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發布時間:2024-11-09 11:11:44

『壹』 電影的名字叫《XXX》翻譯成英文

The name of the movie is called "XXX".
The movie is called "XXX".
The movie's name is "XXX".

『貳』 直譯的電影名的例子

Fight club 搏擊俱樂部
Tiger King 獅子王
Aladdin 阿拉丁
Butterfly effect 蝴蝶效應
Roman holiday 羅馬假日
Mary and max 瑪麗與馬克思
Brave heart 勇敢的心
Avatar 阿凡達
Life is beautiful 美麗人生(原文是義大利語)
Beautiful mind 美麗心靈
Saving Private Ryan 拯救大兵瑞恩
The ring king 指環王
Ocean 海洋
Despicable Me 卑鄙的我
Food inc 食品公司
Monster Inc 怪獸電力公司
the sound of music 音樂之聲
The hunger game 飢餓游戲
Corpse Bride 僵屍新娘
Breakfast at Tiffany's 蒂凡尼的早餐


『叄』 英語翻譯:那個電影名是什麼(名是用name還是title啊)

What's the name of that film?

What's that film called? (口語)

雖然 title (標題) 語法沒有錯,


『肆』 找四部純英文的電影,用英文寫出電影名稱、導演和感受最深的一句話

1.《大河戀》 外文名:River Runs Through It 導演: 羅伯特·雷德福,Robert Redford
you can love completely without completely understanding. 你可以不完全了解一個人,但你仍能全心全意地去愛他/她。
2.《亂世佳人》外文名:Gone With The Wind 導演:維克多·弗萊明 Victor Fleming
After all, tomorrow is another day!畢竟,明天又是新的一天!
3. 《簡愛 》外文名:Jane Eyre 導演: Franco Zeffirelli
4. 《死亡詩社》 外文名:Dead Poets Society 導演:彼得·威爾 Peter Weir
Only in their dreams can men be truly free. 惟有在夢中,人們才是真正自由的。

『伍』 電影名稱英文翻譯

The king of the effort
由中國演員主演的好萊塢電影 Movie of Hollywood star by Chinese actor
In view of the angle of the movie profession

『陸』 電影名字的英語翻譯

Oscar Winners:

"Best Picture Award" Movies


1928 (1st)
Wings, Sunrise
1929 (2nd)
Broadway Melody, The
1930 (3rd)
All Quiet on the Western Front
1931 (4th)

Grand Hotel Cimarron
1932 (5th)
Grand Hotel
1933 (6th)
1934 (7th)
It Happened One Night
1935 (8th)
Mutiny on the Bounty
1936 (9th)
Great Ziegfeld, The
1937 (10th)
Life of Émile Zola, The
1938 (11th)
You Can't Take It With You
1939 (12th)

Gone with the Wind Gone with the Wind Ö
1940 (13th)

1939 (12th)

Gone with the Wind
Rebecca Ö
1941 (14th)
How Green Was My Valley
1942 (15th)
Mrs. Miniver
1943 (16th)
Casablanca Ö
1944 (17th)
Going My Way
1945 (18th)
The Lost Weekend
1946 (19th)
The Best Years of Our Lives
1947 (20th)
Gentleman's Agreement
1948 (21st)
Hamlet (1948) Ö
1949 (22nd)
All the King's Men
1950 (23rd)
All about Eve
1951 (24th)
An American in Paris
1952 (25th)
The Greatest Show on Earth
1953 (26th)
From Here to Eternity
1954 (27th)
On the Waterfront
1955 (28th)
1956 (29th)
Around the World in 80 Days Ö
1957 (30th)
The Bridge on the River Kwai Ö
1958 (31st)
Gigi Ö
1959 (32nd)
1960 (33rd)
The Apartment
1961 (34th)
West Side Story
1962 (35th)
Lawrence of Arabia
1963 (36th)
Tom Jones
1964 (37th)
My Fair Lady
1965 (38th)
The Sound of Music Ö
1966 (39th)
A Man for All Seasons
1967 (40th)
In the Heat of the Night
1968 (41st)
1969 (42nd)
Midnight Cowboy
1970 (43rd)
Patton Ö
1971 (44th)
The French Connection
1972 (45th)
The Godfather Ö
1973 (46th)
The Sting
1974 (47th)
The Godfather Part II Ö
1975 (48th)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Ö
1976 (49th)
1977 (50th)
Annie Hall
1978 (51st)
The Deer Hunter Ö
1979 (52nd)
Kramer vs. Kramer Ö
1980 (53rd)
Ordinary People Ö
1981 (54th)
Chariots of Fire Ö
1982 (55th)
Gandhi Ö
1983 (56th)
Terms of Endearment
1984 (57th)
Amadeus Ö
1985 (58th)
Out of Africa Ö
1986 (59th)
Platoon Ö
1987 (60th)
The Last Emperor
1988 (61st)
Rain Man Ö
1989 (62nd)
Driving Miss Daisy
1990 (63rd)
Dances With Wolves Ö
1991 (64th)
The Silence of the Lambs Ö
1992 (65th)
Unforgiven Ö
1993 (66th)
Schindler's List Ö
1994 (67th)
Forrest Gump Ö
1995 (68th)
Braveheart Ö
1996 (69th)
The English Patient Ö
1997 (70th)
Titanic (1997) Ö
1998 (71st)
Shakespeare in Love Ö
1999 (72nd)
American Beauty Ö
2000 (73rd)
Gladiator Ö
2001 (74th)
A Beautiful Mind Ö
2002 (75th)
Chicago Ö
2003 (76th)
The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King Ö
2004 (77th)
Million Dollar Baby Ö
2005 (78th)

『柒』 請寫出你個英文電影名稱並且翻譯

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 哈利波特與火焰杯

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 納尼亞傳奇

King Kong 金剛

Starship Troopers 星河戰隊

Serenity 沖出寧靜號

The Island 逃出克隆島

War of The World 世界大戰

Final Cut 最終剪接

Keeping Mum 保持緘默

Duplex 雙層公寓



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