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發布時間:2025-01-23 20:36:48

『壹』 玩具總動員1英文台詞

All right, everyone! This... is a stickup! Don't anybody move! 大家注意 這是搶劫 通通都不準動
Now, empty that safe!掏空保險箱
Ooh-hoo-hoo! Money, money, money!錢錢錢
Stop it! Stop it, you mean, old potato! 住手 住手 可惡的蛋頭
Quiet, Bo Peep, or your sheep get run over!閉嘴寶貝 否則你的羊會遭殃
Help! Baa! Help us! 救命 救命啊
Oh, no, not my sheep! Somebody do something!別傷害我的羊 誰來幫幫忙啊
Reach for the sky! 飛向天空
Oh, no! Sheriff Woody!不 是胡迪警長
I'm here to stop you, One-Eyed Bart.我是來阻止你的 獨眼蛋頭
Doh! How'd you know it was me?你怎麼知道是我啊
Are you gonna come quietly?快跟我走吧
You can't touch me, Sheriff!你休想 警長
I brought my attack dog with the built-in force field我帶了我那隻 兇狠的鬥犬來了
Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs. 我帶了我的恐龍 它專門吃兇狠的鬥犬
Yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe! -呀
You're going to jail, Bart! Say good-bye to the wife and later tots. 你要去坐牢了 蛋頭 跟你老婆小孩說再見吧
You saved the day again, Woody你又拯救了危機 胡迪
You're my favorite deputy. 你是我最喜歡的副警長
You've got a friend in me片名:玩具總動員 "我是你好朋友"
You've got a friend in me你什麼也別愁"
Come on, let's wrangle up the cattle.來 我們來抓牛
When the road looks rough ahead道路坎坷困難多"
And you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed要十萬八千里才到家門口"
Just remember what your old pal said牛仔 把他們圍起來 "你只要想起我在你左右"
Boy, you've got a friend in me "我是你好朋友"
-Yee-haw! - Yeah, you've got a friend in me "哦對 我是你好朋友"

Hey, cowboy!嗨 牛仔
"有些人比我能幹比我強"Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am
"身體健壯走起路雄赳赳" Big and stronger too
來吧 胡迪-Come on, Woody. Maybe
"也許沒有人 能像我這樣愛護你" But none of them will ever love you the way I do
"對你是毫無保留" It's me and you, boy
"多少的歲月中" And as the years go by -Whoa!
"我們的友誼更加深厚" -Whoa! - Our friendship will never die
"你會看到"-Whoo! You're gonna see
"我們的命運緊相連 It's our destiny
"我是你好朋友" -好耶- You've got a friend in me -All right
"哦對 我是你好朋友" -得分- Yeah, you've got a friend in me -Score!
"我是你好朋友" -酷\- You got a friend in me -Wow! Cool!
-你喜歡嗎 -媽咪 真是太棒了-What do you think? -Oh, this looks great, Mom!
-喜歡就好 小壽星 -就跟我在店裡看到的一樣-Okay, birthday boy -We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!
好棒 好棒... 希望能擺得下\-I hope I have enough places. -Wow, look at that! That's so...
一二三四 -One, two. Four.
好 這樣就可以了Yeah, I think that's gonna be enough. -Oh, my gosh, you got...
可以留到搬家嗎\-Could we leave this up till we move? -Well, sure!
-去抱茉莉 你的朋友馬上就要來了-Your friends are gonna be here any minute.
-好 派對要開始了-Okay. It's party time, Woody.
-好耶 「編劇:喬斯維登 安德魯使丹頓等人」-Yee...haw!
,你好 小姐Howdy, little lady
,有人在水源區下了毒 Somebody's poisoned the water hole.
來 茉莉 你好重哦 -Come on, Molly. Oh, you're getting heavy.
再見了 胡迪 "導演:約翰拉賽特" -See you later, Woody.
,我的天哪 今天要開生日派對 Pull my string! The birthday party's today?
,好了 各位 已經安全了 Okay, everybody, coast is clear!
我盒子上寫得很清楚 適合三歲以上 -Ages 3 and up. It's on my box.
怎麼叫我當 口水公主的臨時保姆呢 Ages 3 and up. I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool.
嘿 火腿 -Hey, Hamm.
-你看 我是畢加索 -我聽不懂 -Look, I'm Picasso! -I don't get it.
沒有文化的肥豬 看什麼看啊 你這個大扁臉 You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?
-隊長 看到彈簧狗沒有 -報告長官 沒有-Hey, Sarge, have you seen Slinky? -Sir! No, sir!
好了 謝了 稍息Okay. Hey, thank you. At ease.
我在這兒 胡迪 這次我要紅的Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.
-不行 彈簧狗... -No. S-Slink.
-好吧 那紅的讓給你好了 -Oh, well, all right. You can be red if you want.
-等一下 彈簧狗 我有一些壞消息 -壞消息-N-Not now, Slink. I got some bad news. -Bad news?
去叫大家集合來開幹部會議了 知道了-Just gather everyone up for a staff meeting, and be happy. -Got it.
開心點呀-Be happy! -Ha, ha, ha, ha!
各位 幹部會議了 長蛇、機器人准備講台-Staff meeting, everybody! Snake, Robot, podium please.
還有畫板 拔槍Hey, Etch. Draw!
-你又贏了-Oh! Got me again.
畫板 你拔槍練得不錯嘛 西部最快的神槍手Etch, you've been working on that draw. Fastest knobs in the west.
大夥兒要開幹部會議了 快點 快點Got a staff meeting, you guys. Come on, let's go.
我的那個呢Now, where is that... Oh.
誰把我塗鴉板拿走的Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?
-抱抱龍 你幹嘛 -嚇到沒有? 要說實話-How're you doin', Rex? -Were you scared? Tell me honestly.
這一次 我差一點就被你嚇死I was close to being scared that time.
我一直想可怕一點 但是我老是沒有靈感I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it.
我只是一個惹人厭的傢伙I think I'm just coming off as annoying.

『貳』 玩具總動員3的經典中英文句子

Woody: [in Bonnie's room] Look, I just need to get out of here... Buttercup: [dramatically] There is no way out! [Woody stares at him in horror] Buttercup: Just kidding. Door's right over there. [he points] 胡迪:[在邦妮房間里] 我只是想離開這里… 獨角馬:[有"感情"地] 那是不可能的! [胡迪驚恐地盯著他] 獨角馬:開個玩笑,門就在那裡。[點了點頭] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spanish Buzz:[immediately after being reset into Spanish mode, he speaks into his wrist communicator] Estrella de registro: He despertado de hiper-sueno en un planeta extrano. Hamm: [to Rex] Now what did you do? Rex: I just did what you told me! Spanish Buzz:Estoy rodeado de criaturas alienígenas de intenciones desconocidas. Quién va ahí? Amigo o enemigo? [aims his laser at Woody] Woody: Uh... amigos! We're all amigos! Spanish Buzz:[turns off laser and is suddenly friendly]Debo tener un aterrizaje forzoso y tuve mi memoria borrada. [helmet still up, he kisses Woody quickly on each cheek] Spanish Buzz: Alguien ha visto a mi nave espacial? Woody: [mbstruck] We gotta switch him back. 巴斯:[突然重置成西班牙語模式,打開通訊器] 星際總部:我在一個陌生的星球上從睡眠狀態中被喚醒。 火腿:[對抱抱龍] 看看你都做了什麼? 抱抱龍:你怎麼說的我就怎麼做了! 巴斯:我被不明意圖的外星生物包圍著。——你們是什麼人?朋友還是敵人?[把鐳射瞄準胡迪] 胡迪:額……amigo,我們都是amigo(朋友)。 巴斯:[關上鐳射 突然變得友好] 看來飛船的墜落使我失去記憶了。[戴著頭盔 迅速親了親胡迪的臉] 巴斯:你們看見我的飛船了嗎? 胡迪:[目瞪口呆] 我們得把他調回來。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andy: Now Woody, he's been my pal for as long as I can remember. He's brave, like a cowboy should be... And kind, and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special, is he'll never give up on you.... ever. He'll be there for you, no matter what. 安迪:從我記事時起,胡迪就是我的朋友了。他有一個牛仔應有的勇敢、善良與聰明。但胡迪最大的特點是他從不放棄…從不。無論如何,他都會在你身邊。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andy: [taking a last look at his toys before he heads off to college] Thanks, guys. 安迪:[去大學前看了玩具們最後一眼] 謝謝,朋友們。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [last lines] Woody: So long... partner. [最後台詞] 胡迪:再見……夥伴。

『叄』 玩具總動員的英文經典台詞30句

1、To infinity and beyond.


2、You are my favorite deputy.


3、You've got a friend in me. You got troubles and I got them, too. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. We stick together. We can see it through, cause you've got a friend in me.


4、She never loved me! ——As much as any kid ever loved a toy.


5、Woody once risked his life to save mine, and I couldn't call myself his friend if I wasn't willing to do the same.


『肆』 玩具總動員有哪些經典台詞










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