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① 美國電影偷窺的開頭曲


② 請問這部電影叫什麼

碎片 カケラ Kakera(2009)


③ 如何評價《記憶碎片》(Memento)這部電影



④ 記憶碎片的英文簡介

Memento is a 2000 American psychological thriller film written and directed by Christopher Nolan, adapted from his younger brother Jonathan's short story, Memento Mori. It stars Guy Pearce as Leonard Shelby, a man with anterograde amnesia, which impairs his ability to store new explicit memories. During the opening credits, which portray the end of the story, it is shown that Leonard kills Teddy (Joe Pantoliano). The film suggests that this killing is vengeance for the rape and murder of his wife (Jorja Fox) based on information provided by Natalie (Carrie-Anne Moss).

This film is often used to show the distinction between plot and story. The film's events unfold in two separate, alternating narratives — one in color, and the other in black-and-white. The black-and-white sections are told in chronological order, showing Leonard conversing with an anonymous phone caller in a motel room. Leonard's investigation is depicted in color sequences that are in reverse chronological order. As each sequence begins, the audience is unaware of the preceding events, just like Leonard, thereby giving the viewer a sense of his confusion. By the film's end when the two narratives converge we understand the investigation and the events that lead up to Teddy's death.

Memento premiered on September 5, 2000, at the Venice International Film Festival to critical acclaim and received a similar response when it was released in European theaters starting in October 2000. Critics especially praised its unique, nonlinear narrative structure and themes of memory, perception, grief, self-deception, and revenge. The film was successful at the box office and received numerous accolades, including Academy Award nominations for Original Screenplay and Film Editing.[2]

Memento is presented as two different sequences of scenes: a series in black-and-white that are shown chronologically, and a series of color sequences shown in reverse order. The two sequences "meet" at the end of the film, procing one common story.[3] During the opening credits of the film, the only sequence to be played backwards is shown. It starts with the developed Polaroid photograph of a man shot in the head. As the sequence plays backwards we are shown the photo reverting to its undeveloped state, entering the camera, being taken, etc. As the credits end, we see the protagonist shoot a man in the head.
[edit] Black-and-white sequences

The black-and-white sequences of the film take place chronologically before any of the colored sequences and begin with Leonard Shelby in a motel room. Leonard has anterograde amnesia, impairing his ability to store memories of recent events. As Leonard explains in the film, his amnesia was a result of an attack by two men in his home. Leonard killed the attacker who raped and strangled his wife, but a second attacker clubbed him in the head and escaped. The police did not believe there was a second attacker, but Leonard has come to believe the second attacker is a white male with the first name of John and a last name starting with G. During the black-and-white sequences, we learn about Leonard's amnesia through the story Leonard tells an unnamed caller about the strange case of Sammy Jankis. Leonard investigated Sammy ring his job as an insurance investigator before the attack. Sammy appeared to have anterograde amnesia after a car accident, but since Sammy could not learn through conditioning, Leonard indicates that he believed that Sammy's condition must be psychological rather than physical and, therefore, not covered. Leonard explains how Sammy's diabetic wife concted her own experiment to try to test Sammy, repeatedly requesting her insulin injections in quick succession, hoping that Sammy would remember the previous injection. He didn't and, as a result, she fell into a coma and died.
[edit] Color sequences

The color sequences are chronologically set after the black-and-white sequences and are shown in reverse order. They start at the end with the murder of Teddy and deal with Leonard』s investigation using his system of notes, Polaroid photos, and tattoos, to track down "John G". Leonard gets a tattoo, based on instructions to himself, identifying "John G"'s license plate. Finding a note in his clothes, he meets Natalie, a bartender. Natalie, seeing Leonard wearing the clothes and driving the car of her boyfriend, Jimmy, is at first resentful towards Leonard. After understanding his condition, and using this to get Leonard to drive a dangerous man named Dodd out of town, Natalie offers to run the license plate on Leonard's latest tattoo to help his investigation. Meanwhile, Leonard encounters another man, Teddy, who acts as Leonard's friend. Teddy helps him deal with Dodd, but warns him about Natalie; however, Leonard notes that his writing on the Polaroid of Teddy tells himself not to trust Teddy. Natalie eventually provides Leonard the driver's license, which matches that of John Edward Gammell—Teddy—and conforms with the rest of Leonard's information on "John G" and his Polaroid warnings. Leonard meets Teddy and drives him to an abandoned building, killing him as shown in the opening credits.
[edit] Climax

The climax of the film starts in the final black-and-white sequence. Prompted by the caller in the motel room, Leonard meets Teddy in the motel lobby. Teddy explains that he is an undercover officer and has been helping Leonard with his investigation. Teddy says he's found Leonard's "John G." (Jimmy Grantz, Natalie's boyfriend) and directs Leonard to an abandoned building outside of town—the same location where Leonard will eventually kill Teddy—and when Jimmy arrives, Leonard strangles him. Leonard takes a photo of the body and as this photo develops, the black-and-white scene transitions to color and thus begins the color sequences of the story.

Leonard swaps clothes with Jimmy and, as he drags the body to the basement, he hears Jimmy whisper "Sammy". As Leonard has only told the story of Sammy Jankis to those he has met, he doubts that Jimmy is the second attacker. When Teddy arrives and continues to assert that Jimmy was the John G. they've been looking for, Leonard refuses to believe him. Teddy eventually indicates that, together, they had already found and Leonard had killed "the real John G" more than a year before. Teddy claims that Leonard has confused elements of his own life with that of Sammy, explaining that Sammy was a con man, a faker who had no wife and that Leonard's own wife actually survived the attack and was herself diabetic; it was Leonard's wife, not Mrs. Jankis, who died in the insulin overdose that Leonard describes.

Teddy accuses Leonard of deliberately creating an unsolvable puzzle to give himself purpose. He points out that "John G" is a common-enough name that Leonard's search can go on indefinitely. He reveals that even he has a "John G" name. In a conscious deliberate decision, Leonard burns the photograph of Jimmy's body and writes down Teddy's license plate number as a "fact" to be tattooed on himself as the second attacker's plate number. Leonard throws Teddy's keys into a bush and drives off in Jimmy's car. Leonard arrives in front of a tattoo parlor, ready to get the license plate tattoo that will lead to Teddy's death.



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