導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 邀請看電影英語


發布時間:2024-11-27 20:31:43

㈠ 請問怎麼用英語邀請朋友去看電影

Would you mind my inviting you to go to cinema this evening?

Would you like to go to the movies on Friday night?

you pay for the supper and i treat you to a movie?ok?

㈡ 怎樣用英語邀請朋友參加看電影活動並說對他有幫助

Do you have time tomorrow? There's a movie going on in our school at 6pm. Would you like going there with me? The movie is in English. You can learn English by watching the movie. And the price is cheap too. Just 10rmb each person.

你明天有時間么? 晚上6點我們學校有看電影。 你願意跟我一起去么? 電影是原版英文的。 你可以通過看電影來學習英文。 而且票價也便宜。 每人只要10元。

㈢ 邀請朋友和我一起看電影用英語怎麼說

I invited my friend to go to the movie with me


㈣ 發送電子郵件邀請Tony去看電影的英語作文 現在就要 如果好我再給財富值


Dear Tony,
I『m writing to ask you to go to the movies together with me tomorrow evening. I hear the film is very interesting and exciting. I have bought two tickets. Could you please go with me? If possible, please wait for me at the post office at 6:00 pm.
Look forward to meeting you then.
Best wishes!


㈤ 英語作文邀請同學去看電影100詞帶翻譯


This weekend I invited three students to go to the movies together. There are many new movies released recently. We are going to take a bus to the cinema at the weekend.

When we get to the cinema, we will go to the front desk to buy movie tickets. Our plan is to go to the restaurant after watching the movie and go shopping after dinner. This is our preliminary plan. We will revise it according to the actual situation.

It must be a happy weekend.



㈥ 用英語約人看電影

Let's go to see a movie at 3 pm, in Grand Theater. The price for the ticket is 70RMB each.

㈦ 用英語邀請別人去看電影字數200

去看電影 [簡明漢英詞典]
go to see a movie
go to the movies
went to the movies
LiLei and Tom go to see a movie.
或者LiLei and Tom go to the movies.
1. 去看電影
go to see a film

收藏 | 出自>實用交際英語
2. 去看電影
Going to the Movies

收藏 | 出自>哈利英語-脫口秀(八年級適用)
3. 去看電影
go to the movies

收藏 | 出自>初級追分片語525
4. 去看電影
go to the movies

收藏 | 出自>新起點小學英語(四年級上學期適用)
5. 去看電影,
Going to the movies,

收藏 | 出自>新起點小學英語(五年級上學期適用)
6. 去看電影,
Going to the movies,

收藏 | 出自>新起點小學英語(五年級上學期適用)
7. 去看電影
go to the movies

收藏 | 出自>新世紀小學英語第9冊 (五年級第一學期適用)
8. 去看電影

收藏 | 出自>交友900句典
9. 去看電影
go to a movie

收藏 | 出自>英語聽力達標 七年級上冊 與人教新目標同步
10. 去不去看電影?
What about going to the theater?

收藏 | 出自>瘋狂英語-句型手冊900句(2)
11. 我去看電影了。
I went to see a movie.

收藏 | 出自>生活英語天天說-描繪與說明篇
12. 要去看電影嗎?
Would you like to go to the movies?

收藏 | 出自>生活英語天天說-日常生活篇
13. 去看電影如何?
How about going to a movie?

收藏 | 出自>生活英語天天說-日常生活篇
14. 我們去看電影。
Let's go to the movies.

收藏 | 出自>小學英語第6冊(五年級下學期適用)
15. 我們去看電影。
Let's go to the movies.

收藏 | 出自>小學英語第6冊(四年級下學期適用)
16. 去看電影如何?
How about going to the movies?

收藏 | 出自>休閑英語會話
17. 我要去看電影。
I'm going to catch a movie.

收藏 | 出自>生活美語搶「鮮」說
18. 我去看電影。
I'm going to the cinema.

收藏 | 出自>初二英語口語
19. 去看電影好嗎?
Would you like to go to the cinema?

收藏 | 出自>哈利英語-脫口秀(七年級適用)
20. 去看電影嗎?
Will you go and see a film?

收藏 | 出自>哈利英語-脫口秀(九年級適用)

㈧ 一份去看電影的邀請英語怎麼說

Would you like to see a film with me?

㈨ 我想請你看電影 用英語說

I want you to see a movie with me.

㈩ 邀請去看電影英語口語對話

【 #英語口語# 導語】邀請朋友一起去看電影,是生活中的常事,但是邀請外國朋友去看電影怎麼英語表達呢?以下是由 考 網整理的邀請去看電影英語口語對話,希望對你們有幫助!


A:Hi, Annie. I was wondering if you were free tomorrow night.你好,安妮。我想知道你今晚是否有空。

B:Well, George, I guess I am. Why do you ask?呃,喬治,我想我有空。你為什麼這樣問呢?

A:I've just got a pair of presale"Star Wars"movie tickets from a friend.我剛剛從朋友那裡得到兩張「星球大戰」的預前散售搜悉電影票。

B:And I'm thinking of inviting you along for the opening premiere. Are you interested?我想邀請你一起去看首映禮。你有興趣嗎?

A:Yes, definitely. Thanks for inviting me.是的,當然有。謝謝你的邀請。

B:My pleasure.我很樂意。

A:I really want to watch"Star Wars"on the opening day. But the presale tickets were sold out.我真的很想在首映那天看「星球大戰」。但是預售門票已經賣光了。

B:How did you manage to get hold of them?你是怎樣得到票的?

A:A friend of mine works in the corporate headquarters of Pepsi, which is the major sponsor of the movie.我的一個朋友在百事公司的總部工作,百事是這部電影的主要贊助商。

B:He was able to get the tickets for free. And then he sold 2 to me for 50 dollars a piece.他可以免世悔乎費拿到門票。然後他以每張50美元的價格賣給我2張。

A:You paid 50 dollars for each ticket?That's a huge premium over the regular price.你每張票花了50美元?這比原價還要高出許多。

B:Not really. Considering the fact that other people were willing to pay as much200 dollars each as the blackmarket.不完全是這樣。想想其他人願意花200美元從黑市那裡購得一票就值得了。

A:Besides, I knew you were really looking forward to watching"star wars"on the opening day.另外,我知道你很期待在首映那天看「星球大戰」。

B:Woo, I'm really honored you went through all this trouble just for my sake. Ireally appreciate that. So what time are we going?喔,我很榮幸你經歷了這么多困難僅僅是因為我。我真的很感激。那麼,我們什麼時候去?

A:Well, let's see. The movie starts at ten.We should be there at least one hour earlier because there is a big line.呃,讓我想想。電影10點鍾開始。我們至少應該提前一個鍾頭到達,因為要排長隊。

B:I can pick you up at your house at eight. Is that ok with you?我晚上8點鍾到你家接你。可以嗎?

A:Eight o'clock p. m, that's fine with me.晚上8點鍾我可以。



A: Would you like to go see a movie tomorrow night?


B: I am busy tomorrow night, but I am free the night after.


A: That's great! What time should I pick you up?


4.B: 8 p.m. would be great.


A: Well, 8 p.m. it is. What movie would you like to see?


B: I'm not sure. Which movies are out right now?


A: I actually don't know. How about we choose when we get there?


B: Sure thing, that sounds great.


A: Okay, should I pick you up at your house? Or do you want to meet somewhere?


B: I live by school; if you want, we could meet there.


A: Sure. I drive a white Nissan Sentra. I'll text you later on, okay?


B: That sounds great. I'll be waiting for your text.



A: Hello. May I speak to Mary, please?


B: Speaking. Who』s calling, please?


A: Hi, Mary. This is Tom.


B: Oh, hi, Tom. How』ve you been?


A: Just fine. I say. Aren』t you busy tomorrow evening?


B: Let me see. Uh-huh…no, I guess I』ll be free.


A: Well, uh…why not dine out together and go to the movies?


B: Sounds like a good idea.


A: Okay. I』ll pick you up at 6:00.


B: Thank you for inviting me. See you then. Bye, Tom.


A: Bye now.




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