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發布時間:2025-01-12 00:10:22

① 關於談論電影的初中英語對話

What's your favourate movie?
One of my achievement ring this long holiday is I added more DVD to my collection. The weird thing is that I can not really recall many of the DVD names. Well, at least I have watched SIN CITY(excuse me for using the blood colour, for the movie is really bloody!!) It was okay, while it seems quite popular among the guys. Oh, I also watched New Jersey Girl. It is not very interesting except Liv Tyler (sorry, if I spell the name wrong).

Then I start to think about what my favourite movie is. I have checked IMDB top 500 list. I have to admite that I am not really a fan of old old movies. I will only watch 1990s or afterwards. Yeah..you may say I am superfacial, but I am honest! I do not see why the LORD OF RINGS is so good. I mean, yeah, it is good, but not that good. In the end, I figure: MATRIX is on the top of my list. I like the movie's concern about our digi-era threats. I also like INDIAN JONES series, though they were old movies. In the end, yes, LOST IN TRANSLATION/ETERNAL SUNSHINE ON THE SPOTLESS MIND, they are good as well. I enjoy the relaxing pace of the movie and the vague meaning that the movie is trying to say.

Well, should be enough for now, I shall continue soon

② 我們一起談論電影 英語怎麼說

We talk about movies together.
We have discussions about movies.

③ film,new,the,are,about,children,talking,a,英語造句


Children are talking about the new film



謂語是are talking



④ 關於電影英語對話精選



Nitiya: OK, so something about fun, actually what kind of movies do you like?

Todd: Um, well, let's see, I like. I love comedy movies, and for me the most important thing about a movie is, does it have good dialog, does it have good writing, so I don't care about special effects, and stuff like that. It just doesn't interest me, and actually I don't like big Hollywood movies I think they're terrible.

Nitiya: Terrible!

Todd: Yeah. What kind of movies do you like?

Nitiya: I guess a lot of adventure, like the movie like "Star Gate" and The beach" and, and "The Beach" was not good but, I like something which is so different, something which is about the universe, or something which is about rockets and stuff like that.

Todd: So you like movies that re quire... ... and what?

Nitiya: Detective.

Todd: Oh, detective movies. So you like movies that require imagination?

Nitiya: Exactly.

Todd: Now, since we're talking about movies, India has a very big movie instry, Bollywood, do you like the Bollywood movies?

Nitiya: It's great. Awesome. Yeah. I guess a lot of people in the whole world like it a lot.

Todd: Bollywood, they always have so many people, like the thing is, where do they get all those actors?

Nitiya: Lots of actors, so much drama, and I guess a lot of music and dancing and it's just so different from Hollywood movies, so I guess for the reality, I prefer the Hollywood movie and if you just want to have some fun, it would be Bollywood movies.

Todd: So, how often would you watch Bollywood and how often do you watch English?

Nitiya: Whatever I get.

Todd: whatever you get.

Nitiya: I just love movies. I'm crazy behind movies.

Todd: You're addicted to movies?

Nitiya: Very much.

Todd: OK, you know in the states when you go to the movies, it's always coke, popcorn, hot dog. When you go to movies in India, what's the food that you eat?

Nitiya: Ok, coke is always there.

Todd: Right.

Nitiya: And yeah, something like chips or potato chips or anything you get in your hands. Basically I don't like getting disturbed when I'm watching a movie. I'm a person who likes watching a movie very quietly. I don't like watching with friends. I mean, I prefer going who also like watching movies quietly. I mean there are some people in the world, they sit for the movie and they go, oh, this is going to happen next and things like that. I get so irritated. Let me watch it, concentrately.

Todd: Right, I hate that.

Nitiya: I really want to do it quietly, peacefully. I just want to watch the movie. Not talk to the person sitting behind me.

Todd: Ah, I totally agree. And I want to see the beginning, and I want to see the end.

Nitiya: Exactly.

Todd: And no interruptions

Nitiya: Once I begin I really want to go till the end. I can't stop it in the middle and say, "Oh, oh."

Todd: Yeah, which do you prefer, watching it at the cinema, or on DVD at home?

Nitiya: At home.

Todd: At home. So nobody bothers you?

Nitiya: Yep.

Todd: Right. Yeah, same thing. OK, thanks, Natiya.



Hi,what are you doing?



Nothing special,just watching the movie.



What movie are you watching?



The Speed. Have you seen that?



Yeah,The movie Speed is the most exciting film I've ever seen.



I feel the same way.



In this movie,I like Jack,he is a resourceful man.



Anyway, Dennis Hopper's character is somewhat complex and his performance is excellent.



I heard he started in filmdom when he was 19 years old.



Yes,he is a good actor.



Henry: Hey, Kathy, how about getting together for a movie tonight?

Kathy: Sure. What's playing?

Henry: Well, let me check the newspaper. We've got Quantum Apocalypse, The Graves, and The Bounty Hunter.

Kathy: The Graves sounds great. I love horror movies.

Henry: No way. I don't want to be scared out of my wits.

Kathy: OK. How about Quantum Apocalypse?

Henry: I'm not in the mood for science fiction.

Kathy: How come?

Henry: I saw the trailer the other day. I don't recommend seeing it.

Kathy: It seems we don't see eye to eye with each other. i

Henry: How about The Bounty Hunter? I think you'd like it. It is a romantic comedy.

Kathy: Is this the Jennifer Aniston's movie?

Henry: Yes. I heard that it is Aniston's best movie so far.















⑤ 和他們討論這部電影用英語怎麼說兩種表示法

Talk about the movie with/to them
Talk with/ to them about the movie

⑥ 我們對電影進行了討論 這句話的英語翻譯

We had a discussion about the movie.

⑦ 用英語談談你對電影的看法


With the fast development of science and technology and the widespread of internet, watching movies has increasingly been one of the most popular forms of entertainment. As far as I am concerned, we can get some benefits from watching movies.

All in all, the advantages of watching movies are not limited in relaxing and entertaining, but also in other aspects. Therefore, we should think about what we have learned from the movie after watching it.


⑧ 高分求一段關於談論電影的雙人英語對話

Let's talk about Chinese Movie "Assembly" --集結號;

1.Do you know there is a very popular movie?
2. Really? You know I am very interested in watching movie, what is it?
3. Assembly!!! Last week, I watched it, Fantastic!!
4. Oh, I know it. I watched it too 2 weeks ago. I was touched by it and dropped some tears.
5. Me too, I also was touched by it very much. It is a good movie. Did you hear some news about the chief actor -- GuZi Di(穀子地)?
6. What?
7. Because he sank into the role so deeply that he couldn't awake himself after finiding the movie.
8. Really?
9. He caught a very bad mood, in his mind, always appeared those old chinese soldier with blood or broken body!! Terrible!!
10. Yes, I heard something about him too, but have a little difference with you. After the movie, he felt huge sorrow ring making Assembly e to deepen into the role and couldn't help himself to get out of it, day by day, he became more and more sorrowful as if he experienced a battle a short while ago. He is a very earnest and responsible actor. I am sure he will be a super star in near future.
11. Yes, I think so!! and I have to say thanks to the director of the movie --Feng XiaoGang (馮小剛).He did a great job, let us watch a excellent movie!!
12. Every year, he would direct a movie to celerate Chinese New Year.
each of them I liked very much, such as TianXia Wu Zhe (天下無賊)。
13. I think Assembly is the best one of them, do you think so?
14. Maybe, but I think why most of people liked it, one reason is that it is a first big movie proced by China about battle with a very deep spirit.
15. And another is that the story are familiar to chinese people, it is helpful for us to accept it.
16. In one word, Assembly is successful movie, I like it, I will watch it again.
17. When? please tell me, I will go with you, I also have a desire to watched it again.
18. Ok!!


⑨ 1.「討論有趣的電影」用英語怎麼說


英語翻譯:Talking about interesting movies.

或:Discuss interesting film.


討論:discuss; debate; talk over; talk about; kick something around

有趣:interesting;amusing;fascinating;as good as a play;divertingness

電影:film;movie;cinema;motion picture;cine

⑩ 三人談論電影的英語情景對話,帶翻譯,每人4句

1. Ann: Do you have a favorite film?
Jane: I do, Transformers. I enjoy the impressive special effects and the movie's theme of transformation.
Mary: My favorite is James Bond. The characters are captivating, and the romance really stands out. What about you, Ann?
Ann: Mine is Cinderella. I admire the love story of the girl from humble beginnings becoming a princess.
2. Jane: Hey, let's go to the cinema tomorrow. There are several interesting movies out now.
Mary: I completely agree!



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