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發布時間:2025-01-08 20:27:29

A. 《音樂之聲》英語介紹+翻譯

《音樂之聲》的英語介紹和翻譯:"The Sound of Music" is an impressive musical that stands above other films of the genre because of interesting characters, top-notch direction, and a truly inspired screenplay. Julie Andrews (Oscar-nominated) stars as the young nun who leaves the convent to become the governess to a large family. She is instantly at odds with the children's father (Christopher Plummer), but they soon fall in love and get married. However, evil forces lurk overhead as the Nazis invade their homeland of Austria. Somewhat based on a true story, "The Sound of Music" is one of those rare musicals that works because there is a sense of fear and drama in the film's final act. This makes the film believable and none of the musical numbers take away from the story or the film's direction.


The story in the film is an adaptation of the real life story of Maria and the rest of the Van Trapp Family, who became a quite popular singing group in the '40s and '50s. Their tale of meeting and marrying, of facing Nazi aggression ring the Anschluss or annexation of Austria by Hitler's Third Reich, was first published as an autobiography, then adapted by Rodgers and Hammerstein for a successful Broadway musical, and ultimately turned into the feature film. In the beginning Maria was applying to become a nun, but her irrepressible nature and predilection to burst into song at a moments notice made her Mother Abess decide perhaps she should try being a governess, and find out more about herself first. She is placed in charge of the seven Von Trapp children, whose mother has died and are being kept under some military boot camp existence by their father, who is a retired naval officer. The joyful Maria quickly changes things and brings music into the house and hearts of the children, and bringing life and love into the home. This is all under the umbrella of impending Nazi occupation, which is vocally and publicly opposed by Captain Von Trapp, played by Christopher Plummer.


B. 音樂之聲電影英文版的簡介




Miguel, a 12-year-old Mexican boy from a shoemaker's family, had a musical dream when he was a child, but music was forbidden by the family and they thought they were cursed by music. When MIG secretly pursued the music dream, he set foot on the land of the dead because he touched a guitar.

Every year on the festival of the dead, families who have passed away return to the world to be reunited with their relatives, but no one has ever been to the world of the dead. Mig was shocked by the colorful world of the dead, and even more surprising was that he met his lost mother and grandparents, and the family tried to bring Mig back to earth.

C. 美國電影《音樂之聲》的簡介

特拉普男爵生於1880年4月4日,扎拉(Zara),當時還是奧匈帝國的一部分。父親是海軍上校,他也想獻身海軍事業,所以參加了皇家海軍學院。當他還是一個年輕的海軍上校時,就被任命為U6潛艇的指揮。一戰時,一艘法軍潛艇被特拉普的潛艇擊沉。1918年,國王約瑟夫一世提升他為海軍少校。 戰爭結束後,奧地利失去了海岸線,不再需要海軍。特拉普上校不僅失去了職位,還在1924年失去了他的妻子,留給他7個孩子照顧。

瑪麗婭生於1905年1月25日。在她大約兩歲時,母親就去世了,她的表姑成了她的養母,她們住在維也納郊區的一個小房子里。 她受到了嚴格的教育,上完三年高中後,進入了四年的國立師范學院。 瑪麗婭原來是社會主義者和無神論者,但是在大學期間,一位著名的神父開始給她布教,改變了瑪麗婭的生活和信仰。 瑪麗婭加入了薩爾茨堡的修女山修道院,成為一個修女。修道院決定讓瑪麗婭離開一年,到特拉普男爵家作女家庭教師,照顧他的一個患風濕熱的女兒。

一年後,孩子們要求他們的父親設法留住瑪麗婭,他們甚至建議他應該娶她。我不知道她是否喜歡我!男爵回答說。於是孩子們自己去問瑪麗婭。因為瑪麗婭說,是,我喜歡他。他們訂婚了。她再也沒回修道院作修女,於1927年11月26日嫁給了男爵。 特拉普一家又新添了兩個女兒。



1938年9月,他們到達紐約。途中第10個孩子出生了。瓦茲內神父也和他們同行到美國,在他的指導下,唱歌成了他們的職業,特拉普家庭合唱隊漸漸揚名。 二戰後,特拉普一家建立了一個音樂慈善組織:特拉普家庭奧地利救濟社,為祖國奧地利發送了無數食品和衣物。


1947年5月30日,特拉普去世,被安葬在房子後院的家庭墓地里。 當他們結束了20多年、30多個國家的演唱生涯時,他們把他們的奧地利式大木屋改成了客店。可惜1980年12月,它被一場大火燒毀。他們立即決定重建。特拉普家新木屋的設計很現代,但仍保留了以前的味道。 1987年3月28日瑪麗婭去世了,被安葬在墓地里他的丈夫旁邊。


D. 關於音樂的電影(只要美國的)









《超乎想像》是一部由安德魯·埃爾文、The Erwin Brothers執導的音樂劇情片,J·邁克爾·芬利、布洛迪·羅斯、丹尼斯·奎德、瑪德琳·卡羅爾、塔根·伯恩斯等參加演出。

該片根據基督教樂隊MercyMe主唱Bart Millard的真實故事改編,講述了在父親的高壓教育下成長,讓Bart與父親內之間有著很大的隔閡,但父親因癌症去世卻激發他創作出經典歌曲《超乎想像》(I Can Only Imagine)的故事



E. 《音樂之聲》的英語介紹和翻譯。

《音樂之聲》的英語介紹和翻譯:"The Sound of Music" is an impressive musical that stands above other films of the genre because of interesting characters, top-notch direction, and a truly inspired screenplay. Julie Andrews (Oscar-nominated) stars as the young nun who leaves the convent to become the governess to a large family. She is instantly at odds with the children's father (Christopher Plummer), but they soon fall in love and get married. However, evil forces lurk overhead as the Nazis invade their homeland of Austria. Somewhat based on a true story, "The Sound of Music" is one of those rare musicals that works because there is a sense of fear and drama in the film's final act. This makes the film believable and none of the musical numbers take away from the story or the film's direction.


The story in the film is an adaptation of the real life story of Maria and the rest of the Van Trapp Family, who became a quite popular singing group in the '40s and '50s. Their tale of meeting and marrying, of facing Nazi aggression ring the Anschluss or annexation of Austria by Hitler's Third Reich, was first published as an autobiography, then adapted by Rodgers and Hammerstein for a successful Broadway musical, and ultimately turned into the feature film. In the beginning Maria was applying to become a nun, but her irrepressible nature and predilection to burst into song at a moments notice made her Mother Abess decide perhaps she should try being a governess, and find out more about herself first. She is placed in charge of the seven Von Trapp children, whose mother has died and are being kept under some military boot camp existence by their father, who is a retired naval officer. The joyful Maria quickly changes things and brings music into the house and hearts of the children, and bringing life and love into the home. This is all under the umbrella of impending Nazi occupation, which is vocally and publicly opposed by Captain Von Trapp, played by Christopher Plummer.


F. 音樂之聲劇情英文版簡介

The Sound of Music Starring: Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer Review Summary In 1930's Austria a young nun is finding it hard to adjust to her new life in the abbey. The Abbess decides that the best thing to do is to send the nun (called Maria) into the world to discover life. She is sent to the von Trapp family to work as a nanny for Captain v Trapp's 7 children. V Trapp is a widowed ex-naval capt who lost his job when Austria lost its coast after the Treaty of Versailles. He is a proud nationalist and is worried about the rise of the far right in neighbouring Germany and talk of a union. V Trapp runs his household like a ship because he knows no other way and is in deep grieving for his wife. When Maria arrives on the scene she is met with opposition from the children and is put-off by the captain's attitudes. In time however, she builds bonds with the entire family, especially Liesl, the eldest child, whom she guides into womanhood, filling the void of Liesl's absent mother. The captain is engaged to the Baroness, a woman whom the children dislike and with reason - she loves their father not them! Graally, however, over time Maria and the Captain fall in love, the Baroness realises this and fabricates a story to make Maria want to return to the abbey, but Maria has helped the v Trapps rediscover music, and through that, happiness. She returns to them and the Baroness finally accepts that Maria and the Captain are meant to be together. They marry, but on returning from their honeymoon are confronted with the awful new of the occupation of Austria. Capt v Trapp is summonned immediately to fight for the Nazi High Seas fleet, but he opposes the Nazis and will not conform, thus putting his beloved family in danger. The v Trapps decide to escape over the border to neutral Switzerland, but their plan is discovered and they are forced to escape in a very unconventional style. --Elle, Resident The Sound of Music Scholar

G. 一部關於音樂的歐美電影

八月迷情 August Rush (2007)
導演: 科斯汀·謝里丹
編劇: 尼克·卡斯特爾 / 詹姆士·V·哈特 / Paul Castro
主演: 喬納森·萊斯·梅耶斯 / 弗萊迪·海默 / 羅賓·威廉姆斯 / 凱麗·拉塞爾 / 泰倫斯·霍華德
類型: 劇情 / 愛情 / 音樂
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2007-11-21(美國)
片長: 114 分鍾 / 100 分鍾(以色列)
又名: 把愛找回來(台) / 流浪樂手 / 八月狂奔 / 聲夢奇緣
八月迷情的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
萊拉(凱麗•拉塞爾 Keri Russell 飾),一個出色的大提琴手;路易斯(喬納森•萊斯•梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers 飾),一名流浪的愛爾蘭歌手。一個月色迷離的晚上,兩人相遇了。度過難忘的一晚後,萊拉那專橫的父親又強逼她繼續踏上音樂會的旅程。路易斯因等不到戀人失望之下離開了;而萊拉發覺愛人走後,獨自傷心的等待肚中的孩子出生。豈料幾個月後萊拉遭遇了一場車禍,寶寶亦隨之夭折。孰料,萊拉的寶寶其實並沒有死,而是被她狠心的父親送到了孤兒院。一晃眼10多年過去了,生活在孤兒院的少年奧古斯特(弗萊迪•海默 Freddie Highmore 飾)堅信自己的父母還在世上,於是踏上了漫漫尋親路。



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