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發布時間:2024-12-03 20:32:29

1. 誰能把電影《2012》裡面的瘋子查理做的那段FLASH的解說詞告訴我(中英文版都可以)


It's free. Of course, we do appreciate donations.

In ancient times,

The Mayan people were the first civilization to discover that

This planet had an expiration date.

According to their calender, in the year 2012 a cataclysmic event will unfold,

Caused by an alignment of the planets in our solar system

That only happens every 640.000 years.

Oh, not again.

Neat, huh? I did all the animation myself.

Just imagine the earth as an orange

You lure them in with humor.

Then you make them think.

Our sun will begin to emit such extreme amounts of radiation

Screw you bastards, they are call nutrino.

That the core of the earth will melt at the inside part of the orange.

Leaving the crust of our planet free to shift.

In 1958 Professor Charles "earth crust displacement"

Albert Einstein did support it.

People will get it all

The forces of mother nature will be so devastating it

Will bring an end to this world on winter solstice


Always remember, folks.

You heard it first from Charlie Frost.

You'd have to keep a thing like this under wraps.

Just think about it.Okay?

First, the stock market would go.

Then the economy boom!

The dollar boom!

2. 求所有美國電影開頭的英文解說 ,說片名




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