and you'll love him, and marry him, and live and die for him. And I'll be hanged if I stand by and watch.
Beth: I know I shall be homesick for you even in Heaven.
Amy: Do you love Laurie more than you love me?
Jo: Don't be silly! I could never love anyone more than I love my sisters.
Josephine 'Jo' March: I won't have a sister who is a lazy ignoramus.
Josephine 'Jo' March: You plastered yourself on him!
Meg March: It's proper to take a gentleman's arm if it's offered!
Josephine 'Jo' March: If lack of attention to personal finances is a mark of refinement, then I say the Marches must be the most elegant family in Concord!
Josephine 'Jo' March: Does he have a noble brow? If I were a boy I'd want to look just like that.
Jo March: I find it poor logic to say that women should vote because they are good. Men do not vote because they are good; they vote because they are male, and women should vote, not because we are angels and men are animals, but because we are human beings and citizens of this country.
Mr. Mayer: You should have been a lawyer, Miss March.
Jo March: I should have been a great many things, Mr. Mayer.
Friedrich: Your heart understood mine. In the depth of the fragrant night, I listened with ravished soul to your beloved voice. Your heart understood mine.
Jo: At night my mind would come alive with voices and stories as real to me as any in the real world. I gave myself up to it, longing for transformation.
Jo: [as Jo and Laurie dance awkwardly at Belle Gardner's ball] I'm sorry! Meg always makes me take the gentleman's part at home! It's a shame you don't know the lady's part!
Younger Amy March: Butter! Oh isn't butter divinity? Oh god thank you for this breakfast.
Younger Amy March: We've been expectorating you for hours!
Younger Amy March: Well, it's not like being stuck with the dreadful nose you get. One does have a choice to whom one loves.
Younger Amy March: One periwinkle sash...
[clears throat]
Younger Amy March: Advertisements. One periwinkle sash belonging to Mr. N. Winkle has been abscondated from the wash line... which gentlemen desires any reports leading to its recovery.
Amy: Jo, how could you, your one beauty!
Jo: Imagine, giving up Italy to come live with that awful old man.
[Meg tsks]
Meg: Oh Jo, please don't say awful; it's slang.
Amy: Have you heard from Jo? She has befriended a German professor.
Laurie: I envy her happiness. I envy his happiness. I envy John Brooke for marrying Meg. I hate Fred Vaughn. And if Beth had a lover I would despise him too. Just as you have always known that you would never marry a pauper, I have always known that I belong to the March family.
Amy: I will not be loved for my family...
Beth: If God wants me with Him, there is none who will stop Him. I don't mind. I was never like the rest of you... making plans about the great things I'd do. I never saw myself as anything much. Not a great writer like you.
Jo: Beth, I'm not a great writer.
Beth: But you will be. Oh, Jo, I've missed you so. Why does everyone want to go away? I love being home. But I don't like being left behind. Now I am the one going ahead. I am not afraid. I can be brave like you.
Beth: [hearing Jo crying] Are you thinking about father?
Jo March: [whimpering] My hair!
Amy March: [after hearing of Jo's need to get away from Laurie] Aunt March is going to France.
Jo: FRANCE? Oh! That's ideal! I'd put up with anything to go!
Amy March: [hesitates] No, she has asked me to accompany her.
[Jo has been to visit Aunt March to try and get money for a train ticket]
Marmee: 25? Can Aunt March spare this much?
Jo: I couldn't bear to ask.
[she takes off her hat, everyone gasps - she's got short hair]
Jo: I sold my hair.
John Brooke: Mr. Laurence! One doesn't shout at ladies as if they were cattle. My apologies!
Jo: Teddy, please don't ask me.
Friedrich: [having read Jo's latest book] There is *nothing* in this of the woman I am privileged to know.
Younger Amy March: [Jo is curling Meg's hair] What's that smell? Smell's like feathers.
Jo: Aaahh!
Meg: You've ruined me!
Marmee: [reading a letter] "Aunt March is weak and would not survive a sea voyage. Amy must bide her time and return at a later date".
Marmee: Just as well.
[after Meg has given birth to twins]
Meg: Oh, Marmee, I can't believe you did this four times.
John Brooke: Yes, but never two at once, my darling.
Friedrich Bhaer: I am going to the west. They need teachers and they are not so concerned about the accent.
Jo March: I don't mind it either.

3. 誰有小婦人英文電影對白

C:Merry Christmas,Mr. Higgins.
M:Merry Christmas,Jo.
S:Did you hurt yourself,Jo?
C:No,I never hurt myself.
S:Where have you been,Jo?
And it was splendid,my Beth.
S:Look!We've just finished trimming the tree.
C:Oh,Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents.
It's dreadful to be poor.
L:I specially feel it
because I remember when we used to be rich.
C:I remember,too.
A:I certainly do not think it's fair
for some girls to have plenty of lovely things,
and other,prettier girls have nothing at all.
S:We are better off than a lot people...
orphans,for instance.
We have father and marmee.
And each other.
C:We haven't got father.
It probably won't have him for a long time.
S:But the men in the army are having such a terrible winter.
So I think it's right
when marmee said we shouldn't buy each other presents.
We have to make sacrifices.
L:I'm glad to make them,
but I am tired of making these dresses over year after year.
C:At least you're the first to wear them,
as you are the oldest.
A:I don't think any of you suffer as I do.
You don't have to go to school with impertinent girls
who label you father just because he's poor.
C:If you mean libel then say so,
and stop talking about labels as if papa was a pickle bottle.
A:I know what I mean.
And you needn't be satirical about it.
It's proper to use good words and improve one's vocabilary.
Christopher Columbus.Aren't we elegant?
L:Don't use slang words,Jo.
A:And stop whistling!So boylish!
C:That's why I do it.
A:Oh,how I detest rude!
Unladylike girls!
C:And I hate affected niminy-piminy chits
S:Birds in their little nests agree.
L:Amy you're too prim.
If you don't take care,
you're going to grow up and be an affected little goose.
And as for you Jo.
Now that you've turned up your hair,
you should realize you're a young lady.
C:I'm not.
And if turning up my hair makes me one,
I'll wear it in two taild till I'm 90.
I won't grow up and be Miss March.
I won't wear long gowns and look like a china acter.
I'll never get over my disappointment of not being a boy.
Look at me!
Dying to go and fight by father's side.
And here I am sitting and knitting,
like a pokey old woman.
L:Knitting?Bless me.
S:Poor Jo.
C:I don't want any pity.
Because someday I intend to be a famous writer,
and make my fortune selling stories.
Then I shall live and behave as I please.
And you'll all ride around in fine carriages.
And you,my Beth,
you will have a new piano.
And Meg,
you will have ten dozen dresses and satin slippers.
And red-headed boys to dance with.
L:I should like that.
C:So there's no use fighting now.
Come on now,let's rehearse the play.
Beth,you play something gruesome.
Amy,I wrote a new scene for you.
A:It's wonderful!Oh,no.
C:It's perfectly simple.All you have to do is shout.
"Roderigo,Roderigo,save me!"
and faint.
save me...and faint.
Oh,I can do that.
I planned my costume,too.
It's absolutely plain
with all the colors of the rainbow in it.
I am a princess,am I not?
C:Yes,you are a princess but you don't know it.
You think you're a servant girl working for Beth.
I mean,Hagar the witch.
A:A princess always knows she's a princess.
C:You don't.Look!
Beth has just left the stage
with her kettle full of simmering toads.
You are locked in the tower.
Suddenly and unexpectedly,Hugo the villain enters.
You cry out in horror,
"Roderigo,Roderigo,save me!"and faint.
Then Roderigo,Meg,enters.
Why,I thought Meg was Don Pedro,my father.
C:She is,but you don't know it.
Amy,I've told you a thousand times.
Till the end of act five,
you haven't the slightest idea who you are.
A:Well,does Meg know?
L:Of course I do.
A:Then I want to know,too.
Why should I always be so ignorant?
C:Simply because if you know who you are,the play is over.
A:Well,it's too long anyway.
C:Amy please.After all,it's my play.
L:And the best we've had yet.
S:Jo is a regular Shakespeare.
C:Oh,it's nothing,really.
You ready?
I'm Hugo.
I come in.
And with wicked intentions I say
Then I come closer."Aha!"
Come and get your tea,girls.
A:Don't we ever have coffee anymore?
M:Coffee's scarce and dear.
The ships are needed in the war.
There ain't no time to go to Brazil
and bring back coffee for Miss Amy March.
And some folks seem to have nothing better to do
than to pry into other folks' business.
S:Who is it,Hannah?
M:That Laurence boy.
C:What Laurence boy?
M:Mr.Laurence's grandson.
C:I didn't know the old fusspot had a grandson.
M:He just came last week.
But from what I can find out,he must be a fine one.
C:Why?What's he done?
M:First,he ran away from school.
A:That's the bravest thing I've ever heard of.
M:They couldn't trace him anywhere.
When they did find him,he was in an army hospital wounded.
He'd joined up under another name and lied about his age.
C:How perfectly splendid!
I should like to do the same.
M:Fine soldier you'd make.
C:It's our private property,and I can look out at it as much as I like.
You're every bit as bad as he is.
There he is.
L:Amy,beth,stand back a little.
C:Well,I'm glad he's a boy.
Certainly would like to know a boy a change and have a little fun.
L:Don't say such things.
C:I wonder how I could get to know him.
I wish our cat would get lost and he'd bring it back.
Then we'd get to talking.
L:I don't think that's very romantic.
C:Who said anything about romance?
L:Jo,you're disgracing us.
That dreadful boy,he waved back.
I'm Hugo!
You're supposed to draw back in horror.
Now cover your eyes with your hands.
Save me!
Save me!
C:Amy,watch me do it.
Roderigo!Roderigo,Save me!
And faint.
Oh,nothing really.Now!
Here I come again,Amy with wicked intentions.
I'm Hugo!Aha!
Here I come with wicked intentions.
Save me! Save me!
Save me!
Ahh....Save me.
M:Glad to find you so merry,my girls.
M:How did everything go today?
A:We've finished trimming the tree.
C:Have you had your supper,marmee?
M:Yes,dear.Bethy dear,give me another kiss,baby.
Jo,you look tired today.
C:I'm alright.
M:How's your cold,Meg?
L:Oh.it's practically gone.
And marmee,I went to see Mrs.King about the position.
She's going to take me,and I'm to start Monday.
Four dollars a week.
M:My Meg,I'm proud of you.
L:They have a beautiful house,and the children are sweet.
Marmee,I don't mind working at all.
S:Put these on,marmee.
They're nice and warm.
M:Thank you,Bethy dear.
A:I'll rub them for you.
M:Oh dear,the army's so short of blankets,
we started cutting up carpets today.
C:I wouldn't mind sleeping under a carpet
if they'd only let me do something.
I'd make a wonderful nurse or a drummer.
M:Jo dear,get my muff.I have a surprise for you.
A:Surprise for Jo?
M:For all of you.
All:A letter!From father!
M:He sent you a little Christmas message.
What's that?
C:Sounds like dear old Aunt March.
S:Yes,it's true,sleigh.
A:Good evening,Aunt March.
M:Not at all,Miss.Not at all.
It's freezing cold.
And you haven't shoveled the path at the door.
I might have slipped.
All:Merry Christmas,Aunt March.
M:So nice of you to come.
M:Yes,it was nice of me to come.
C:Come by the fire.
M:Thank you,no.I have a fire at home
where I should be this minute.
I only came to bring you these.
L:Thank you,Aunt March.
C:Thank you,Aunt March.
S:Thank you,Aunt March.
M:Amy.Where's Amy?
A:H-here I am,Aunt March.
M:What are you doing back there?
I don't like this sneaking about.
Come out into the open,I always say.
A:Thank you,Aunt March.
M:When I was a girl,I used to visit my aunts
to wish them a merry Christmas.They didn't visit me.
See that you spend it wisely.
M:We planned to visit you tomorrow,auntie.
M:You never know if there will be a tomorrow.
Have you heard from that foolish father of yours,
waltzing away to war,
leaving others to take care of his family?
It isn't preachers that are going to win this war,
it's fighters.
C:We're very proud of father,and you should be,too.
And there's nobody looking out for us.
M:Have some tea,auntie?
If your father had listened to me,
you'll be better off today.
I begged him not to invest his money with that swindler.
One look at him and I knew that
he'd take the pennies off a dead man's eyes.
C:That was years ago,it has nothing to do with now.
And it was our money that got lost anyway.
M:Don't be impertinent,Miss!
It's a waste of time to talk to you.
Nobody listens to me anyhow.
Merry Christmas.
All:Merry Christmas,auntie.Thank you,Aunt March.
C:Aunt March!
You still want me to work for you,don't you?
M:Fine time to ask me.
C:I'd like to be your companion.
M:A companion should be companionable.
C:I will be,I promise.
I'm willing to bury the hatchet.
M:Very well,then.
Come over after the holidays.
9:00 sharp.
Bring an apron.
C:Thank you,auntie.
Merry Christmas,Aunt March.
M:Merry Christmas.
A:Look,Jo,a dollar!
S&L:She gave us each a dollar.
C:How splendid!
Now I can buy the "Black Avenger"
L:Oh,I've been longing for a bonnet with a feather.
A:And a nice box of Faber's drawing pencils for me.
M:And what will you do with your dollar,Bethy?
S:I'll buy some new music.
C:May we go now,marmee?
M:All right.
A:We'll have presents after all.
All:Merry Chrismas time is here.
Happiest time in all the year.
Ding Dong!Ding Dong!
Merry children laugh and play.
Happy on this glorious day.
All the children laugh and play at christmas time.
Merry Chrismas time is here.
Happiest time in all the year.
Ding Dong!Ding Dong!
Merry children laugh and play.
Joyous on this happy day...



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