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Ⅰ 我沒去看電影而是呆在家看書英語charactwr

1 I prefer to stay at home rather than to go to cinema.
2 She likes watching TV, while her elder sister likes reading books.
3 Her look shows that she is not interested with this thing.
4 The teacher is planting trees as well as students.
5 This is my second time that I have been to Shanghai.

Ⅱ 看電影的好處 英語

First, it could realax and kill time. Second, we culd learn alot of things through documents, war movies and stories. Third, You culd keep up with the flow and add more topics in the conversations with you friends.

Ⅲ 看電影英語怎麼說看電影用英語的說法




中文翻譯英文 "看電影可以使人放鬆"

People can be relaxed by watching films.

Ⅳ 「看電影」用英語怎麼說

看電影?很多人可能會脫口而出,不是 see a movie 嗎?


其實關於「看電影」的「看」,有兩個動詞,一個是 see,一個是 watch

所以,see a movie 和 watch a movie 都是看電影的意思。但它們卻有著細微的區別。這個區別先要從關於「看」的幾個不同的動詞說起。


A、Look at

When welook at something, we direct our eyes in its direction and pay attention to it.

Look at 表示盯著某事物或者某個方向看,強調的是你眼睛的注意力在某個事物或某個方向上面。

例如,如果我們要說「看著我」,表示要讓聽者把眼睛投向「我」,所以這里的「看」要用look at。所以「看著我」應該翻譯成「look at me"。

Come and look at this photo Carina sent me. Look at the rabbit!


See means noticing something using our eyes.


I saw Trevor at the shopping centre yesterday. Has anyone seen my glasses?


Watch is similar to look at, but it usually means that we look at something for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving.

watch表示「看」的過程。跟look at的細微區別是,look at側重於表示注意力在某物身上;而watch則側重於「看」的過程。

We watch television every evening. I like to sit at the window to watch what』s happening in the garden.

2、see a movie 和 watch a movie的區別


A、see a movie 側重表示看電影的整體事件 I'm going to see a movie. 我要去看電影。 I saw that moive before. 我看過那個電影。 B、watch a moive 側重表示看電影的過程 I'm watching a movie. 我正在看電影。 I like watching movies. 我喜歡看電影。 但有一種特別的情況,就是在家裡「看」電視或者視頻,要用Watch I watch a lot of TV. 我看很多電視。 I watched a video at home. 我在家看(了)視頻。


我們這里只是從語法層面分析了 see a movie 和 watch a movie 的區別,不能概括所有的情境。現實生活中,在不同的場景,可能還會有習慣用法上的區別,大家還是要以習慣用法為准。


watch a movie 會暗指是在家裡看電影。

see a moive 會暗指去電影院啊之類的場所看電影。


Ⅵ 在家呆著看看書看看電影 英語

Shall we go to the cinema tomorrow?
Why not have a good rest?
How/What about an apple?
Why not stay at home and read books?



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