導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 他寧願在家看電視也不願意去電影院英文翻譯


發布時間:2024-11-01 20:38:45

㈠ 翻譯 他寧願呆在家裡,也不願意去看電影。

用would rather do sth .than do sth 這個句型,直接套句子就ok了

㈡ 我寧願看電影而不願看電視 (英語翻譯) I________to see a film to _____TV.

1.I prefer to seeing a film to watching TV.
2.I prefer to see a film rather than to watch TV.

㈢ 我沒去看電影而是呆在家看書英語charactwr

1 I prefer to stay at home rather than to go to cinema.
2 She likes watching TV, while her elder sister likes reading books.
3 Her look shows that she is not interested with this thing.
4 The teacher is planting trees as well as students.
5 This is my second time that I have been to Shanghai.


1.He would rather watch a movie than stay at home.
2.I finally persuaded him to give up smoking.
3.Our teacher managed to make his students interested in English.
4.I am scheled to arrive at 5 o'clock.
5.He insisted on flying to Beijing.



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