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❶ 電影九首歌的背景音樂

歌名是madan`Salif Keita唱的``


❷ 咨詢下背景音樂,電影裡面大場景用的

1. Vernian's Believe Andrew Lockington 2:53
2. The Attic Andrew Lockington 4:11
3. Helicopter Crash Andrew Lockington 2:13
4. Island Reveal Andrew Lockington 3:38
5. Lizard Chase Andrew Lockington 2:44
6. The Treehouse Andrew Lockington 4:55
7. Discovering Atlantis Andrew Lockington 5:34
8. Who's Up For An Adventure? Andrew Lockington 2:14
9. Gold Dust Andrew Lockington 2:39
10. Bee Chase Andrew Lockington 5:33
11. What A Wonderful World (Film Version) Dwayne Johnson 2:18
12. Campfire Andrew Lockington 1:47
13. The Swamp Andrew Lockington 2:41
14. Trident Cliffs Andrew Lockington 2:33
15. Finding the Nautilus Andrew Lockington 3:08
16. Let's Power This Thing Up Andrew Lockington 3:08
17. The Nautilus Escape Andrew Lockington 5:03
18. Sean's Birthday Andrew Lockington 2:28
19. Mysterious Island Main Titles Andrew Lockington 3:22
20. What A Wonderful World (End Credits)

❸ 求電影中經典的背景音樂並附帶名、下載地址,謝謝!

NO.1《she is my sin》

(夜願)對Cser們來說,Night Wish的歌曲早已深入人心,眾所皆知,世界不少頂級戰隊的宣傳片都採用的是他們的歌曲,Night Wish的歌曲大都是重金屬音樂,而這首She is My Sin就是1.6版CS的主題曲,很多翻譯版本的1.6進入界面就會響起這首歌,當你在游戲前更改各種按鍵設置的時候,這首歌彷彿預示著大戰馬上爆。在she is my sin出名後,因為其震撼的歌聲,成為許多視頻或集錦的音樂

NO.2《the dawn》(亡靈序曲)From 夢境傳說(Dreamtale)

《The Dawn》的原意為黎明、拂曉、破曉,但在國內網路上,廣被訛傳為「亡靈序曲」。這是因為在2005年,國內一個電子游戲競技網站中,一位《魔獸爭霸3》亡靈族的擁躉,推薦這首曲子作為亡靈論壇專區的區歌;後來另一名網友以《The Dawn》作為背景音樂,用《魔獸爭霸3》中亡靈族的過場畫面,剪輯製作了一部MV,並命名為《亡靈序曲》。至此,該曲的中文名就隨著這部MV以訛傳訛地流傳開來,而真實名字卻不被廣為人知。


NO.3《The Mass》

The Mass改編自Carmina Burana(布蘭詩歌),據說「二戰期間德國武裝黨衛軍第一裝甲師軍歌也改編於此」,導致調子相似而張冠李戴以為The Mass就是納粹軍歌。而現在,隨著這首歌的名聲日躁,越來越多的游戲也吸收了其動感,鼓舞人心的一面,其中當前最紅網路游戲《魔獸世界》中很多玩家自製的游戲視頻就大量使用了《THE Mass》作為背景音樂。

NO.4《Hero's Theme》


NO。5《he's a pirte》

黑珍珠Pirates.of.the.Caribbean-The.Curse.of.the.Black.Pearl)是Klaus Badelt寫的,相當於是確立了加勒比海盜主題音樂的人吧.集子里最後一首叫He's a Pirate,印象中就是jack最後跳下去之後的音樂,也是加勒比海盜的主題.

NO.6《conquest of paradise》(1492征服天堂)

《1492征服天堂》(英文全稱:《1492 CONQUEST OF PARADISE 》)是一首世界名曲,本作品屬於《1492 Conquest Of Paradise 1492征服天堂/哥倫布傳》專輯中的第二軌。每次聽到它,都讓我迷茫而感覺到自己是如此的微小,然而恢弘的音樂激發出內心的雄壯,我熱血沸騰,我一往無前,古典的韻味在現代音樂的詮釋下是如此的突顯!這是激沸的音樂,這是振奮的音樂,這是人類對於音樂極限的挑戰!該名曲也被作為中國電視劇《
》插曲。題曲《Conquest Of Paradise 征服天堂》,那種史詩般的氣派,完完全全是懾人的感覺,精彩絕倫。這部講述哥倫布征服南美洲故事的電影也成為了史詩般的巨作!

NO.7《 rock house jail》


NO.8《hummell gets the rockets》


Hummell Gets The Rockets,這段音樂分成兩部分,第一部分用管弦樂表現Hummell將軍矛盾復雜的心情,同時他在對愛妻極度的懷念下做出了艱難的抉擇,這段音樂以悲壯為基調,從一開始低沉的前奏到激昂的曲調,Hummell將軍的復雜心理被表現的淋漓盡致;接下來就是Hummell將軍率領海軍陸戰隊在海軍軍火庫盜取VX毒氣導彈的段落,此時音樂立即爆發出了強烈的節奏感,配合海軍陸戰隊員以嫻熟的技巧潛入軍火庫盜取導彈的動作鏡頭,同時在曲子的末尾還運用了一處柔調表達出Hummell將軍對被困在軍火庫中的手下的無奈心情。

NO.9《in the tunnels》

同上 出自《石破天驚》

NO.10《halo theme mjolnir mix》


觀看地址 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjc5NTY5NDEy.html
留個郵箱 我可以發給你 無損的音樂

❹ 電影里的好聽的英文歌。 插曲,主題曲之類。

1.make you feel my love- adele
1.spell-marie digby

1.some one like you-adele
1.the last kiss-Taylor Swift
4.we don't eat-james vincent mcmorrow
5.up in flames-coldplay
6.tonight-lykke li
7.there is a light that never goes out-sara lov
8.the weepies-living in twilight
9.gotta havae you-the weepies
10.the new diana-black box recorder
11.the day i died-just jack
12.take your time-cary brothers


❺ 求【野狼與瑪莉】這部電影的背景音樂。英文歌。男聲。白色頭發男主角出場音樂。

Thunder - Leona Lewis

First, it was heaven

Everything roses and fire
You and I were golden

Now it's armageddon

And I woke up like a fighter

Building up a legion

You were rising like a star

Reigning like a king

While I was waiting in the wings

But I won't wait any longer

When you left me down, I got stronger

If you wonder 'bout the lightning
Out on the horizon
Well, I'm coming back with the thunder

With the thunder

With the thunder
Well, I'm coming back with the thunder

With the thunder

With the thunder
Well, I'm coming back with the thunder

Scared that you would miss out

Scared that I would shine without you
So you held me down, down

But this voice was getting loud

And it just wouldn't give in

'Cause I was made to sing

And I won't wait any longer
Don't ever wait

When you left me down, I got stronger

If you wonder 'bout the lightning
Out on the horizon
Well, I'm coming back with the thunder

With the thunder

With the thunder
Well, I'm coming back with the thunder

With an empty heart, I am free again

For some things have to start

Some have to end

With an empty heart, I am free again

For some things have to start

Some have to end
And I won't wait any longer

When you left me down, I got stronger

If you wonder 'bout the lightning

Out on the horizon
Well, I'm coming back with the thunder
With the thunder

With the thunder

With the thunder
Well, I'm coming back with the thunder
I'm coming back

With the thunder

With the thunder
Well, I'm coming back with the thunder

❻ 鍝浜涢煶涔愰傚悎鍋氱數褰辮儗鏅闊充箰錛

1銆併奦ictory銆嬶細銆奦ictory銆嬫槸涓棣朤wo Steps from Hell鍒涗綔鐨勮憲鍚嶅彶璇楅煶涔愶紝鍏朵腑鍑虹幇浜嗕竴孌墊瓕璇嶏紝鐢變竴緹ゅ+鍏電矖鐘風殑澹伴煶鍚堝敱鋙嶆眹鑰屾垚銆傚氱敤浜庣數褰遍勫憡鐗囩殑闊充箰銆備綔鍝侀庢牸浠ュ彶璇椼佹皵鍔褲佹柊涓栫邯銆佸彜鍏鎬負涓匯


3銆併夿eethoven Virus銆嬶細銆夿eethoven Virus銆嬬敱淇濆姞鍒╀簹钁楀悕鐢靛瓙灝忔彁鐞村舵紨濂忥紝鏁村紶涓撹緫鍙璋撶簿褰╀笉鏂錛岀粡鍏擱戝嚭錛屾棤澶勪笉閫忛湶鐫鐨勫ぇ姘斻佽嚜鐢變箣椋庯紝瀹岀編鍦版紨緇庝簡鐜頒唬鐢靛瓙灝忔彁鐞寸殑嬋鎯呬笌鍐涗漢鐨勪紭闆呫


5銆併奡trength of a thousand men銆嬶細榪欎釜鏉ヨ嚜鎵橀┈鏂鐨勯煶涔愶紝鍒氭煍騫舵祹錛屾煍涓甯﹀垰錛佹浘緇忚鐢ㄤ簬鈥滀腑鍥借埅姣岰G瀹d紶鐗団濓紝榪欎釜闊充箰閰嶄笂鈥滀腑鍥借埅姣岰G瀹d紶鐗団濓紝欏挎椂璁╀綘涓虹栧浗鎷ユ湁絎涓鑹樼湡姝f剰涔夌殑鑸姣嶆垬鏂楃兢錛岃屾縺鍔ㄨ嚜璞楠勫偛錛

❼ 電影金雞中 28分左右出現的英文背景音樂

When a Child is Born - Johnny Mathis (1976)

A ray of hope flitters in the sky
A shiny star lights up way up high
All across the land dawns a brand new morn
This comes to pass when a child is born

A silent wish sails the seven seas
The winds have changed whisperin the trees
And the walls of doubt crumble tossed and torn
This comes to pass when a child is born

A rosy fume settles all around
Youve got the feel youre on solid ground
For a spell or two no-one seems forlorn
This comes to pass when a child is born

And all of this happened
Because whe world is waiting
Waiting for one child
Black, white, yellow, no one knows
But a child that would grow up and turn tears to laughter
Hate to love, war to peace
And everyone to everyones neighbour
Misery and suffering would be forgotten forever

Its all a dream and illusion now
It must come true, sometimes soon somehow
All across the land dawns a brand new morn
This comes to pass when a child is born

All across the land dawns a brand new morn
This comes to pass when a child is born

When a child is born

❽ 誰有好聽的背景音樂,出自電影的好。須英文。

天空之城做背景蠻不錯的 去聽聽



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