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發布時間:2024-12-21 07:04:25

❶ 求美國那個花木蘭電影的英語觀後感 要求120字 初級水平就行 救命啊!!!!!


Mulan's story-so far, mainly e to "Ode of Mulan" Masterpiece folk side of this, this long narrative poems of praise Nvbannanzhuang Mulan for the father of military legend. Now many more people it will be made into a movie, down through the ages.

War heroes, men living without a hero, heroine will be, with the Northern Wei Rouran not prominent men of war, will have a prominent heroine Mulan. She is a weak girl, he's elderly father, is no longer on the weak; she is a woman weaving, but to her father, to join the army to fight on. She never bow to the men, loudly told the world: "Women are no inferior to men.". Mulan will be a battle, how rapidly the tension is very high morale, march more urgent, more military tension, this is an order reversing, as a girl left the family, into a battlefield, the equivalent of the world into another. She and a man eating live with, eat the same suffering, by the same tired, but do men with different stories, and create a brilliant different men, as well as proof of "who say woman not so good as men. ? "

Mulan back, is not easy. Her attention to the value of life, the more the warmth of the family know. She has refused to grant the emperor, officials do not want to cast aside their high position and great wealth, she is willing to foot thousands of miles Chi, also home at an early date.

She returned, the arm of his elderly parents out to meet her sister was up to greet her, while his younger brother while sharpening pig, take concrete actions to meet the sisters to come back. To see all of this, Mulan is very pleased with the 12-year risk one's life on the battlefield, how hard. The 12-year Nvbannanzhuang and visible, however difficult, but all in the past, Mulan inner spiritual strength, which is what a great place.

Day settle down, the partners in the past and look at her every time she loaded her daughter to always see them, afraid of the partners in the past, Mulan in mind: you know? Bloody battle in the past to work with you on the battlefield, Li Under the great service; not to come back after the emperor of the reward I am a girl.

Give me back my daughter character, how proud Mulan.

花木蘭的事跡傳至今,主要應歸功於《木蘭辭》這一方民歌絕 唱,是這篇長篇敘事詩歌頌了花木蘭女扮男裝替父從軍的傳奇故事。現在更有許多人將它拍成了電影,千古流傳。
戰爭產生英雌,在世無男英雄的情況下,便會有女英雄,北魏與柔然戰爭沒有突出的男人,就有了突出的女英雄花木蘭。 她本是個柔弱的女孩,可他為了年老的父親,就不再柔弱;她本是個織布女子,但她為了父親,就參軍打仗。她從不向男的低頭,大聲告訴了世人:巾幗不讓須眉。花木蘭就要出征了,是多麼的急促緊張,是多麼的昂揚士氣,行軍多急,軍情多緊張,軍令如山倒,作為一個少女離開閨閣,投入戰場,何異投入另一個世界。她與男人同吃共住,吃一樣的苦,受一樣的累,卻干出與男人不同的事跡,創出了與男人不同的輝煌,同時也證明了「女子哪裡不如男?」



❸ 花木蘭電影為什麼講英語


❹ 小女孩看完《花木蘭》後,因不會說中文而崩潰大哭,她為何那麼想學中文


最近美版抖音Tiktok上有一個視頻引起了很多海外華人的共鳴,視頻中5歲的加拿大華裔小女孩Mikayla撲在媽媽懷里痛哭,媽媽Leanne一邊安慰她一邊問:“why are you sad?”(你為什麼難過?)Mikayla回答:“because I really want to learn chinese……”(因為我真的好想學中文)




就像萬千移民爸媽那樣,“如何讓孩子不拋棄母語”幾乎成了mission impossible,這其中除了語言環境的缺失外,系統性的種族歧視可能也功不可沒。

❺ 翻譯: 如果你計劃去看一部電影,請選《花木蘭》吧。

if you plan to watch a movie, please choose " Mulan "

❻ 學英語看什麼英文電影好


❼ 電影花木蘭英文名




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