導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 深愛電影英文翻譯


發布時間:2024-12-27 09:11:37

㈠ 幫我把這段電影介紹翻譯成英文

*********************Terms of Endearment *******************

This movie interprets, in a soothing way, the complicated endearment between mother and daughter, based on the happy, sad,embarassed moment of the life.
This movie talks about Mother Lora and Daughter Amma, they love each other deeply. The widowed and middle aged lady Lora,dotes on her daughter Ama. but the mother is somewhat subjective,dominant , and interfere too much with Ama's business.

Ama longs for a solitude life,and after the marrige with an English teacher Tomas-Huston, has moved to another city.
And later, Lora falls in love with a retired astraunaut Gallet-Bradlo who lived the next door, and lora became mentally younger and she can communicate with Ama like sisters.
But soon, Ama was killed by the cancer. at the moment of her death, Ama started to discover the endearment between her mother and she, was so unforgetable and indispensable.
本片被認為是80年代最感人肺腑的影片之一。 影片情節感人,思想深刻,是一部不可多得的好作品。
This moves is regarded as one of the most touching film in 1980's. The movie has a moving story and the profound meaning.It's nonetheless, a good masterpiece.

㈡ 請教一下: 英語的 「深愛」 這個詞到底該怎麼 真正准確 的翻譯啊 小弟恭候啊~~~請進!!!

是要寫情書么 搞得這么認真
英語里應該沒有「深愛『這個詞 關鍵是看你怎麼表達它最貼切吧
Profound Love (profound古義有「靈魂深處」之意,用詞詞形容含義偏「深邃,深切」,意思是「深愛」)

All My Love (再不說,你懂得。銘文 「 我所有的愛 」)

The Eternal Love & The Supreme Love( eternal是「 永恆 」的意思,supreme是「 極度 」的意思,在這里可以表達「 至高/純潔「 的愛」,意思是「 永恆,至高的愛!」)

You Are The Apple Of My Eye. (源自聖經。"apple of one's eye"就是指「珍貴的東西」,也就常被引申為「珍愛的人或物」。 所以說You are the apple of my eye,意思就是指說:你是我的摯愛,或是同等意思。)

My Soul Pants For You.(pant意思是「喘氣」,我的靈魂之因你而呼吸,就是指「我的心切慕你」。同樣也是源自聖經。)

Charity Never Faileth.(charity本意為慈善,也就是廣博的愛,換成Love Never Faileth也可。意思是「愛永不衰退」。出自聖經。)


至於affectionate 多指「充滿深情的;滿懷柔情的」,跟love區別在於可以形容男女親熱或家庭親情的和睦恩愛。
不過我也不是什麼英語大神啊 那上面可都是我辛辛苦苦找的呢 希望能幫到你啦。



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