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Ⅰ 求一部英文電影,講一個富家少年燒錢燒車之後離家出走去野外求生最後死在一輛廢棄公交車里

荒野生存 Into the Wild (2007)

導演: 西恩·潘

主演: 埃米爾·赫斯基 / 馬西婭·蓋伊·哈登 / 威廉·赫特 / 吉娜·馬隆 / Brian H. Dierker / 更多...

類型: 劇情 / 傳記 / 冒險

製片國家/地區: 美國

語言: 英語 / 丹麥語

上映日期: 2007-09-21

Ⅱ 求一部電影,講的是主角讀完大學後開車到外流量,流浪前把錢燒了,最後來到了一輛巴士上過餘生

《荒野生存》,英文名《Into the Wild》




Ⅲ 《荒野生存》里出現過的一些句子

There is a plwasure in the pathless woods;
There is a rapture on the lonely shore;
There is society,there none intrudes,
By the deep sea,and music in its roar;
I love not man the less,but Nature more...
-Lord Byron
無徑之林 常有情趣
無人之岸 幾多驚喜
世外桃源 何處尋覓
聆聽濤樂 須在海里
愛我愛你 更愛自然

So now, after two rambling years
comes the final and greatest adventure.
The climactic battle to kill the false being within
and victoriously conclude
the spiritual revolution.
過了2年流浪生活 他迎來了最後也是最棒的冒險
戰爭的高潮就是 消除人性中虛偽的一面

lt should not be denied that being
footloose has always exhilarated us.
lt is associated in our minds
with escape
from history and oppression and law
and irksome obligations.
Absolute freedom.
And the road has always led west.
不可否認 自由總是讓人嚮往
在我們心中 它意味著逃離過去 苦惱
這部電影確實詩句太多了 太精闢了 堪稱佳片
The Wild
Alexander Supertramp(亞歷山大超級旅行家)
May 1992
英:I have had a happy life and thank the lord。Goodbye and may God bless all!

PS:太好的片子了 強烈推薦 也謝謝樓主讓我回憶起這些美麗的片段

Ⅳ 《荒野生存》里"神奇巴士"的英文怎麼寫的

magical bus,沒看過《荒野生存》只是按字面意思翻譯的 熱心者而已

Ⅳ 求個電影 你不能為了取悅他人而活著,你的人生必須自己決定。【與這句話意思寓意表達一樣的】

強烈推薦《荒野生存》,英文《into the wild》。
《荒野生存》改編自著名作家喬恩·科萊考爾(Jon Krakauer)的中篇小說,是一個真實《荒野生存》事件。1992年,在美國阿拉斯加地區的一個廢棄公交車車廂里,人們發現了一具腐爛的屍體,經調查,證實這位死者的全名叫克里斯多福.強森.麥克肯多斯(Christopher Johnson McCandless),是個出身於美國東岸富裕家庭的年輕男子,他在1990年大學畢業後,即與家人失去聯系。 嚮往回歸自然的原始生活,克里斯多福改名換姓,燒掉現金,放棄車子和大部分財產,從此在北美大陸漂泊,充滿強烈理想性的克里斯多福企亟追尋超越人類物質的經驗,這件事經過披露後,在美國社會引起震撼。尤其是結束克里斯多福生命的阿拉斯加之行,人們的看法褒貶各有之,有人感佩克里斯多福的勇氣; 有人卻認為克里斯多福太輕忽自然,藐視大自然,竟然沒有作充分准備便草率進入美國最不毛、環境最惡劣的阿拉斯加獨自生活。究竟是什麼原因,讓一個二十齣頭、大學剛畢業、家境優渥的年輕人拋棄一切,而投入一個所謂的自殺式之旅呢?這是所有人都在問的。

Ⅵ 求 荒野生存 英文影評

TIFF07, review 3: Facing the blind deaf stone alone…Into the Wild

Sean Penn's new movie Into the Wild arrives on the wave of a well-regarded novel about a college graate who decides that the anger and violence in civilized society is too much to handle and commences a journey through nature in order to truly live life as it was meant to be. This film is a wonderful glimpse into the life of a kid, wise beyond his years, and the bonds that he creates with people along the way. A victim of excess in wealth and a shortage of love, Christopher McCandless hid inside his mind behind knowledge and philosophy, building up his intellectual strength, as well as the physical, in order to complete his trek, ultimately leading him to Alaska. Penn never falls into the trap of showing too much heartbreak on the side of McCandless's parents, because he doesn't want the audience to second-guess the decision he made. There is no debate to be had here, our protagonist has no alternative but to get out and live off the land. Only being completely self-sufficient can he grasp a meaning for his life and one day perhaps go back with that knowledge fully learned.

Emile Hirsch is absolutely brilliant with his good-natured attitude and affable charm. His character believes that human contact is not necessary for happiness and never seeks out relationships. However, his character is so likable that they find him and latch on, not to change his mind, but to experience his level of being and hopefully learn something from him and help enlarge his vocabulary on life. The people he meets help him to fully grasp the decision of life in the wild and be able to survive it. Never coming off condescendingly to those he crosses paths with, Hirsch always holds a smile on his face. One scene, where he meets up with a couple of people from Europe, proves how contagious a clear outlook on life without the troubles of societal restraints can be. These three kids have a blast, if only for a few minutes—with Hirsch being chased by the police for rafting with no license—and it makes one wonder if maybe we all should take a journey into nature and feel the freedom and full warmth of heart that a lack of stress to succeed in the business world can give.

All the supporting players are magnificent at helping show the side to McCandless that Penn needs on display to succeed. Hal Holbrook, Brian Dierker, and Catherine Keener are by far the best of these side characters with Vince Vaughn and Kirsten Stewart adding some charm too. Dierker, Keener, and Stewart play hippie, flower-child type roles and allow Hirsch to show off how modest and unselfish he is. This is the family he deserved to have from birth and he is the son they wished their lives had earned them. At their best, all four together give some of the most emotionally charged moments in the film. Holbrook, on-the-other-hand, helps give insight into the philosophy that Hirsch needs to live with in order to survive the loneliness, looking him in the face, to come in Alaska. It is truly fascinating to see how every person adds something to his overall experience and to the tools he needs.

Hirsch deserves a lot of credit because he truly outshines the film itself with his dedication and sacrifice to the role. The length of time needed to allow him the ability to lose the weight necessary for a main plot point in the movie is crazy. If the time wasn't that long and Hirsch did it all rapidly, I'm even more impressed. With all that, there are many instances free of dialogue that he needs to carry with body language and actions alone. True, much of this is enhanced by a wonderful soundtrack from Eddie Vedder, but evenso it is a remarkable performance. Kudos to Sean Penn for a gorgeous filming job also. He captures the countryside with grace, while infusing many moments of visual style by slow-motioning glimpses, knowing when to show the family left behind, utilizing informative and essential voice-over, and even breaking the fourth wall. When Hirsch first looks into the camera, at the audience, it does not seem unnatural in the slightest, but instead an amazing link for the viewers to take a look into his soul like those that crossed his path have. McCandless is so pure that it almost feels like glimpsing the calm protectiveness of God.

Ⅶ 《荒野生存》片頭的英文詩

there is a pleasure in the pathless woods;
there is a rapture on the lonely shore;
there is society, where none intrudes,
by the deep sea, and music in its roar:
i love not man the less, but nature more...


紛擾全無 其樂融融
轟鳴樂聲 聲聲入耳



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